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Posts posted by Leeanda

  1. 5 minutes ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    There have been a ton of player-made maps that have the wind rose showing the cardinal directions in a dozen different ways. If I look at the old original world map DP is SE, with a road leading north along the coast. The Broken Bridge in DP- you can see a roadway on the other side, but I have not found a way up that rockface in the vanilla game. My hope is that the Broken Bridge in DP either has a tricky path across the open space or a way up the rockface on the other side is opened up, leading us to that road leading north along the coast, with PM being the end destination on that roadway. That would put PM on the coast, to the East of TWM and AC, and North of DP.

    I honestly just want DP to connect to more than one region, lol.

    Lol...  So do I😁.   I'd spend a lot more time there if it did lead to PV....  

    I don't think I'd have dared trying to get over the bridge,the risk of instakills alone stops me from fully explored the edges.

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  2. I don't know if it's just me but I struggle to sort the buffer page out in my head...  

    I would like it to be more categorised... 

    Maybe have the map, then  the specific locations with just the numbers next to them..




    Quonset garage. - 1/5.   

    Something like that anyway..

    • Upvote 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, TWMountain said:

    So, it's May 13th this week we can get the dev diary. It's still Canada time zone, right? That means, May 14th in my time zone. like 2:00am (China)? I am a content creator. It's very important to me to translate the dev diary to my audience ASAP.

    It's not necessarily on the 13th ,just some time on or during that week.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, thekillergreece said:

    The way the episode ended, I don't think so unless there's a large coast north of the entire map. I was more expecting south because that's where the coast is.

    Just my theory,but with the space available on the map being east  then maybe a transition zone in the north of pv ..looping round to perseverance mills.there could also be an exit from pv on the east side at End of the road.

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  5. I've got plenty ..   just need to pick up some more coal for the forge..  😁

    That pesky bear in ash needs sorting while I'm exploring around 

  6. As the title says I wondered if the sprain mechanic still saves even if they're off in the settings..

    I was trying to shoot the moose but the lagging was so bad I decided to switch it off and wait a minute before reloading.. but when I switched it on I wasn't at twm hut like I should've been..  the only thing I can think of is that the game thought Id had a sprain and saved it without me realising..   I did climb the fallen tree behind the hut but I didn't notice anything wrong ,and I didn't go high enough or fall off either..

    Any thoughts on this?

  7. 6 minutes ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    Theoretically it is possible. I haven't had it happen yet, but I have provoked the regular black wolves and a bear or two into attacking on vanilla Pilgrim. The bear? Going in its den cave and then bonking it in the face with multiple stones. Bear not likely that. The wolves- running up on one eating a fresh kill and not pausing before reaching the kill- literally running up to it and trying to pet it. Also by stepping backwards onto a wolf that killed a deer or a rabbit directly behind me, and it only happens if I step directly onto them while they are eating their kill. Might work the same way with timberwolves scarfing down a fresh kill, maybe?

    I'm a coward with the bear ,so flare gun only lol.. I'm not surprised he didn't like it😁

    I did a thread on getting mauled on pilgrim and the wolves  really don't like you stealing their dinner do they..,.most if not all attacks I got were from approaching from behind..

    I've tried the same with a few twolves but they just won't go into agro.. 

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