Reading books, newpapers etc... + book tinder.


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Apart from the current skillbooks we have I think reading other things should also be a feature,


Reading the normal books, newsprints and rolls, potentially other items added to the game.

This will:

1. Provide something to do other than passing time/resting.

2. Provide a morale boost for mental afflictions (to be added).

3. With the previous statement. Aids in lowering cabin fever time.

4. Has a rare chance of increasing a random skill by a small amount.


While we are talking about books here I think that the normal books and the skillbooks should be harvestable for tinder however the item keeps.

Ex: You tear up some pages of the book but the book is still there. An alternative for this would be using the same 1 book as tinder AND fuel at the same time.

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Reading books and other options to pass time was discussed several times before and if I'm not mistaken the development road map does have a "morale system" planned so that might include these mechanics, but yeah it's always nice to bring the subject up from time to time. :)

Also yeah I agree on the books to serve as tinder and fuel at the same time. Maybe 1 book can make 10 tinder and you can "take it apart" individually and that would lower the books "burning time" with the appropriate amount. :D

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28 minutes ago, Fuarian said:

Apart from the current skillbooks we have I think reading other things should also be a feature,


Reading the normal books, newsprints and rolls, potentially other items added to the game.

This will:

1. Provide something to do other than passing time/resting.

2. Provide a morale boost for mental afflictions (to be added).

3. With the previous statement. Aids in lowering cabin fever time.

4. Has a rare chance of increasing a random skill by a small amount.


While we are talking about books here I think that the normal books and the skillbooks should be harvestable for tinder however the item keeps.

Ex: You tear up some pages of the book but the book is still there. An alternative for this would be using the same 1 book as tinder AND fuel at the same time.

Big +1 !

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3 hours ago, Gaboris said:

Reading books and other options to pass time was discussed several times before and if I'm not mistaken the development road map does have a "morale system" planned so that might include these mechanics, but yeah it's always nice to bring the subject up from time to time. :)

Also yeah I agree on the books to serve as tinder and fuel at the same time. Maybe 1 book can make 10 tinder and you can "take it apart" individually and that would lower the books "burning time" with the appropriate amount. :D

Yeah I was thinking of that too. Just didn't mention it because I know that this community has people with common sense (a rare commodity on many internet forums)

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This idea is very nice, but I wouldn't know where to start implementing its interface.

... you guys make me feel like an interface freak, you know.

Other than that, don't books IRL just burn too fast to be a significant source of heat? I.e., they only serve as tinder, and only if they're used in their entirety?

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9 hours ago, cekivi said:

Great ideas! +1

As for burning books, I would offer the following wisdom (best read with a Scottish accent):

"It tells me that goose stepping morons like yourself should try reading books instead of *burning* them!" :D


Ahh, the wisdom of Henry Jones Sr.

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Books should indeed function as both tinder and fuel, even though I physically cringe everytime I have to burn a book considering that a good three quarters of my life revolves around books :D

As for the reading aspect, I like it. Do you want to see it as some kind of alternate 'pass time' option or do you want actual fluff texts? Boths have their pros and cons:

  • If they're an accelerated time activity, they're easy to program and don't use much of Hinterland's resources (time and money), since that's easy to implement. However, some will complain that that feels shallow.
  • If you're doing stuff Bethesda-style and write actual texts, a lot of people will love this. However, a lot of people also have to work for this, which is time they don't spend on other stuff.

Personally, I'd like to see a mix - You click the "Read this" button, get a small synopsis (3-5 lines, tops, like "A story about a man from Florida who dedicated his life to hunting crocodiles to extinction after a particularly large croc ate his bike when he was a kid. The chapter about him trying to register his homemade guns is full of legal mumbojumbo. You fall asleep as the writer describes the lawyer's office in detail.") and some bonus to your wellbeing. 

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54 minutes ago, Wastelander said:
  • If you're doing stuff Bethesda-style and write actual texts, a lot of people will love this. However, a lot of people also have to work for this, which is time they don't spend on other stuff.

I'd be willing to donate a short story or two that I've written but never published... I've gotten so much enjoyment out of this game they could basically have it for free.. All it would cost Hinterland is putting my name in the credits.

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10 minutes ago, danicusrex said:

I'd be willing to donate a short story or two that I've written but never published... I've gotten so much enjoyment out of this game they could basically have it for free.. All it would cost Hinterland is putting my name in the credits.

I offered the same thing a few threads ago, just mentioning this in case someone who makes these descision reads this ;) 

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