Awkward situation


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During the night in Pleasant Valley i got surprised by a strong storm and had to find shelter. The wind is strong and blows out the fire, but im in shelter of the wind. So i can keep the fire alive by adding sticks :D (getting the fire up to 9 minutes) - but i dont have many sticks left :(


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22 minutes ago, Patrick Carlson said:

Sounds like a tough spot, but sometimes, if you can hold out, the wind will change direction and let you keep the fire going. 

How did it turn out for you?


I had to stay put till i had no more sticks- I had 5 sticks. Then i drank a cup of coffee and ran off into the unknown. Blinded by the storm the snow and the night i couldnt see where i was or where i was going. I was blindly walking around trying to find some marks that i could recognise but i didnt find anything. Visibilty was like at 4 meters.. Then because i play with my limitations in "lets add some realism", i had to take my clothes off and run around only with my animal skin clothes. I knew i was around the radio tower and i tried to run around a rock and suddenly i was there where this fire had burned out. So i had just run around in a big circle. I knew this couldnt keep going on for long as my condition was dropping hard. So i decided to just go downhill. I figured if i go downhill i will find a mark, like the road, and then i can know where i am. So i found the closest place to just go downhill and i didnt care much about anything other than just to move as fast as possible. So i climbed down the rocks and made some big falls. So during my climb down i sprained and ankle twice and lost some condition and broke my clothes. But I reached the buttom and had a good idea as to where i was. So i walked around the cliff that surrounds the radiotower and showed up behind the radiotower. Finally the storm ended and i could see where i was and the walk back to the radio tower was easy. But it was a close call. I think i came back to the radio tower at around 50%. This may sound like a lot but it isnt when you are blind and freezing.


After this the next day i tried walking around the radio tower 2 times to try and find my burned out fire, but i didnt manage to find it. I must have been at a very special place :D


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I had once one of those experiences. Never again...

Got greedy gutting a corpse of a deer. Usually when i get to 2 hour mark(be4 sunset) i make my way to (nearest) shelter(i reserve daylight purely for exploring/hunting and do everything else in spare time, when weather is bad or im sick or there is not enough time to go on a hike), but this time i decided that 1 hour will do. Unfortunately blizzard started, good one, with visibility close to 0. Orientation was next to impossible.

So after i tried to make a run for it, hoping to find a decent shelter(and apprently to run in circles for several hours) and reloaded twice(dont judge me) i decided to make my stand, found closest cliff with something resembling pseudo-cave and made fire. Kept feeding sticks to keep it above 5 minutes mark(its an obvious exploit that wind dont put of short-term fires, if you feed in sticks one by one) for most of the night, till blizzard passed and then weather finally cleared and i was able to make my way to shelter.

I got extremely lucky, because i run out of sticks about an hour prior to storm end and there was no clouds afterwards. Otherwise it all could end considerably differently. I got scared shitless and had to sit tight for the next day for hypothermia to pass. But at least i survived.

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I've had that happen a couple of times in Pleasant Valley. The last time it happened, I was getting greedy with the bear carcass that I was butchering back behind the Pleasant Valley Outbuildings (back by the frozen stream). A blizzard kicked up and I tried to shelter in a nook in between the rocks, and only had sticks.

Fortunately, I was able to make kind of ever-widening forays out to look for firewood (using the rock formation as a guide so I wouldn't get lost) and was able to get some wood, make tea or coffee to keep from going into freezing/hypothermia, rinse, repeat.

Finally, the blizzard let up and I was able to see and get back to the big red barn. *whew*

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