The infinite deer carcass


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I mentioned this in another thread, but it was related to something else; also, I've had time to retest this specific bug.Feathers.thumb.png.569b95b6eed6b6f8fb9c6

This here deer has an absolute swarm of crows circling it, but someone's already reported that. It may be related, but this carcass seems to respawn every day. The first time I found it, I took 2kg of meat, the hide and the guts. The next day I only got 0.5kg of meat, but another hide and more guts. I just went back there for a third time, and got another 0.7kg of meat and another hide and more guts.

I explain this away in terms of my game by telling myself that the Unnamed Pond bear kills a deer every day and leaves it in the same place, which is also why the crows have made a habit of coming here en masse! (I'm still trying to figure out how the fact that there was an arrow sticking out of it the first time round fits into this explanation!)

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