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Posts posted by Leeanda

  1. 5 minutes ago, JackTrysGames said:

    I appreciate the constructive criticism, but I cannot understand what they just said at all.

    They wanted more carry weight but forgot that the travois had just been added.... Well that's what I thought anyway..

  2. 3 minutes ago, Willow said:

    I’m not to high in the long dark lore but I think Perseverence mills is beyond costal highway because all the characters have said go north… but our character goes south according to our map, and Astrid goes to the cave to costal highway at the end of winermute

    Mackenzie has hit his head plentiful of times.

    …or I need to replay Wintermute again 

    If you look at the main map ,there's a large space ,east of pv,and above coastal highway.  Technically it's a viable place for perseverance but not strictly north of pv..  

    Honestly I get confused by the NESW  views on the maps ..north isnt strictly north etc... or something like that anyway lol..

    And Will really has been hit a lot..  way more than is good for him.

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  3. 8 minutes ago, Raphael van Lierop said:


    Personally, I wouldn't call these survival games, but I really enjoyed FC5 and New Dawn both (and, unusually for me, I actually finished them)! FC5 in particular was a much more significant game than I expected it to be, and I'll admit I got quite into the storyline. If they had more of a "living world" aspect to them and deeper long-term dynamic systems, I could see myself playing in these worlds for a long time...

    I know they're not really survival,  but once the story is done there's plenty of scope for going rogue..  which is how I spent more time playing than the story..    it is a good story though, I agree with you.. ...   

    Though I haven't played Primal which does look more of a basic survival .

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  4. I did play most of the far cry series, though they are classed as shooters there's a high element of survival in them..  new dawn is more survival than the rest to me.. with the ability to craft weapons and ammo .plenty of free roaming and of course everything wants to kill or eat you😁

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  5. I think the higher the difficulty then the higher the risk.. on pilgrim I don't remember getting any infection risk,and only one or two bleeds... I did get a few sprains though..  

    I could be wrong though and just got very lucky.. 

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  6. 26 minutes ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    My favorite is "I hope no one needs this!" when my survivor finds a stick, followed by "I wonder who owns this?" when finding a stick.

    You need it, and you now own it. 🤪


  7. To be in the top ten is awesome, to be number 4 is even better...   Should be no. 1 though😁

    I've not played most of them, maybe a bit of Minecraft and subnautica, both very different . I only tried sandbox on Minecraft so I class it as a building game rather than survival though..  but that's just me..    I really don't like top down games or third person  , I find them harder to get on with ,and a lot less immersive. ..  

    Not sure this is the kind of rant you meant though?   I always feel odd talking about other games on here... 

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  8. 5 minutes ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    Hatchet is less likely to kill the wolf outright (bleed-out injuries more likely), but tends to result in shorter struggles an less damage and injuries take, at least in my vanilla Stalker runs. The knife seems to be more likely to kill the wolf during the struggle, but I tend to get more clothing damage and laceration type injuries if I use the knife.

    *Not a scientific study- I try to evade and avoid wolves and timberwolves rather than trying to facetank them if I have no ranged weapon, so RNG may just be trolling me (like it always does) when I do goof and end up in a struggle.*

    I usually pick whichever weapon was highlighted , probably the knife,  but I did notice that the revolver was not very good, ...I did a test run on getting mauled, on pilgrim though, and the clothes damage was pretty consistent, the damage to health did wildly vary though,

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  9. 3 minutes ago, Pencil said:

    I agree that the game doesn't need another weapon. But I mention it since the original plan was to eventually add in the bear spear several years ago. It would have it's strengths and weaknesses similar to something like the revolver and have it's own purpose, so it wouldn't be out of place. 

    The game does not have a non-firearm/shooting weapon yet, so I think it would be fitting. 


    Yes and those. Since the revolver was already added when noisemakers came about, they seemed to be rarely used and underrated. I hope they become more valuable with the cougar. A sure way to deter them.

    The noisemakers are great for multiple ptarmigan kills. One can kill the whole lot in one go if you land it right

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  10. 3 minutes ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

    I cannot tell a lie. Trapper's and the Quonset will probably always be my favourites. I also have a soft spot for some of the less "popular" locations, like Hibernia at Desolation Point. It makes little sense from a gameplay standpoint, but I just love the vibe and the feeling that it's at the end of the world...

    Tough to pick a favourite region. Probably PV? I've just spent so much time there...

    Unfortunately, as time has passed I've had less time to play the game "for fun", and mostly only have time to review stuff the team is making or spot-check things, so I've had less opportunity to create deep memories of "living in" some of the newer regions, so I think my preferences skew a bit to the earlier ones we made. I guess that's mostly about nostalgia in the end. They feel like "coming home" for me, if that makes sense.

    I will say that I think the team has become better and better and creating interesting and diverse regions; each has something interesting to offer. But some, to me, feel more like places you visit moreso than set up a long-term home in...

    It makes perfect sense, I started when episode three was introduced so I think that's why PV,and the farm feel like my home.. 

    Hibernia is an unusual choice though but I get why you feel that way...   I usually stay at the church as it's very peaceful up there.. but it does feel like its namesake..

    Ever fall off the ravine? Or rope bridges?😁


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  11. 10 minutes ago, turtle777 said:

    I did none of that. I did not mention or direct my comments at anyone in particular, and made just general comments. 

    I might have different standards to what I consider an expert, but that’s neither rude, insulting or condescending.   


    Your comments are implying that how others play is not  right,or expert enough..   myself included.. 

    Whether intended or not that is how it sounds.

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  12. 10 minutes ago, Laxgoalie said:

    Couldn’t say if it was a bug or intended, but I would assume it is bug. It’s also happening with timberwolves in BRP (but honestly it makes it very easy to escape them lol). Run inside and TW or bears just disappear.

    Not sure why but lots of old bugs are making a return. The Aurora wolves lasting into the day, the matches stuck in your hand when equipping a bow, and can’t drop or unequip a torch bugs have also returned. Good times. Hopefully will get resolved in the next hotfix TBA.

    Welcome to the forum😊

    I've noticed the wolves not changing back to normal after the aurora too,but only in BlackRock 

  13. 6 hours ago, Blizzard Walker said:

    Leeanda, ThePancake Lady, bysinda and RossBondReturns - thank you all for your thoughtful replies.  

    I am concluding that the weight is going to be a bother and I have a tendency to avoid bear encounters in the first place.  Thus I don't need to worry about bear maulings that I avoid in the first place.  My style is to learn where bears travel and to kill the bear from safe locations to ensure 15 days of bear free travel.  Since I play on Voyageur with high end clothes and lots of resources I am not forced to travel in anything other than ideal weather circumstances that don't put me in harm's way with bears.

    The observation that the ballistic vest is not particularly useful - if not an outright liability - with timberwolves is the decisive factor.  My strategy is best described as evade timberwolves or to pick them off with the curator's rifle from a distance. I would prefer to carry lots of flares if timberwolves get too close.


    I pretty much play the same as you, only pilgrim...  Long safe distance for bear hunting..   I hate that maul  cut scene... I don't think it's even possible to set the twolves off on pilgrim though,I've tried ..  

    I'm not sure how much the vest gives with the moose either, whether it prevents broken ribs or not... I've never tested it, 

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  14. 6 hours ago, bysinda said:

    Btw, I found one!! For the first time ever!! What do I do with it?....it's useless,  isn't it? Maybe once the trader is introduced we will be able to use it?

    It seems to have no use, at least for now anyway..   mine is in the fridge lol.. not sure if it has a decay rate or not actually.

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  15. 3 minutes ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

    No, mostly that is determined by art direction decisions, and wanting to keep the game fresh. I think I talked a bit about some of the limitations of the earlier versions of Unity and how as the lighting model became more sophisticated we were able to do more things with lighting, textures, shadows, colour, etc. The overly green leafy trees didn't quite hit the mark visually after a while, so we replaced them with ones that looked more appropriate for coniferous trees, and made them look colder. Other changes/improvements to our time of day lighting, skybox, and global lighting for dusk/dawn also had an impact on the art style and colour choices.

    And also, you might have noticed that we kind of constantly tweak things in the game. 😅

    I had noticed the occasional tweak 😁.    

    It certainly does look more fitting now though, there's a definite bleakness to the landscapes..  except those beautiful skies..which I hope never changes.

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