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Everything posted by J.W.P

  1. It would be nice to hear the radio in the cars during the aurora
  2. it is the inspiration for most of my art
  3. J.W.P


    and a navel port
  4. Thank you for everything I really appreciate it
  5. J.W.P


    and a battleship
  6. J.W.P


    A sub wood be cool to find stuck in the ice and to go in it wood be even cooler
  7. They are not modern and i have to wear them at least once a week. It annoys me when i see combat boat's without boot blousers and
  8. My introduction was rushed here is a better one I am James I have been playing The long dark for about 2 years now and i am a civil air patrol cadet and a ground team trane and hope to be a remote transport pilot
  9. this jacket is so cool
  10. this is what boot blousers do and this is what we have
  11. I want a blackrock guard jacket in survival and story mode
  12. & Methuselah + the old bear