First person elements


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What do they mean exactly by first person elements and such in the road map? I hope it means I can actually see my hands because I hate swinging my flare and torch around and it floating in midair. I hope they mean that the rifle, bow, and other tools will have your hands visible on screen.

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@iSUGGESTthings "Low-hanging Fruit" is a term used to describe all the easy stuff that can be done.

Basically, when you pick cherries or apples from a tree, you get the stuff on the lowest branches first because you can just walk up to the tree and help yourself. The higher branches need a ladder.

So when someone refers to "low-hanging fruit" in terms of a project, they're talking about getting the easier stuff done first. The hard stuff, the challenging stuff, will come later.

Hope that clears this up for you!

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