Haunted Sandbox (Major Glitch)


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So... okay. An extremely frustrating bug here.

What happened:

After Penitent Scholar came out, my 400-day sandbox file got corrupted - which is fine I suppose. It happens. (Kept getting "Too many heap objects" error that caused CTD every 5-10 minutes or so).

I started a new file in Timberwolf Mountain, gathered every resource in the whole zone to the Mountaineer's Hut, then took my first steps into Pleasant Valley to begin migrating the ~100kg of loot toward my retirement home in Coastal HW. On my very first trip into PV, I came across a shocking thing: an empty container. Not just ANY empty container, but one that had already been searched. It was.. odd. But I figured it was just a simple bug on that object. Weird, unsetling, but not heartbreaking. I made a quick investigative run toward the farmhouse, and on the way there I found more empty containers. Empty corpses, empty boxes... and then I started seeing burnt-out torches laying on the ground - in the exact same way I used to leave them as markers back before Timberwolf Mountain got released (when you could pull them out of fires instead of brands).

Now genuinely spooked, I hurried into the farmhouse. All the furniture was broken down, everything was empty, and right in the middle of the sun-room there was a pile of about 45 torches. I remembered distinctly making that pile months ago. And next to it, one dresser drawer filled with all the stuff I had gathered on that exact same save file.

Somehow, despite all reason, I had been here before. But I had just gotten the "New Location Discovered" notification when walking into the farmhouse.

I purged everything with fire. I deleted every sandbox I had, deleted every saved journal I had, and uninstalled TLD on all 3 machines I play it on. I made sure that everything synced to Steam Cloud after I deleted things. The Inquisition was less thorough. Another 35 in-game days of play gone. But, with the undead sandbox finally scattered to the four winds, at least I was safe...

I started again in TWM, last week. Dragged every resource back to the hut again. Climbed up and down the Summit about a dozen times. Went into Pleasant Valley; no ghosts. I breathed a sigh of relief, and spent the next 50 in-game days bringing everything from PV and TWM to a house in Rural Townsite. Onward to Winding River, no problems. Then I entered the Dam.

And it was back.

Everything was empty, except for a small pile of resources I know I gathered in a long-deleted save in a locker near the Upper Dam exit. Metal shelves were all there, because I played this file before the advent of the Hacksaw. I died in this file. I fell off the Rail Bridge. I remember dying not far from here. This was the weirdest, most grim case of Deja Vu I'd ever experienced. Steven King actually ran this plotline in the Dark Tower series.

According to Steam, I have put 861 actual hours into this game. Wolves, Bears, Blizzards, and Disease all failed to scare me away. Now I'm too terrified to even start up a new game. What if all my Sandboxes have been with the exact same survivor? What if I've just been trapped in a crazy, bizarre Groundhog-Day curse, and now I've come back so many times that the quantum states are overlapping - no, bleeding through! How can I remember my own death? How many times have I died? IS THIS EVEN REAL??!? Is this supremely profound psychological terror all part of Hinterland's master plan, or did it spawn of its own accord?

Seriously, though. I would love some help. :)


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Guest Support

Could I get you to email me your save (and link this post) to support@hinterlandgames.com ? I'd like to see what's going on

Also could I get you to zip up and send us c:\users\yourusername\appdata\locallow\hinterland 

Then delete that folder - this is where saves are extracted to and I'm thinking there are bad files there. 

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If Hinterland ever wanted to cross over into horror territory with this game all they would have to do is randomly designate some containers as "searched" and maybe cause your stockpiles of stuff to move around a bit when you're away.  Or add a distant human silhouette that shows up only during blizzards after 70 days and seems to follow you sometimes.  Maybe the occasional inexplicable blood trail.  Really anything that messes with the sense of total isolation you develop after the first in-game month.

I've accidentally recreated a few of these scenarios on my own with the assistance of beer.

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On 7/10/2016 at 5:57 AM, John Three said:

If Hinterland ever wanted to cross over into horror territory with this game all they would have to do is randomly designate some containers as "searched" and maybe cause your stockpiles of stuff to move around a bit when you're away.  Or add a distant human silhouette that shows up only during blizzards after 70 days and seems to follow you sometimes.  Maybe the occasional inexplicable blood trail.  Really anything that messes with the sense of total isolation you develop after the first in-game month.

I've accidentally recreated a few of these scenarios on my own with the assistance of beer.

welcome to forum!!!!^_^

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Support

iSUGGESTthings - Every time you return to a location or just upon first revisit? 

Guys - Let's keep the chatter to a minimum please. As per the rules posts in the support forum are intended to be related to bugs, not general conversation. 

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19 hours ago, Support said:

iSUGGESTthings - Every time you return to a location or just upon first revisit? 

Every time. In this play-through, this is the first time I've ever set foot in ML, but every single container is empty or searched. Some things I left sitting around in previous plays are still there, as stated by the OP. "Ghosts of games past." Even if leave the whole region and come back, that's the state of things now.

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