Broken Railroad - inaccessible cairn, untraversable tree?


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I've been playing in the new Broken Railroad region, and Iv'e been loving it! I've found a few of the cairns and it's been a fun addition to the game.

I'm having a problem reaching one though, as well as at least one area on the map, that I think might be accessed through this spot, and I'm not sure if it's a bug or if I'm just missing something obvious.

Here's a screenshot of the area, you can see the cairn near the center of the image, as well as the tree I can't climb.


There's also a climbing anchor straight west of the maintenance yard, with no rope, that I can't find another way up to--but I could easily have missed the back way up. Has anyone else found a way up to it, or is this tree supposed to be it? (I can attach the cartographer maps of the climbing anchor and this tree, if anyone else wants a look)


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16 minutes ago, ialpiriel said:

There's also a climbing anchor straight west of the maintenance yard, with no rope, that I can't find another way up to--but I could easily have missed the back way up.

Keep your eyes peeled for a gate that will give you access. ;)

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1 minute ago, Timber Wolf said:

You need to use brackets instead of parenthesis to hide the text. :)


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Yes.  The gate on one side of the lake that you cross a short bridge to get to.  Open the gate and that path leads up to the area where the rope anchor is, along with some other things.



Thanks for the tip abt brackets! I'd never used them before and couldn't tell what I'd done wrong :/ . Also, update: it was east, not west, I don't know how to read a map. I've dug around all over there and still haven't found a way up, though I can see a bridge above that rockfall in the first picture.


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Just now, Timber Wolf said:

You must be close to the gate (arrow on the left).  The arrow on the right is pointing at the bridge in your picture - I couldn't quite get it in the shot.


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Oh, no, I've been through the gate, that area has been well searched! Sorry for not clarifying that last post. My problem is getting up to that bridge, since I can't seem to find the way up anywhere. I'm trying to fill out the dark areas in this map, and nowhere I've looked seems to have a way up, aside from that ropeless anchor:



Another possible option is to chimney my way down into that ravine, in between the deadend rockfalls, but I don't know if there's a way back out if I do that. 

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Oh right, I get what you're saying now.  Something isn't right.  There should be a path back there somewhere leading to that bridge.  For some reason, I thought I had checked that out the first time I went through.  Back by the cave, it almost looks like a tree is blocking the way to get through.


Hey @Patrick Carlson - There doesn't seem to be a way to get to a portion of the map.  Are we missing something?

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On 8/4/2017 at 6:10 PM, Timber Wolf said:

Oh right, I get what you're saying now.  Something isn't right.  There should be a path back there somewhere leading to that bridge.  For some reason, I thought I had checked that out the first time I went through.  Back by the cave, it almost looks like a tree is blocking the way to get through.


Hey @Patrick Carlson - There doesn't seem to be a way to get to a portion of the map.  Are we missing something?

I'm not in Episode 2 yet, so I don't know for sure the answer,....but that does look mighty suspicious like a tree blocking a cave entrance....


Remember in the tutorial when the storm blew the tree down? I reckon if we are supposed to go through there, it will be opened at some point...

Maybe the bear I hear of that you need an ear off of crashes through there and knocks the trees down...

Or did you guys already kill said bear?

Or it could be a path to a new area....or the next episode....or connects to the sandbox at some point....etc...

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1 hour ago, Timber Wolf said:

This is in survival mode, so I would expect the entire map to be accessible. 

I still can't find a way to get to that bridge, and I've looked everywhere!

Well in Sandbox they made changes to ML and FM didn't they?

I think they added the hookups to the Sandbox mode, but didn't necessarily connect them yet....

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If you look on the world map you will see there is a town just north of that area called Mountain Town, which looks as if it may be Milton according to its proximity to ML. I'm guessing that will be a way there once they add it in game

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