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Everything posted by Nordique

  1. Could we have a minor upgrade to encourage wandering off the well-beaten paths between major locations? I'm very fond of the oft-neglected, minor structures especially in Pleasant Valley, but also in FM. Hay barns, sheds that look like deer winter feeding stations (looking at you, nondescript structure near Heartbreak Bridge) etc. I would like these lovely structures to have just a little bit more in-game meaning, to encourage further exploration -- and for the odd chance of getting stranded there in a storm and having to baby a fire in a desperate corner ... My modest proposal is Root Veggie Bins in select, currently not so inviting house cellars and multiple outbuildings and even hunting stands, where they would have been kept for the feeding of domestic and game animals. In effect, just the regular firewood etc storage bin, which contains e.g. rough off-yellow globules, perhaps when cooked a modified Reishi slice style object (see "art" below). Multiple tuber varieties are well-loved in the game's latitudes. They keep fairly well in cold, but are heavy for their energy content, and degrade in calories when stored. And they would provide further color for worktop art, too. Consumption would need lengthy cooking that requires 2-3 hours of fire and water, and might also call for judicious trimming of bad parts and lose calories, or risk food poisoning. An upside would be that a cooked veggie meal does not attract wildlife when traveling. some choice examples: Lore-wise a good match to a meat-heavy diet and a source of vitamins, especially C, so could later mandate travel in search of were the long-term nutrition model updated. And — perhaps in a future update root veggies could be used to feed and thus lure deer into a spot when spawns are getting scarce.
  2. This. Signed to the forum just to try to bump this up. I've put in my hundreds of hours over the years and enjoy TLD immensely, so all my suggestions aim to make the game ... harder. Handwear is crucial in freezing environments, doubly so if there's a risk of getting your hands wet, too. I think 2 glove slots is a great idea to add depth at relatively low cost. It could be implemented in stages to avoid disrupting ongoing dev work much: My guess is that new graphics assets are in short supply, but tweaks to the static UI and mechanics are easier. First the 2nd slot for the paper doll, only driving gloves or mitts allowed in the inner. I'd later love to see a creeping penalty to the feels-like temp whenever holding anything cold (metallic) when walking. And a fat swaying etc penalty for shooting anything with mitts on, doubly so for the bow. i for one would savor the optimization challenge for A. handling ranged weapons bare-handed at a massive feels-like penalty, probably meaning haste and fuddling or B. opt for the gloves-on and more difficult aiming. And then the simple graphical update for either mitts on hands or not.