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  1. I would like to circle back and say i have noticed, atleast on PS5, that this has been patched. 👏🏼👏🏼
  2. The black screen staying up after viewing items is mentioned in another post. Update for it is they are aware and actively working on it, i’ve been experiencing it as well on my ps5
  3. Hey everyone, Ive been noticing this thing where Waterfalls are solid black, like they are missing a texture or something. Ive seen this happen in both the normal outside environmnets but also in the bear cave (episode 2 where water is falling straight down through a hole in the ceiling of the cave). I looked up some gameplay online, and it seems like other peoples games have actual "falling water" where I am seeing solid black, so not sure it must be my game. Anyone else see this error in their game?
  4. Quick update: I noticed this happens sometime when aiming down the sights of a rifle. Same black screen, same spamming in/out of menus to eventually fix.
  5. Hello! Been playing LD since last week, just found the game and absolutely in love! That being said, the only issue I have had so far, and the reason I made this account on the forums, is this same BLACK SCREEN that occurs randomly on interactions with items and such upon returning to game. I have found if I spam the menu buttons back and forth it will go away in 2-5 tries, but yes, very unfortunate. I believe it is something happening with the temp black background that comes up behind item info, but stays there upon returning to the game. I am playing on a PS5.