VR for The Long Dark


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I wonder if there are plans to make TLD playable on VR? I've seen a video about a software that allows you to use VR in every normal 3d-game (not just the ones directly created for VR).

There are ofc some problems with that because the game isn't designed for VR in the first place. But i can see a "VR-Mode" available in the options in future games, so that the game provides at least a "VR-light". This means that you just use VR instead of a your screen, but still use mouse and keyboard. For example in a shooter, viewing and aiming are normally the same and although it is a good thing when using keys and a mouse, in VR it has to be seperated (mouse for aiming, head for viewing). I can see a "VR-light" in The Long Dark too.

This would mean, your head replaces the mouse and the only time you have to use the mouse is when using the bow or the rifle.

So i really would like to see some kind of VR-support for TLD.


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yep, and the addition of first person presence would have a totally diffrent meaning too. 

I also think that an option for vr (light) wouldn't be so hard to implement. The headset would just replace the mouse movment. So nothing happens if you move your mouse,except you have the bow or rifle selected. Than you would aim with the mouse. Still, this small option would give the game a whole diffrent level of immersion. The only thing i don't know how it would be is that people saying that not all things feel like 3D objekts but more like walking in a 2D picture with some 3D objekts  (that's maybe a general problem with vr and current computer graphics - except the eucledion holoverse technique).


So i would like to see this small change of an option to use VR in TLD.

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Guess you two will be happy to hear that VR experience is already part of the TLD roadmap. So yeah, there are plans to support it - hopefully somewhen during the next 12 months. I personally won't buy any VR device until then - it's quite likely that said devices are going to be further improved during the next year imo.:winky:

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I wouldn't like the VR movement to replace the mouse movement. Instead it should augment it.


Anyone played Arma? When you hold the Alt key, mouse movement is translated only to head movement, so you can look behind you while running, or look around while moving forward.


Thats how I would want it. Control my directional movement/gun aiming with the mouse, control my head with the VR. That was I could look over my shoulder to see if a wolf was following me or to look around while a trek to places to take in the environment. I've found that just that simple addition adds so much more to 'first person presence' then any amount of seeing me tie my shoes.

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