Condition should have ailments

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I'm not the first to notice this, but the pro players use condition as a renewable resource, they will starve themselves and dehydrate themselves then eat and drink before bed and boom, their condition goes back up.

Condition should not be able to be exploited like this so here is a solution:  When condition is less than 100%, increase the rate of calories until the player is back at max condition, when condition drops below 75%, add a modifier that causes the player to become exhausted faster, When condition drops below 50%, reduce movement speed and lower max stamina, when below 25%, well we already have the wonky movement and camera effects so that's fine.

Make all of these effects stack on top of each other as condition deteriorates, this would add some much needed difficulty back into the game and punish exploiters.


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All of those would make surviving extreme situation nearly impossible.

Id prefer that they would cut condition gain from sleep by at least half and then also add game difficulty penalties on top of it(like 5/4/3% per hour, or even 5/3/1%). Current regain of 10% per sleep hour is ridiculous, requiring practically no condition management at all and allowing all those exploits to exist in the first place. Because its extremely easy to fully recover even without making any effort for it.

Plus keeping statuses in the red should have chance at penalties similar to hypothermia. Right now, with rather poorly balanced tiredness, i often end up with empty bar 2-3 hours be4 sundown. Like malnutrition for hunger(small decrease to all stats, including carry weight, progressive, extreme duration), dizziness for dehydration(player cant keep himself standing/walking straight, blurry vision, potential for fainting, short term) and restless sleep for tiredness(regaining only half the condition and tiredness from sleeping for up to a week).

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I definitely find it odd that there are no effects from emptying the four condition bars, except for exhaustion. Due to the restrictions on carry weight, I'm sure we're all pretty careful on managing exhaustion, unless we're puttering around in a cabin. I think that similar effects, like the ones suggested by @Dirmagnos would be excellent. Especially if they were all a bit different. 

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I think condition could be used as a more valuable long term effect. Make it so that recovering from near 0 to 100% would require a week+ of rest and see how it changes how people play completely. So much of the dangers in the game just feel like not that big of a deal because even if you get mauled nearly to death by a bear you will be back on your feet in a day and totally healed within two.

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21 hours ago, sarudak said:

I think condition could be used as a more valuable long term effect. Make it so that recovering from near 0 to 100% would require a week+ of rest and see how it changes how people play completely. So much of the dangers in the game just feel like not that big of a deal because even if you get mauled nearly to death by a bear you will be back on your feet in a day and totally healed within two.

Thats exactly my point, its way 2 easy way 2 fast.

In my current game i nearly died to my own stupidity(i also managed to step into a fire just a day be4 that) a bit back, attempting to sleep in a cave in Ravine without proper clothing. When i woke up in the morning i had hypothermia, empty heat bar and 9% condition. Basically i nearly froze to death. So i hastily made a fire, then rushed to Dam, warmed up, did some crafting, water boiling, roasted some meat and slept a few times in meanwhile. And after good night sleep i was at 100%, fully recovered and ready to go in just a day. A complete recovery from near-death experience in just one day.

Half the problem with wolves, aside of their weakness, is that risk of infection after being mauled is like 90% of threat that they pose. They deal fairly ridiculous amount of damage and recovering from their attacks, even if you get mauled 3-4 times in the same day, is a matter of just one night sleep. wtf

Condition management should be a thing. A big thing, that would also eliminate majority of current exploits. Thats why i would prefer it to be severely cut, and be difficulty dependent, like on stalker it could be cut to be as low as 1%-3%. Instead of crap like those stupid intestinal parasites, that dont even make sense.

A few thought on malnutrition implementation. Basically theres hidden bar with 700 points. For each hour that player is starving he loses 1 point. Hitting 0 hunger also automatically drains one point, to prevent exploits like taking small, 10 cal bites to keep oneself barely above the board. For every 10 points missing player stats, all of them, are decreased by 1%. Malnutrition is recovered by 1 point every 10 hours as long as player stays fed(0.1 per hour would be preferable tho, for more accurate calculation). Starving on its own is not a problem, problem is long-term starvation and recovery from that condition can take years in real world, so i consider loss/gain ration of 10/1 to be fair(hell, difference could be even greater). 700 points idea is taken from general understanding that healthy human can survive for about a month be4 dying from hunger(even tho at some point hel hit ponr and surviving after that without some serious medical intervention would be impossible), thats about 720 hours, give or take, plus metabolism slowdown due to cold. I consider main challenge with this condition is not the loss, but difficulty of regaining it to healthy levels. Its that slow, subtle, but potentially extremely deadly thing that if left uncheked can be the dead of protagonist.

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There is a much much simpler solution to the malnutrition issue which is having condition gain burn extra calories. It's very intuitive because it makes sense your body needs energy to heal. It prevents starvation from being an effective calorie saving technique and it adds additional cost to doing activities that could cost you condition.

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+1 to all. Good ideas in here. All you condition bars should have their own penalty too.

Freezing penalty. Maybe fine motor skills suck. +25% increased harvest time and -25% chance fire starting.

Starve penalty. Stamina and fatigue drain faster.

Dehydrated penalty. Blurred vision and clumsy like when you are below 10% condition.

@sarudakgood idea for condition recovery calories. Simple and effective.

@Dirmagnos, long term impacts on character stats would also be very cool like you described.

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On 6/26/2016 at 4:53 PM, Dirmagnos said:

All of those would make surviving extreme situation nearly impossible.

Id prefer that they would cut condition gain from sleep by at least half and then also add game difficulty penalties on top of it(like 5/4/3% per hour, or even 5/3/1%). Current regain of 10% per sleep hour is ridiculous, requiring practically no condition management at all and allowing all those exploits to exist in the first place. Because its extremely easy to fully recover even without making any effort for it.

Plus keeping statuses in the red should have chance at penalties similar to hypothermia. Right now, with rather poorly balanced tiredness, i often end up with empty bar 2-3 hours be4 sundown. Like malnutrition for hunger(small decrease to all stats, including carry weight, progressive, extreme duration), dizziness for dehydration(player cant keep himself standing/walking straight, blurry vision, potential for fainting, short term) and restless sleep for tiredness(regaining only half the condition and tiredness from sleeping for up to a week).

This works too lol

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On 6/29/2016 at 3:30 PM, sarudak said:

I think condition could be used as a more valuable long term effect. Make it so that recovering from near 0 to 100% would require a week+ of rest and see how it changes how people play completely. So much of the dangers in the game just feel like not that big of a deal because even if you get mauled nearly to death by a bear you will be back on your feet in a day and totally healed within two.

Let's not forget the good ole naked wolf slayer, I agree with your post 100%

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