My Impressions of the latest update + Suggestions

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I love the latest update, everything about it. the skills are an awesome addition, because they give a sense of progression, and I really love that stuff. the "feats" are awesome, for the same reason.

Now for my suggestions:

A new skill called "melee combat" which affects how good you are at wrestling with wolves, how much damage you deal to them, and maybe even allowing you to wrestle bears on a higher level.

More books. And books that affect multiple skills, like a hunting guide affecting the rifle skill and the carcass harvesting

Spears: craftable with hunting knife, sticks and string, allowing you to fight animals in melee. would be affected by the proposed melee skill

Bayonets: acts like a hunting knife. add it to a rifle, to make it act like a spear

More guns:

  - A .22lr : good to hunt small game, needs a lot of bullets to kill anything larger

  - Shotguns: Double barrel break action and a pump-action shotgun

Co-op: every game is better with co-op, and adding co-op would increase sales, because people will convince their friends to buy the game, to play it together

VR-support: the long dark is a really immersive game, and VR-support would make the game even more immersive. And considering the fact, that there aren't that many VR-games it would attract a lot more attention.

Thanks for reading, what do you think about it?

                     Yours SzalonyNiemiec

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for your suggestions SzalonyNiemiec! In terms of the new approach to Skills and Research Books, it's a first pass and one we'll continue to build on over time. Since your tool/weapon currently has an impact on your effectiveness in a wolf struggle, how would you imagine your proposed "melee combat skill" interacting with them? 

And although we have no plans to introduce co-op or multiplayer into The Long Dark, VR support is definitely a on our minds for down the road. :coffee:

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+1 for skills, but make them less "jumpy" somehow i.e. lots of fires needed today to finally get the "burst" of being better at fire when you get to level two. Maybe add more levels and smaller benefits per level?

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@Patrick Carlson I don't know how exactly you calculate the fights with wolves, but I'd think the skill should simply doe something like [damage + x] or [damage * x]. and on higher levels increase the blood loss the wolf suffers after loosing the fight, when the player is using a sharp tool. and on the highest level the player could simply kill the wolf when winning the fight. are there any tools except the knife, that effect the combat?

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