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Everything posted by Bloodskye

  1. I can't fish at all! Lure or not, bait or not. The mechanic is just broken for me, crashes the game entirely at even the attempt.
  2. @Lone WalkerI appreciate the video but I've gone back to those spots over and over and they just aren't there. Many people are experiencing the same issue. That's the video I saw too.
  3. I cannot for the life of me find the memento and keys for Bleak Inlet and it's driving me nuts! Looking online isn't helping much either as no one has updated this info since before the March 2023 update, not even YouTube. I'm also getting mixed answers from the scraps I do find online saying that it's either in a car or may not exist randomly. Anyone find these yet and want to share the info? I don't even care about spoilers with this lol I've looked everywhere.
  4. @SitoThanks for that. Turns out there was a building in the fishing hut area I just weirdly didn't go into and got the Explorer Game trophy literally minutes after I posted this. Good to know I wasn't searching ML forever for nothing though lol.
  5. Anyone know if the prepper cache is still in Mystery Lake near the the train bridge up the hill? I e been all over that hill and I can't seem to find it. I've only found a random backpack. I'm trying to get the Exploration Game trophy and I think that's the last place I need. I found the one above David's Quiet Spot or whatever it's called, it was abandoned. Help?
  6. I've seen that happen. Was it ravaged like you'd find deer carcasses? Every once in a while I find a wolf carcass in the snow or in a cave
  7. @Lone WalkerIve actually heard that sound too stumbling upon the little abandoned camps with a snow shelter specifically. It literally sounds like the shelter collapsing as you approach. Upon investigation of this noise I found it replays no matter how times you move away and back. Odd...
  8. @ManicManiacyou know, that very well might be plausible. That would kind of explain that running I heard as if I was being charged from behind too. Not gonna lie, it was frightening and had me on edge for a while walking around.
  9. Now comes the daunting task of moving all that loot from TWM to Mystery Lake.....worth it lol
  10. @Glaciait is pretty easy for me now, yes. Being my first time, I was hesitant. The place I started from was the tail section.
  11. @ManicManiacI've set a few goals and I'm happy to say all of them have not been that bad at all. As most of them are dangerous (goating TWM and traversing Blackrock Mine), I've saved them for midgame just to be somewhat safe. @Leeandathanks! Yeah, I got a ton of sprains but most of the route I chose was snowy slopes thankfully. Since there's no real "slip" mechanic, it was only slightly difficult getting to a couple cliffs without moving too fast. Crouch is a life saver.
  12. I feel like an absolute badass right now! I set a personal goal to climb to TWM summit, grab all the loot, and descend the entire mountain with no ropes, just goating. I reached he base of the mountain and literally cheered lol. So happy an feeling triumphant!
  13. In theory I think this is a good idea, but as you said, thorough exploration is a huge part of this game and going on foot is something I would rather do.
  14. Update: I went to Bleak Inlet to make some ammo to put up my gunsmithing and I weirdly missed the bearskin bedroll sitting in Pensive Lookout (I always go to the upper part first to grab a deer as there's not much food in the lower part). Not bad at 85% too!
  15. @UpUpAway95when I initially hit it, the blood was there but then it vanished when it ran away. And I'm no scientist lol but I don't think a bear sleeps with his eyes open and won't attack me while it's laying next to the coastal highway.
  16. Yeah the issue wasn't decay, but rather harvesting it at all. I knew something was weird when the bear began to flee and there was no tracks or blood anywhere, even where it got shot. I always aim for the head so I definitely hit it. I saw the blood and it vanished. The next morning when I found the bear I just had no option to harvest it.
  17. Not gonna lie, kinda irritated. I stalked a bear to kill it to repair my bedroll for what seemed like miles and when it finally came time to harvest it it didn't give me the mad. My bedroll is at 25%.
  18. @Merrakdude I avoid that tressel like the plague lol
  19. Nicely done! That's one of my 3 goals too. The other two are goating down the TWM summit using no ropes and surviving Last Prospect Mine. I actually made it through the mine last night for the first time. Got the noisemakers and blueprint. It was NOT as bad or scary as I anticipated. I will say I made it out with literally 4 seconds left so that was a bit crazy.... I barely ran to check for loot lol. I feel accomplished!
  20. @TonyInPleasantValleyyep you hate to see it. I once died on day 4 trying to sleep in a boxcar in 19 degree weather. Second run ever I think.
  21. @diggityI feel that one, I did that once only I was harvesting a deer...Tragic
  22. This question has probably been asked a bazillion times, but what was the worst way your survivor died and how long did they last?
  23. I'm not trying to start a conspiracy or some kind of creepy pasta as I speak of this, just something that happened in game that was odd so I thought I'd share it. I'm somewhat new to TLD so maybe this is a normal occurrence? I play on PS4 and what I'm about to talk about was on a pilgrim playthrough. Anyway, the other day I was exploring at dusk in the area of Bleak Inlet that's sprawled out across from Last Resort Cannery, and I heard a sound that made me stop. Now, if you play TLD long enough, you start to be very familiar with every particular sound around you in game. I was thinking it was a bear, but it sounded more like a lion roar kind of. I looked around and nothing. I started to walk again and then I heard something coming up behind me quickly like it was running. This was not the gallop of a deer, these were footsteps that got closer from behind me. I stopped again, looked back, and still nothing. Now, I'm no theorist, but that seems unnatural and odd to me. Anyone else experience anything like this or maybe lend some insight as to what this was? Thanks.
  24. Hmm thanks for the insight. I also ran into a couple other things in the past. I found a backpack in a cave but I couldn't search it, but when I went to the back of the cave there was a prompt for me to search a backpack with nothing there. There was also the instance where there was no prompt to search a frozen corpse at the farm in Milton.
  25. So I went searching for acorns and when I prepared them the sound of it never stopped. I had to reset the game to make it go away. Just thought I'd mention it. Also I play on PS4 if that helps. I know it's a fairly new mechanic on the PS4 version so it wasn't that much of a bother and expect a glitch or bug here and there.