Unable to Start Fire without Tinder ?


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5 minutes ago, TacticAlly said:

v.386 Mystery Lake Trapper's Cabin, ran out of Tinder after two failed attempts, still have Matches, Sticks or Book, Accelerant, shows I have 40% chance to make fire in stove but no Start Fire button to give it a shot....

You're in luck -- you can harvest one or two of your sticks and get Tinder from them! :)

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11 minutes ago, TacticAlly said:

Should still be able to start a fire without Tinder, much harder, but possible, especially with Accelerant.

Stats at the top says it's possible - Start Fire button is missing so can't try.

Is this intentional?  or a bug...

It's working as intended. At higher fire starting Skill levels you won't need Tinder, but at lower levels you will. The percentage at the top reflects your starter, your fuel, and whether or not you use any accelerant or not. But without Tinder, you won't be able to try. Harvest one of those Sticks! :)


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Didn't know Sticks can be broken down into Tinder, will do that.

As to that, it might be more obvious and cause players to look for that as a solution if the Start Fire % correctly reflected the chance to start a fire including Skill Level - it's confusing to see a positive Start Fire % and waste time trying to figure out why it's not possible to actually make the attempt...maybe something like a 'Make Tinder' notification similar to the 'Failed' notice when the fire fails to start?

Also, players know anything will catch on fire with enough Accelerant and will reserve it for use only in an emergency - definitely NOT the time to spring it on them that in-game lighter fluid only works if you have Tinder....???

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23 minutes ago, TacticAlly said:

Didn't know Sticks can be broken down into Tinder, will do that.

As to that, it might be more obvious and cause players to look for that as a solution if the Start Fire % correctly reflected the chance to start a fire including Skill Level - it's confusing to see a positive Start Fire % and waste time trying to figure out why it's not possible to actually make the attempt...maybe something like a 'Make Tinder' notification similar to the 'Failed' notice when the fire fails to start?

Also, players know anything will catch on fire with enough Accelerant and will reserve it for use only in an emergency - definitely NOT the time to spring it on them that in-game lighter fluid only works if you have Tinder....???

I agree that you should be able to (attempt to) light a fire without tinder, if you have accelerant and matches (It shouldn't work with the magnifying glass, though) - not as high a chance as using tinder, but at least a positive one.

On the other hand, I really, really dislike the fact that you can light fires without tinder (or accellerant) when you have a high enough firestarting skill. It just feels silly that you can hold a match (or a magnifying lens!) up to a big fur log and get a fire! It also renders all tinder a useless item for the rest of that game, which is pretty naff in my opinion.

I also think you should be able to use books as tinder, or at least break them down into some form of tinder.

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