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Everything posted by KafMax

  1. And what about your polaroid count ? @ChillPlayer They added one in Blackrock region, my journal says 13 polaroid in game now, but I have found 11 yet (1 in BI and 1 in BP missing, so...)
  2. Did Hinterland silently remove one polaroid in AC ? Because my journal says 11/13 polaroid found. I never went to BI and not yet to BP in that run, so it leaves me with 2 missing. But, I never found the second polaroid in AC and spend days walking around searching it. What about you @ChillPlayer? @Admin
  3. Hi there ! You may be referring to https://greatbeargauntlet.com/tournament-fury-then-silence-2/. FTS stands for Fury, Then Silence, the name of the last update of the game. On the website they speak about NOGOA (No One Gets Out Alive) - a custom mode (different from Pilgrim, Voyager, Stalker and Interloper). When you start a new Survival run, you can use customs settings and even copy and past "codes" for those settings. That's a tournament organized by members of the Long Dark community on different streaming platforms. Hope this helps, cheers
  4. I’ll not be any help because I’m in the same position as you. If someone can give us any clue, that would be much appreciated!
  5. Hello fellow survivors, here is my first screenshot contribution. Can you guess the location ?
  6. Thank for the reply Sherlock. Have someone found a solution to this problem ?
  7. Hi, I start playing on Xbox a while ago, I recently bought a PC and continued my save with Game Pass PC. Now I want to know if it is possible to transfer my badges progress (especially Fire Master and Cold fusion that are pain to obtain) to Steam ? Anyone tried this already ? Cheers and take care
  8. If you drop arrows from your inventory, they always point North. Worth a try with arrow head only.