Snowballs/Kick Snow/Yell


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I just thought it'd be interesting to add another layer to the current wolf determent method of nothing < flare/brand/torch << flare gun. When a wolf is stalking you (not yet charging) you could attempt to intimidate the wolf by yelling and kicking snow at it or yelling and throwing a snow ball. For balance this should have a low chance of working (30-40%?) with an equal likelihood of causing the wolf to charge but it would make for an interesting additional option/dynamic when dealing with the game's meat seeking missiles. 

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Why not different animal-scare mechanic behaviors for diff. animals/predators? A play dead mechanic for bear? Or maybe that would work for voyager and up because of the Aurora? And if cougars, well, play dead mechanic would have the opposite effect because either they either chase&attack you because you run or they attack you while prone because you look like helpless/dead prey...

If they ever add moose, it'd be more like a bear attack now, except with less teeth and more trampling (broken rib condition?).

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That wikihow ideas may get you killed equally to scaring wolf away. "Step towards the wolf..."... and get attacked by it instantly since you "invaded its personal space".

Yelling and making loud noises, waving hands(above your head) do work, but snowballs would probably irritate wolf more than scare it. In animal kingdom being tall and noisy means that you can afford it, as youre somehow dangerous and waving hands above your head(and jumping) makes you seem taller(and bigger), eg more intimidating, for an animal.

@cekivi 30-40% is not "low chance". 10-20% would be more balanced, with 40% it would become 2 easy of a tactic to keep wolves away in most instances, with no effort at all.

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@markala5 playing dead wouldn't work very well versus black bears. They'll still bite and paw at you out of curiosity if nothing else. Moose I expect to behave more like deer. They're herbivores so they don't have much reason to attack you.

@Dirmagnos Good point. I was using strategies more suited for dogs I guess (I've had to chase off a stray or two). I realise the 30-40% is not super low but that is balanced by an equal chance of aggravating the wolf so it charges you. So the efficacy of yelling would be countered by getting mauled.

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