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Posts posted by Enigmaecho

  1. 5 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    I have the bolt cutters,thought they were from the br mine though, and I've done buried echoes..are they separate or part of it?  I picked up so much stuff in the zone I don't know what's what lol..

    Also thank you😊

    I might be mixing up mines honestly bc of the gas, it been a few months since I did buried echoes last, but I thought you got a set of cutters in both, I know there are a number of memento notes and keys to a few containers. One has gold one has another sport bow 

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  2. 8 hours ago, Leeanda said:

    Thank you...  It is a bit out of date then..There are mementos in tft ?     

    Yea a few, a couple of keys to storage containers and the bolt cutters

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  3. 8 hours ago, TyTheFly said:


    Just a hunch but I would think it a safe bet to assume there will be one in the mountain pass at the radio station or somewhere near by as rutigers guard outpost or something 

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  4. 22 hours ago, Leeanda said:

    Thank you ,that's very much appreciated...   

    I wanted to get all the collectables completed on this run as it's my one and only attempt at 1000 days. So I don't usually notice that page much.. but now I can see that most aren't working very well..

    This is 100% complete to my knowledge up to and including Zone of Contam0BEE520A-9244-41EB-B2A0-0A937E613FFD.thumb.jpeg.08c2cae17252a77503f33cdba3817350.jpegination 

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  5. 11 hours ago, PilgrimReaper said:

    I would truly love love love it if they finally updated these item counts and the stats page in general..... # of ptarmigans killed, correct % of world explored, etc. 

    (Just noticed that # of ptarmigans killed was listed on https://thelongdark.fandom.com/wiki/Journal surely this is a mistake?)

    Might be something targeted for part 5, im still holding out hope they go back to a more tangible journal but they could be dropping a clean up of the journal with the wildlife refresh since there probably going to be adding a tab for both the camera and photomode mechanics and for safehouse customization, my guess anyway but we might have to wait till PM comes to survival and they just get it all updated to the end of wintermute and tales before we go into the unknown period 

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  6. I play on Xbox but know PC is the far superior choice, from troubleshooting and fixing your own issues at times, to mods, to getting the new updates weeks to months before everyone else pc is definitely the best option if you can 

  7. 4 hours ago, artmunki said:

    Well, Blackrock was added when the story took us there, along with the vest & noisemakers, so I figure the same will likely happen when Wintermute gets to Perseverance too (that was the first region to be added after I started playing). At this point it'd seem kinda weird to have a region that only exists in Story mode but not in Survival, tho I guess we can't count it out. Not totally counting out something more after Wintermute is finished either - we can but dream!  ^_^

    And I haven't quite decided about the upcoming death-dodging mechanic yet. I love that there's to be penalties for it, and I'm very curious to find out what they'll be and how they'll work, but I'm just not sure yet whether I'll be taking advantage of it. Think I'll just have to leave that decision to the fateful moment when it comes. And I do kinda enjoy the initial desperation of a new game, before you've got all your gear and bases sorted out, so there's always that to look forward to if I don't hit the switch.  ^_^

    It would be the ultimate betrayal of after a decade of building up Perseverance they didn’t bring it to survival but I think that’s highly unlikely 

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  8. On 5/27/2024 at 5:00 PM, Leeanda said:

    I was looking through the page this morning and it said 45/44.  So I checked with wiki against the maps to see where I was missing the ,what I thought was the last one,.I headed off to get it and after I did I checked the page again to find it said 46/44..   I checked with wiki again and I'm still missing one in ash so why is the number still not tallying? 

    Anyone have any idea what's going on? Thanks

    The journal entry counter has not been updated in some time, I’ve brought this up before it doesn’t account for mementos and notes/entries added from tales and tales maps I’ll grab a snap tomorrow for you of my competed run totals ❤️🙃

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  9. On 5/26/2024 at 11:12 AM, Leeanda said:

    Yes I have done all the Polaroids, according to the page anyway...  I haven't actually mapped forsaken or zoc  though..  

    But thank you,if I can get into both areas I'll try that.

    Ok so weirdly enough I started a new run this weekend in prep for part 5 just a basic voyager go to play with the kitty anywho doing my normal routine of going to grab the satchel and map out hushed river I decided to snag the Polaroid and see about if it would check off both signals only to discover my journal in this run only has 24 locations and only one signal fire!? 

  10. 3 hours ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

    Hmmm...really not sure you are meant to even be able to get out there! But yes, reporting to hinterlandgames.com/support is the best way to get this in front our Support and Test team. Can't promise we can do much about it with Part 5 as that build is already in test and I don't think we can add any more fixes to it at the moment, but if you can report this to the Support Portal it'll get on a list somewhere!

    The fact that you're able to get "inside" one of the bits of terrain geo suggests the collision was turned off for performance reasons, which also suggests this should be an out of bounds area.

    Thanks Raph, yea it’s likely an out of bounds area but one that’s been around since we’ve had the map, a long time shortcut back to the shed, you can see where it starts at the beginning of the clip there at the rope climb, normally I don’t end up that high on the terrain I just lost my bearings on that run and stumbled in mapping, it makes sense collision being off for optimization but if it’s something that can be saved I’d love to save the run

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  11. 25 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    Have you filed a ticket already,with the video?  

    Video won’t upload to the ticket gives me a timeout error but yes I have submitted a ticket about this before when it happened and again after I took this video yesterday 

  12. 3 hours ago, phobiac said:

    That is so useless in my opinion for game that so focused on survival. What why would I mean its just common sense if u were in situation to live or die would u use a flute and be bothered to make it?!?? Better option would be a spear XD

    Psychological wellbeing is just as important as physical wellbeing that’s why we have things like cabin fever and insomnia to simulate but for an in game mechanics reason when you’re going for the will to live or just a long run there’s a lot of passing time and idle sitting, there’s a lot of sitting to enjoy views, waiting for fishing tip ups, there comes a point in every run where you switch from immediate needs mentally to just living a day to day

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  13. I really love this idea, wood carved, metal made from pipe scrap, reed flute, potato ocarina so many ways to do it, not sure the coding practicality but yes a flute would be so nice for something like passing time, set the time to pass 8 hours sit and play the flute and watch the scenery change…so immersive, off topic that box that passes the time and blocks the view rn is such a waste of a good view big pet peeve 😂  I thought about it and as a duh moment i remembered that Reed flutes are literally made of cattails

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  14. 8 hours ago, Leeanda said:

    It could just be Xbox,but thank you..    I've got to go to HRv again for the last memento note so I might try mapping both signal fires again....

    Have you gotten the Polaroids in hrv, idk if it would make a difference but maybe that has something to do with it since they have a set list of locations they reveal? Anyway good luck hopefully they just take the occums razor approach from bug reports and make both fires spawn so you can map them 😂

  15. On 5/17/2024 at 8:32 AM, Pyroxene said:

    @Leeanda I'll go look for a weapon in Coastal.

    If you have the dlc you don’t need to go all the way to the coast if you  get really lucky the fm bunker will spawn and be the hunters bunker with the revolver if not you can pop into Mystery lake and just grab Vaughns rifle, try stopping at broken rail if you don’t find a hammer in the musk or to get some scrap metal so you can get some arrowheads made 👍

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  16. 13 hours ago, Leeanda said:

    Mine hasn't.. are you sure it works for you?    I've mapped everything on every map ,most twice just for fun but still it's saying it's not done.

    That’s so weird yes I’m sure, FC has a particular place in my heart after the years it was bugged from stone church not logging correctly so I make sure I do it every run, I map every walkable part I can reach even with the regions you don’t have to do for the achievement, this run was started in prep for part 4 and is the run that I finally got my 100% on every collectible/hidden item in game, maybe it’s console specific to Xbox?


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  17. 2 hours ago, K3V038 said:

    There is a issue in hushed river valley, on a couple of my saves i mapped out the entirety of it, but im always one area short. There is always a second mysterious signal fire for me to map out according to my survivor log. Of course only one of these spawns though, either northern one or southern. I can map out only one of those and If I try do to the same to the second, I will only add normal, nameless terain to my map. Any ideas?



    It will correct itself once you’ve completed the rest of cartographer, at least that has been the case for me, I do full cartography on ever run and it always gets a check once I’m all done the rest of the regions 

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  18. On 5/21/2024 at 9:20 AM, ThePancakeLady said:

    That would be nice- or a more generic Bowie knife. Bigger, heavier, but it does more damage during a struggle, stays sharper longer, and maybe as a real reward- able to harvest saplings, or faster carcass harvesting.

    We also know that an asset exists for the Fire Axe, but it was never added to the game. This might be a good use for it.


    I know on the og map an axe was planned I wonder if this was it or if this was something story related that got dropped, could see an idea of using it in episode 4 during the fire and prison escape but then realize for the effort to code it and animate?

  19. On 5/21/2024 at 8:45 AM, Leeanda said:

    How about Jeremiah's knife?  

    The implications of finding Jeremiah’s knife at the end of tales would send tld conspiracy theorists into a spiral 😂🤣 but I’d love it I’ve wanted it since we started getting variants, personally I doubt but hope the item is binoculars but it’ll probably be something climbing related based on the region something to help up ascend or defend without using fatigue much and even less with crampons equipped too hard to say what they have in mind for the feat could be anything from increased walking speed to starting new runs with the network active and the radio in inventory already 

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  20. Not to be argumentative but just to elaborate a bit: base game add ins since redux: Moose, Timberwolves, pop cans, bulletproof vest, revolver, ammo crafting, rock cache, spray paint, memento, buffer memory, moose satchel, crampons, backpack, moose cloak, photos

    DLC: Starving Wolves, Cougar, ptarmigan toxic pits, electric fog, transmitters, transmitter caches, tales, item variants, weapon variants, visor notes, recipes, cooking overhaul, fishing overhaul, harvest overhaul, first person overhaul, travios, Chem boots, gas mask, down bedroll, down improv layer, fire hard arrows, beachcomb overhaul, and more coming 

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  21. 14 hours ago, TyTheFly said:

    i wish we had more simple recipies like porrige that add no buffs but are just easy to make bulk meals that arnt calorie dense but are still decently filling. I also think we need recycled can recipies theres a tab but still no recipies. They also need to make canned corn/ham more common and not only in lock boxes or hatches i think they should be rare like a marine flare or combat pants but still findable in the open world.  More animals need to be used like wolves, bears, moose, like maybe a bear stew or carnivore stew which makes you unburdoned and maybe adds better at struggling with a wolf. Also they either need to make the ptantigrams (I cant spell) more common or just make broth out of something diffrent like bones from like deer, moose, wolves. Salt should also have more uses apart from only broth but dont make it required maybe have a buff. If they do add the bones then they should also add a bone knife that you can make. This DLC really is a good idea but its just really bare bones and needs more content let me know if any of these ideas are trash or your ideas or let me know your ideas cause I really want more cooking stuff.



    P.S. since we have skinning animations can we get animations for like repairing clothing/tools, crafting, cooking, eating/drinking animations. because the ASMR is nice (im not weird)

    A lot to unpack here lol. Some thoughts I too hope for an expansion of the recipes in the future it would be nice to have some like a venison and baked beans or like a tomato soup with forage veggies to give like a warm bonus and a few extra calories you wouldn’t get from consuming the items separately.

    I’ll come back to the can

    i don’t know that I agree or disagree about corn and ham the ham is just novelty not an ingredient and I think only one or two recipes call for corn so I wouldn’t mind a few more of those 

    Going back to the can and then also more animal recipes. I am expecting maybe a recipe with part 5 but I expect a few can recipes with part 6 and possibly when perseverance mills comes to survival there’s currently recipes for all animals except moose but I take your point there should be a few stews that are just predator meats like we have for others also I think the fish recipes need tweaked we got a bunch of new fish only for the recipes to call for base fish outside of 1 recipe also I’d like more fresh water fish recipes Costal Fishcakes remain best food but I don’t hang out on the coast that much 

    lastly with the animations they mentioned when the new harvest animations came out that they were targeting other systems as well so I’d expect more of that in part 6 as well. With the end of the story the last map coming now part 6 “only” has trader safehouse custom, photomode, and wildlife spawn reset so there’s bound to be other unmentioneds like they’ve done all DLC and on that note I will say your comment about it being bare bones I feel is a bit on the unnecessarily antagonistic side. For the cost of the DLC we’ve got almost as much new content and new systems and system overhauls as the base game has had since redxu(minus new region add ins) and we aren’t even done yet 🤷🏻‍♂️ just my thoughts 


  22. 3 hours ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

    Hey @Max21 -- we just launched a Dev Diary about 10 days ago, here.

    The next time you hear from us will be the update video for the launch of Part Five!



    Your videos talking about the releases of updates is one of my favorite things about you, through the years it’s really put on display how much you love the game and our community, and I have so much respect for it

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