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11 minutes ago, HedwigTheGreat said:

I just realised that I've never survived 10 days in TLD, despite loving the game. Guess that goes to show how bad I am at playing video games :silly:

Once you get to 10 days, you start getting an itch for 20 and on it goes. Or I fall off the train trestle and slowly lower my head onto my desk. ;)

You never know which direction the game will take you. :ninja:


Hedwig, sorry to hear your struggling with the game to get a decent run going.

Respectfully, may I ask, what difficulty level are you playing? And what is it that seems to be the issue for you not getting past 10 days???

We have a great community here and would love to help however we can.

Can you give us more information about how you play and what the things are that end your runs??

Take Care, Michael


If you start a Pilgrim game in Coastal Highway, it's probably pretty much impossible not to make it past day 10.^^

You can just loot the numerous houses one after another and live from the canned food and toilet water you find. And by the time you're done looting everything, you should already have found all necessary tools and have a much easier time for the next 10, 50 or 100 days.:normal:


Don't worry, i died a massive amounts of time before becoming familiar with the mechanics, a lot of new stuff to figure out, not a lot of games or none at all cover the sort of ground that The Long Dark does.

I forgot the exact quote, shame on me but it was something along the lines of; 'To become a master you have to first challenge a master'
Meaning that to become more skillfull you have to continuously challenge yourself.
I advise against starting on easy mode in any modern game regardless of your experience with gaming.
Not to brag since there's plenty of more advanced players than me but all of my friends, none of them can pull of the things i do, and that's because they all play their games on easy while i never did, and i don't consider myself to be a smarter person than anyone of them, but i can't deny the truth.. hehe just kidding.
Anyway usually, if not all of the time, a game will have more content starting on normal difficulty (compared to easier difficulties), which usually turns out to be a better experience, basically more bang for your buck and in the end, if the theory is right, you'll learn more things on a balanced difficulty compared to the easier difficulty, even if it be a challenge still, it'd be an easier one.
And even if that means dying more, or having to reenact things you already did, the brain works at a certain "capacity", that "capacity" is increased in more complicated situations.
Gaming is basically a brain trainer, and boy it's probably one of the best ones.
Believe in yourself.
It's all simple math, but i wouldn't know anything about that.

- Normal used to be called 'medium', which would be more fit of a world seeing as most games have their difficulty rankings displayed as; 'easy, normal, hard'
But we live in the age of stupid so all is normal, by the way does anybody in here knows what normal is? Definitily not easy or hard...or medium for that fact.
Nop, it's


: usual, standard, typical, stock, common, ordinary, customary, conventional, habitual, accustomed, expected, wonted, everyday, regular, routine, day-to-day, daily, established, settled, set, fixed, traditional, quotidian, prevailing, ordinary, average, run-of-the-mill, standard, typical, middle-of-the-road, common, conventional, mainstream, unremarkable, unexceptional, plain, simple, homely, homespun

I tried to edit it because the spoiler was working incorrectly, but upon opening the post in edit mode the spoiler is fine... weird.
Weird, it's fixed now nonetheless.

On 27/05/2016 at 9:11 PM, cowboymrh said:

Hedwig, sorry to hear your struggling with the game to get a decent run going.

Respectfully, may I ask, what difficulty level are you playing? And what is it that seems to be the issue for you not getting past 10 days???

We have a great community here and would love to help however we can.

Can you give us more information about how you play and what the things are that end your runs??

Take Care, Michael

I play on pilgrim, but I find pilgrim too easy and voyageur too hard 


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