stacking food outside


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If they implement that then there should be mitigating strategies, like building a bunker to store things in, or hanging meat from trees so bears cant reach it.

As for thawing, the game time is accelerated, so some detail needs to be glossed over I think.  

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Yep, storing meat in outside containers should lead it to become frozen, similar to corpses, just faster. Decay rates for frozen food should decrease significantly, to almost standstill.

On the downside frozen meat cannot be eaten directly, it must be thawed first, increasing cooking times by 30%. Storing meat in outside containers(unless its well sealed and car trunks do not qualify even remotely) should attract predators, resulting in wolves hanging around and possible loss of that meat, as animals get to it.

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Yes. The meat lying on the ground should lure wildlife. So, sock of meat outside the house should be eaten/stolen in some time.

But now it is good option to preserve - just put it just behind the threshold, both raw and cooked and it will lie untouched.

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