Item not reachable


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Good morning (for those who lived in France like me ;) )

Here a little bug : this item is not reachable because is to high. In this tree there's two items, we can grab the first one but not the second.

And once again thank you for your hard work, The Long Dark is very a great game.


screen_(242, 255, 815)_497c34c8-6140-4775-aa0d-a6ad86462175.png

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Guest Support

Thanks for reporting this, I'm not sure if it's intended to just be set dressing or not. I will pass this on to our environment team

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I got the same lichen issue but I managed to find a spot and angle to loot it (took about 2 minutes of dancing around the tree)

It's not too high, it's at usual height but is unaccessible from the most points, only standing the way you see on second screen and aiming below the lichen at exact point, you can get it.


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