Food Preservation


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I'd like to see some more work for food preservation.

I was thinking smoke house (beef Jerky Homemade).  You'd have to collect the resourses to make it, or convert a small (or not so small) house/cabin and convert it to a smoke house.  Then choose to cook the meat normally or smoke it as its 2 different things.   Smoking would take awhile, like a day or 3 depending on how big the "smoker" is and the appropriate amout of wood need ect..  Harvest green pine needles/limbs.   Probably an instruction manual "how too build". 

Everything could be smoked that you kill or catch, and it won't degrade as fast indoors like the normal cooked meat does.  Watch out for "cracked teeth" as I know that can happen =P


Also possibly an Ice Box that can be crafted to keep cooked meat cold inside your house/base rather than keeping it outside in a car trunk or snow bank.  You'd have to have some way to harvest ice, which would be the best, but could probably use snow.

I had read that for the long term game, seasons were being considered.  A smoke house and/or ice box would be of enormous help in any season.  And lets face it, a bear and eventually moose, has alot of meat.  And i'm having trouble eatting it all before it spoils.

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As opposed to what?  Eatting dog food =P   Also I can't imagine wolf tasting any better.

Maybe we can / should ask for spices.  Like salt and pepper.  Those make everything taste better.  Or BBQ, then you can't taste anything but BBQ.

Besides i saw Axe (tool) on the road map.  I assume its so we can cut down whole trees.  Maybe we can get them to add Hickory and Apple trees.  I know those 2 are good for smoking meat/fish.  And well Apples to eat, and Hickory trees drop some awsome tasting nuts.  

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I agree crafting a drying rack or smoking rack would be great.. once the meat is cured it would be much lighter but to balance it it could take a larger calorie hit compared to just cooking it. 

so for example a 2.2lb steak that is cooked is 800 calories, but a dried steak would be only 1Lb but maybe only 600-700 calories  

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2 hours ago, dbldrew said:

I agree crafting a drying rack or smoking rack would be great.. once the meat is cured it would be much lighter but to balance it it could take a larger calorie hit compared to just cooking it. 

so for example a 2.2lb steak that is cooked is 800 calories, but a dried steak would be only 1Lb but maybe only 600-700 calories  

I make homemade jerky... it takes about 5lbs of meat to make 1 lb of jerky. I love the idea of being able to preserve food in game but I think it would need to be made a very long process otherwise it would be way overpowered. I think the idea of having to keep a fire going for a couple days paired with the slightly diminished calorie return would be a good way to counter the benefits. Additionally, it would need to still have a reasonable rate of degradation. Obviously much slower than regular cooked meat, but not nearly as long as the packaged jerky. Perhaps a month would be fair?

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the smell alone would bring every bear to the feast (the jerky or you, don't matter none to them)... ;)

Does it have to be a container plain outside (car, backpack, firstaid pack) or it can be in a container placed in a open structure (burned down house, cave, wagon) to preserve the food? Preserve indefinitely or just longer (how much longer)?

On that thought, I'd like to place here and there small containers or backpacks I find here and there.

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I agree with AHGoodwin, I also make homemade Jerky and 5 to 1 lbs sounds about right.  Just making that finished 1 lb takes about 12 to 15 hours.  So i agree it would be a lengthy process, and consume alot of wood to keep the fire going.  As to how long it would last, I was looking at it being stored inside a house.  Rather than outside in the snow, and still have a very good rate of degradation.  I mean your turning 5lbs into 1 lb, not sure about calorie loss, since your just removing the water. 

However if you eat it as REAL jerky I'd say you get a chance to crack your teeth.  I'm serious, because real jerky is almost like leather, not that soft and still moist stuff you buy at a convienence store.  Its a way to store food, that you harvest after the event. 

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I would like it too if they add a smoker, the more options in the game the better! (if they make sense that is).

I like long-play games a lot but those seem to get boring after a while when you crafted and gathered everything possible. I woud like to see that using the smoker would be similar to using the furnace in a way that you would have to prepare in advance. Gather enough wood to keep the smoker burning long enough , and thin sliced meat which would also take an amount of time to prepare . Adding an extra dimension that it could attract hungry bears would be fun also!

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On 7/21/2016 at 6:42 PM, AHGoodwin said:

I make homemade jerky... it takes about 5lbs of meat to make 1 lb of jerky. I love the idea of being able to preserve food in game but I think it would need to be made a very long process otherwise it would be way overpowered. I think the idea of having to keep a fire going for a couple days paired with the slightly diminished calorie return would be a good way to counter the benefits. Additionally, it would need to still have a reasonable rate of degradation. Obviously much slower than regular cooked meat, but not nearly as long as the packaged jerky. Perhaps a month would be fair?

i think a couple of days is a little much. when I make venison jerky and venison summer sausage in my smoker it doesnt take days. 

I think to stop it from being to overpowered is that it takes a calorie hit. and it takes time and calories to chop wood. Also depends if they are going to have a smoker or a craft-able smoking rack in game or both. but it takes time and recourses to craft a primitive smoker as well.  


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