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Hi all! I am Manu, I grew up in Switzerland, and now live in Finland. I hear, Swiss kids are supposed to be born with alpine skis attached to their lil feet. In my case, I think they mixed that up, and put hiking boots, and a backpack, instead. Hiking, and surviving in nature, is not a hobby for me, but kinda my life, since earliest childhood. My parents were both mountain people, we spent many weeks in tents, and at the time rather primitive huts, all around the mountains. My work life has taken me to other places though. I did many jobs in my life, from dish-washing, to factory worker, to IT, to finances, to auditor, to studying psychology, to scientist, to therapist, to teacher, and it continues to change. Although I love the mountains of course, and the people making a living there, my great love seems to be Finland. After about 2.5 years I still congratulate myself at least weekly for the great luck of living here.

I play computer games since a couple decades (yep, I am that old :) ), my faves were first RPGs, then MMOs, now survival games. I do not like the zombie stuff much, though. But UnReal World, Don't Starve, neither alone nor Together are games that kept me fascinated. Until a friend mentioned a game called "The Long Dark" that name, a pic of trees, and snow, and I was sold, so to speak. Must. have. that. game. Must. play. That was in 2014, and I am playing the game since then. Now and then I drop it for a while but always come back to it, to discover new stuff, and enjoy the well-known maps yet again. Need I say Timberwolf Mountains is my fave map? I could totally live with 1, or 2, or 10, or 20 more of such maps :x  Maybe minus the hut, and goodie places... Mountains, snow-shelters, and I, so to speak :D Anyway though, I agree with the many people who are saying: Thanks, Hinterland, the entire team, but especially Raphe! You do have created something special here! And keeping true to yourself when many of the players on steam used to throw insults around for delaying story mode... : thumbsup! : That post from Raphe recently, where he explained it, was when I thought it is about time to come find the forums and tell you guys, and gals how awesome I think you are! :) Amazing example of a vision growing, and growing, and growing even more, and the people staying true to it, and growing with it! I think there is a lil girl, and a lil boy somewhere in Canada, that have one heck of an awesome father! Stay true to yourself, everyone! :)

Hauska tutustua, kaikki! Nice to meet you all!

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