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Everything posted by whirls

  1. man .... another thing I couldn't know. Thank you very much. Yeah, my plan was to rush to the Pleasant Valley. On the way I realized I still had a high frostbite risk and then a storm came. A few desperate hours later I faded away ... with the Affliction. I like that. In the end the character can still shoot well with bows with frost bites on the hands - so maybe body parts are still healable or "re-trainable" 🙂
  2. Perma-death and renewable are not conflicting with each other. Thank you. I didn't know also ammo were washed up! Anyways the game for me is about stalking and scavanging on the mainland not on the icy beaches. The sandbox is for me dead, if every house and cave is explored, because then its playing sit and wait. I mean after few 100 days the gameplay in TLD changes alot in from "Interesting Exploring and risking dangers" to "Get your ass up and kill some deer". I understand you guys. I like and play perma-death alot. What do you think about following idea?: Once every 365 days there is this one millisecond of spring, where most of the plans regrows and people come to the island and in the next millisecond all people are dead or left. But somehow your character couldn't notice it but sees again some resources around, which makes the sandbox explorable again and there is no need for endless icy beach-walking. Just a suggestion. This would bring some realism into the game - except planet Earth went back to the great ice age.
  3. Sorry, hoped I put my concerns / suggestions on the right place. Its the wish list, I also looked and scanned some pages of each forum.
  4. so it means you can repair one pair of socks 1.000.000 times while not falling to 0% while another pair of socks being ravaged once are forever gone. I actually also like the ruined idea and your explanation, but my example just now shows how unbalanced this works. Shouldn't be there a limit of repairs for each cloth then? Its only logical, if the wolf take out your boots and eat the socks before it run away. Maybe with some Nom Nom sounds 🙂 Rarity is great and rare items should be taken care of. But I don't want to be the wardrobe manager storing all the cloths somewhere pinpointing them for future use and calculate the logistics.... Why cant we make socks by our own - maybe by wolf pelts? Why even cant we harvest leather from pelts and create all kind of cloth - doesn't matter if its from a wolf or deer? Isn't it more "realistic'? One example is how the game Rimworld is doing it ....
  5. I think I dont need to give examples where you "need to pay blood" for something which has an endless setting. Most people anyway wont survive endlessly. Besides its unrealistic to stick in one area the whole live (5000 days) and nothing is becoming renewable. Actually I understand you: you are a "hardcore" guy like the no-hit-run dudes in darksouls. But you don't need to force that to everyone. We can provide such mode - maybe with even less and less animals to hunt down - like the "Escape the Darkwalker" event. For some people it makes fun while others have their own challenges and difficulties with this game. I don't want to become a perfectionists. I want to make mistakes without restarting the game. And I am willing to pay for these errors, but not for the rest of the sandbox-life. Challenges which coming up only with bad sides, but no goodies (which is the case in long term in The Long Dark), aren't natural. Its fictitious created by human boredom. The game is still very great! But I rather would like to play interloper difficulty with renewable stuff rather voyager without renewables. I think its a matter of taste. Punishing myself because I lost 3 hammers and that I cannot create my own selfmade hammer for the rest of the 5000 days is just ridiculous...
  6. Hi together, this suggestion is the reason why I found this place. The game is very great. The graphic is an USP - I like it and the many game mechanics are awesome. But after playing a few weeks I became demotivated: There is no challenge in something you can't know or can't understand. I can't know how much calories, water, fatique I lose or get, when I sleep, stand, walk or run. Despite of other opinions, it seems that running still makes sense to use for daily basis. You just need to save enduarance for climbing or fighting wolves. I collected some key factors about rates and needs but regarding fatique there is no information I could find how much the character lose when standing, walking or running. Besides I believe that these rates and factors are changing from Update to Update. Therefore I would like to see them in the game's UI. Without transparency game mechanics become unimportant and the game become frustrating rather challenging. If the developers want to hide these details from the gamers, then at least please provide something like a configuration or header file, which contains all of these parameters and factors. One good example is Don't Starve Together, where scripts are all viewable and even mods can be created. Maybe hinterland could make The Long Dark mod friendly as well? Thanky you! More suggestions coming XD. Do whatever you like with them
  7. another suggestion. I know it might be difficult to implement and take time. Animals: - Bisons - Tigers - Foxes, Lynx, Racoons, Wolverine - Aquirrels - Aries, Boars - Owls, Eagles - Seals
  8. Would be great to be able to recover from Frostbite again. Todays case: I spawned in Timberwolf Mountain and the whole time up to the pleasant valley, I didn't had a hat, which in turn my frostbite didn't recover at all even when sleeping a full night in a preppers cache. How about that a "Well Fed" affliction would counter one Frostbite? So also the Well Fed affliction would disappear.
  9. whirls

    Improving UI

    The keybindings seems to be resetting every time I start the game. I am playing it without internet connection. Is it necessary? Heard it will be patched in December. In Inventory: - The focus of one item should be kept when changing the sorting ( like stones are selected, but when you change sorting from ABC to Weight, another item will be focused on ). - When items are sorted by weight and you drop one items, which is stacked, you lose the focus of that said item. Would be great that the focus would be kept - When opening a container, you cannot scroll in their until you click in its inventory. Woudl be great if you could start scrolling in the containers inventory on mouse-over - Dropping or transfering items could be made much easier by additional keys. For example when keep pressing CTRL key all items will be dropped or transfered without asking how much. Another key like Shift would only drop half of the clicked items... Items on the ground: - sometimes or often stunned rabbits cannot be picked up somehow, doesn't matter how much I spam around my clicks and move my mouse around - also picking up 1 from 20 items lying on the ground can be a pain in the ass. Somehow items nearby prevent each other to be selected and picked up again
  10. upon starting the game it says, it doesn't represent the reality. I also like it, because more interesting stuff can be added into the game (like wolves attac humans, ...). Therefore why not make more items renewable - even if it is unrealistic? It doesn't mean to make the game easier 😉 - Like every 50 or 100 days, mushrooms, berries, etc. will spawn. - Or having a replacement for matches like fire stones? - Human made stuff like ammo and clothes are being spawned again after some time or being dropped by newly crashed planes? Providing a sandbox with endless conditions will motivate players to keep playing even when they waste (accidently) alot of stuff - like me.
  11. Make clothes you are wearing less heavier than transported cloths. Maybe some pants could be equipped with tools, which make these tools then also feel less heavy
  12. Simply as the title says. We could even make a sled from an engine hood ...
  13. - Can tracks be made to survive for days please? Except of course after a storm or snowfall - Maybe a tracker skill can be introduced that makes the tracks more visible or last longer - When entering a building, a "running bleeding wolf" would lose its arrow and bleeding state. Maybe instead that wolf can be saved and once leaving the building this state can be recovered?
  14. Happend to me: moose stumped on me. I got a broken rip and used 2 bandages and 3 "pain-killer" teas. Another painkiller or that tea made by berries were missing. So I still needed to heal up by myself for 120 hours ... Why not just reduce that healing time? In my case it would be 5/6 of the time substracted, means 100 hours less and I had only 20 hours left to go.
  15. Often I experience, that flying stones directly hitting the rabbits seem not to take any effect on them. Not sure if it is by design, but wanted to mention it. I mean sometimes the rabbits are immune to stones hitting them.
  16. When clothes get ruined please let the player still repair them. Maybe with higher cost then ...