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I am sure that there is no such a list. Listing by places/locations also makes no sense because the temperature varies within a location multible times. In caves for example you can have +1 in one spot and +15 in another. In carter hydro dam you have -2 (or more) in parts of lower dam aswell as in parts of upper dam. Inside the ship the same, near the entrance it is often minus ... and near the forge or the bed is is plus ...

so i guess you will have to visit and remember, just like i did right now.

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see this is a point where I see the application a script coming in. Something that watches the temperature meter for you and records it, with time and coords. spread this across several hundred players, the data could then be collated to create a literal heat map that shows the average, the minimum and the maximum temperatures of those locations, along with a wind-vector overlay that shows the most common prevailing wind direction, along with likely windchill effects.

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3 hours ago, EternityTide said:

see this is a point where I see the application a script coming in. Something that watches the temperature meter for you and records it, with time and coords. spread this across several hundred players, the data could then be collated to create a literal heat map that shows the average, the minimum and the maximum temperatures of those locations, along with a wind-vector overlay that shows the most common prevailing wind direction, along with likely windchill effects.

Where'd the fun in that be? I prefer playing without knowing the "optimal strat" and figuring it out for myself as I go :silly:

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It's a bit like the maps that a user designed (awesomely, I might add) - it's nice to have if you wish to use it, and if you don't want to use it, well, then don't. I don't know much about scripts or anything (I couldn't program my way out of a port-a-potty), but it'd be a nice addition to have just as an option.

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