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Posts posted by Enigmaecho

  1. 57 minutes ago, dahemac said:

    If there is no fix, this may soon be the prevailing sentiment. I have restarted twice now. Seems like it is becoming a monthly thing, making it impossible to ever make any progress. And of course if I have to restart a new custom game from scratch again in August I will not find out if that effort was in vain until I have put another month into discovering what is missing. An official save-game editor would fix some of the worst consequences of these bugs.

    we will have to wait and see once this update comes to console, first place im heading is junkers paddock, if the Polaroids not there I’m going to break something 😂

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  2. 4 hours ago, James Hickok said:

    So items not spawning in older saves is a fact. Seems like some of the items dont spawn in new saves either. 

    What is Hinterlands position on this subject? Will this be fixed? Old saves will have the items that are not there? Maybe you can put the items to buy in the trader? Do i have to make a new save every time an update comes out?   Please answer. 

    ^ THIS

    They are working to address the issues there is a live patch that resolves the memento and recipe issues on steam allegedly coming to console this week but I’ve seen at least one post saying it didn’t resolve memento for them but idk if they’re on steam or console

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  3. There’s been a lot added over the years in the up, knives on top of dressers or other stuff hatchets stuck in beams the crawl space in the pv barn and Hibernia now the ingredients there’s a lot of oil salt and oat spawns on top of the high wall shelves too 😊

  4. 2 hours ago, Damondium said:

    Thanks to both of you for your thoughtful and informative responses, I appreciate it! :)

    There’s a very real possibility that episode 5 having so much to wrap up and so much to reveal and that it concerns both Astrid and Will that it could be spread over more than one update as well though that’s a speculation from me tbf

  5. I think @Leeanda mentioned on a similar wishlist post some other games that use free libraries to add classics which is also a cool idea, think about it, you find a copy of Moby Dick in the boat that sometimes washes up in desolation point, or maybe a copy of Robinson Crusoe or Swiss family Robison, or even something more nonfiction like the works of John Muir or Horace Kephart so many  great classics 😊 

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  6. Interactive reading would be a fantastic mechanic. I’d love to have some pass time mechanic like that where game time was accelerated while you were reading, whittling is something I think would fit well too if we could have a “sit and whittle” pass time animation. Was thinking about this earlier today actually, we spend a decent amount of time on that function (especially going to bed already rested) it would be wonderful to have that be one of the targets for the first person perspectives changes they mentioned 

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  7. 9 hours ago, RossBondReturns said:

    Recently they split the team into a group working solely on Episode 5 and one working Solely on the Tales expansion.

    They are working hard on Episode 5 and the plan is last we heard that it will be releasing sometime next year.

    The idea is that while the Episode 5 branch of the team works hard on completing it in the meantime we still get tons of new content as we wait.

    Once TFTFT is completed, I feel as if we won't have long to wait for Episode 5 to finally hit as well.

    However we as fans and players must understand that Episode 5 is likely going to be the longest Episode yet as it has a lot of plot points to tie together to give Hinterland and Us a satisfactory ending.

    It was mentioned Raph will be putting out information about episode 5 before the end of the year but the episode will not be released until into 2024. I don’t mind the wait I agree with you there are like 7 different plots to wrap up and a region we’ve been speculating about for almost a decade. It’s not just a monumental moment for the players it will be a shared  experience with the studio. To me, however, episode 5 is tinged with a great bittersweet sadness episode 5 will mark the closing of the games planned journey and having grown so long with the game I hope that they will continue with expansions beyond tales and beyond episode 5 because it will be a truly sad day when future development has faded into the long dark 

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  8. I know there are other higher priorities and this isn’t as big a deal but I was just wondering if support has had an opportunity to investigate the journaling function not working on Xbox? Neither general nor daily notes work. pressing A produces the error sound as though you were trying to equip something from inventory that you can’t, it doesn’t bring up the console keyboard to type the notes. I was just curious 🙃

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  9. 2 hours ago, yollarbenibekler said:

    If we really want the cougar to be sneaky, make it sneak in with one of the hotfixes. Let's see the people's reactions. I think it might be limited to only certain regions but it would really be fun to shock the community.

    I wouldn’t mind some advanced teasers ahead of release I.e. can hear it’s call in wilderness sound, find carcasses with pine bow cover like they do to hide their kills, fallout was very successful with that line of preemptive in game teaser, I just hope they are balanced better than Timberwolves 

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  10. 2 hours ago, bysinda said:

    WHAT O-O More new regions?? I thought we were just getting Airfields and that was it!

    Can't wait!!

    Where do you think it will be? An extension of airfields oooor that broken bridge in Bleak Inlet looks promising  

    I discovered a currently inaccessible rope anchor in transfer pass but I won’t say where 🙃

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  11. 1 minute ago, ajb1978 said:

    Well in the terms of this game, they are saltwater only. You may find freshwater fish in coastal regions on the ground via beachcombing, but if you actually pulled a rainbow trout out of a freshwater region's ice hole, like Mystery Lake, then yeah that's totally a glitch.

    🤔 dang I swore I’ve always fished rainbow trout from the inland spots well guess this post is irrelevant 😂

  12. 3 hours ago, stapeliad said:

    You get all the maps done in 120 days? Is that on a custom setting?

    Yes I have all the loot and wildlife maxed and the weather coldest, memorizing the Polaroid spawns makes a huge difference they’ll clear half a region sometimes, makes finding bodies much easier 

  13. On 7/19/2023 at 1:23 AM, ajb1978 said:

    Rainbow trout can survive in both fresh and saltwater. They're actually pretty invasive.

    yes but they are known as being a freshwater steelheads are more known for saltwater, but that is besides the point slightly, correct me if I’m wrong but they have always been freshwater since launch? So I’m just wondering if this was a file bug or intentional change with the fishing/cooking update 

  14. I’ll let you  know next time I fish 

    1 hour ago, TwoFatCatz said:

    @Enigmaecho just curious are you on pc steam? Or anyone here on pc steam? Can you guys cancel fishing while fishing?

    Im still experiencing this bug and I’m trying to do my own testing as Hinterland is obviously quite busy.

    ‘Cheers peeps


  15. You do run after run and things tend to blur, but does anyone else get the sense that new bodies periodically just show up throughout the world? I am an avid cartographer, it is one of the first things I set out to do after spawning, typically I have the entire map done in around 120ish days, I hit all the bodies I hit all the buildings I hit all the cars ect, I say this not to brag but to further illustrate that I sometimes find new unsearched bodies in places there is no chance I could have missed, today for example I found a body in a pose I’ve never seen just off the tracks in the muskeg…I’ve been through here at least 15 times this run. So I ask you fellow survivors, are we not alone?

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  16. 13 hours ago, Cattleman said:


    I'm goimg to guess when they get a stable hotfix that doesnt introduce yet more bugs... In my opinion, id rather wait for a better patch than keep getting more bugs to replace thise that a patch fixes.

    Yes and it would be one thing if they were just fixing the things that 2.0 and 2.1 introduced so they could get the working patch out to everyone, but they’re aren’t, they’re adding a dozen more fixes with the potential to introduce even more new bugs which will be another round of delays to patch console and I’d rather not wait weeks while they play wack a mole with bugs. At this point I’d take the empty containers because all I keep in them is water and firewood and I can’t progress any of my goals in the run until the variants aren’t bugged, the recipes aren’t bugged, the mementos aren’t bugged and the gold nugget isn’t bugged. 

  17. You are indeed misremembering it has always been the mine access to get to desolation point. Maybe you’re thinking of raven fall’s trestle going mystery lake to costal highway? That was always the trauma inducing, anxiety spiking point for a lot of folks (myself included) back in the day