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Posts posted by Gracia_WolfSlayer

  1. 6 hours ago, oplli said:

    this one is just an idea and i know that it would never happend im just saying it for fun. this ending would be the longest to achieve it would start at day 600. the first things that will happen are the global temperature going up, then some days later you wil l start to see that the ice starts to weaken and its spreads further and further near the costs amd in the middle of the lakes. Then the snow on the roads will start to melt and forlon muskeg will slowly be inacessible the more it goes and if you want to finish the game youll have to join milton before it happens ( you cannot go from ML beacause it melted and the cave collapsed. you only way to go there is by FM. once you arrive by marsh ridge you head up to milton bassin and then the paradise meadows and the first thing you see is a big bear rushing at you (just kidding)... the fisrt thing you see is a beautiful spring that is hitting the plains if you enter the house is says you are now free to prosperate or something like that... a beautiful spring

    This is a beautiful idea! Thank you for sharing it with us. I think that would be lovely. Essentially surviving the long harsh winter until the snow thaws. Superb.

  2. I thought it'd be fun to share our stories of your most daring return from the edge of disaster! The condition meter was red, your survivor was staggering, but somehow you managed to bring yourself back.

    (I didn't see any recent threads about the specifically, but if I missed it please direct me to it!)

    Mine happened today!

    So I had just made my way back to CH after forging my first set of tools and arrow heads. With a mostly empty stomach, but a skip in my step I stopped at the Qounset to craft a few arrows as I eat my last remaining cattails. I've got around 70% condition and no food so I decide to get back out to the Ravine and the ML while the weather was passable. I avoid the high roads and the main road in favor of the longer route on ice for the longer sight lines on wolves. The sun is starting to dip and the cold encroaching, so I decide to play it safe and spend the night in the fishing village. I could spare a little condition sleeping with a empty stomach after all. 

    <howl directly to my right!> NO! A wolf comes sprinting from behind the rocks the line the docks! I swing my bow around but my shot goes high and the wolf has me. I strike with my newly crafted hatchet in desperation as I see my condition plummet. But I shake him off and immediately run for the cabins, slamming the door. There's blood everywhere as I shakily bandage myself. My condition is now around 20%. I have no food, no tea and a blizzard is heralding the start of the night. What could I do but sleep? I sleep most of the night and awaken to an aurora, so no risking outside just yet. I pass some time sharpening my tools and breaking down furniture until my condition is dangerously low. It's only just after dawn, the coldest of hours, but I HAVE to risk it. If I can make it to the river head maybe I'll score a rabbit, or better yet some cattails.

    I head out, luckily no wolves this time, and I make it to the river head, no cattails. The air is blisteringly cold and I spot the bear up the hill along the stream, so no chance sneaking further up for cattails. But there's a rabbit, and I'm a crack shot! I grab my salvation and sprint back to the cabin, hypothermia nipping at my heals. With numb fingers I attempt a fire. 85% chance, but nothing. My condition is making me nervous as the cold has it dropping fast with every failed attempt at the %$*%&% fire!

    It lights! I slap the two nice sized rabbit steaks down. The air is so cold that not even the fire could protect me, and my condition goes red. I stagger inside to wait for the meat to cook. 19 minutes... I sway, luckily warm enough now that my health isn't dropping like a rock, but I'm still starving so it's still going down. I'm now down to 5% condition. I risk a peak outside and hurray! It's cooked! I grab them quickly and step back inside and inhale my prize. My condition finally stops plummeting. I have some prepared birch bark, so I make a quick cup of tea and drink it down before taking a well earned nap. I only risk 4 hours due to my still low calories.

    I awake with 15% condition. The weather has cleared and we're in the sweet spot of the day where my clothes actually protect me from the cold. So I head for the Ravine via the river.

    The Bear was gone, so I was able to harvest a bounty of cattails and 4 more bunnies. I cook them and a ravaged deer steak at the Rabbit Grove cabin and sleep the night. I have come Back from the Brink!


    Hope you guys liked my story! Thought I'd have some fun and make it a bit of a short story. I was so proud of this! I've NEVER brought a survivor back from condition in the red. Now I'm in ML hunting deer on easy street. I've broken my Loper record now at 35 days and show no signs of slowing down!.

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  3. @Sherri What I like most about your idea is that you have to wait for some sort of event before you can go for the exit. So instead of speed running, you still need to focus on survival until you can even chance an escape. Also whatever the escape is can be BRUTAL! 

    What if the 'event' is a random number of days, but the length is based roughly on your difficulty? That way you can't really focus on just preparing for day 100 or the like, you just know you've got to last until it happens.

    I love TLD as is, but it would be kinda nice to have a mild end game for sandbox. I don't even need a cut scene or anything. Just a triumphant swell in music and a fade to black with the words "You've escaped The Long Dark" and the credits.

    Could be neat.

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  4. You can read and repair clothes outside at night if there is even a little moonlight. If my clothes are good enough I'll go to a car (where there's a bit of warmth and protection)and work there instead of inside in the hours right after dusk. This helps stave off cabin fever.

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  5. On 6/4/2020 at 8:00 PM, Glflegolas said:

    What I like best about the game is no doubt the artwork. Who doesn't like the look of a multicoloured aurora lighting up the night sky? A beautiful sunrise over the Hushed River Valley? Sunset from the Abandoned Lookout?

    I'm right there with you! I adore the look of this game (I also super enjoy the game play, I've never played a game for this long before. I usually don't get more than 3 weeks without playing it before I'm ready to start back up again for a month!)

    There have been times where the sky is so breath-taking that regardless of how my survivor is freezing their butt off, I still have to stop and enjoy it for a moment.

    I say to anyone put off by story-mode, please try sand-box. While i like story-mode (ep. 3 was the bomb) it's not really a survival game in story mode. Watch a youtube lets play for beginners to grasp the UI and then get to livin'!

    Love you Hinterland. thanks for the great game!

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  6. This is crazy. I'd also assumed if a predator came across you in a snow shelter they'd still be able to attack you. I would always stoke a long fire outside the shelter to dissuade wolfs while I slept.

    ...I think I'll keep playing as if they can. I agree with @ManicManiac that this seems cheap and like the Science lab video said at the end, the animals really should be able to get at you.

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  7. Congrats! That's a great time I think.


    Sweet! I've yet to actually complete that challenge. Though admittedly that was back when I was barely playing Stalker difficulty. Now that I'm finally figuring out Loper, I should give this another shot.



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  8. I'm hoping I've finally got a handle on Interloper. I've tried several times without getting much past 5 days. But then I learned about torch chains and that you can start a fire with a lit flare(duh!)

    Now I'm heading out of DP on day 17. I've got a shiny newly crafted knife, hatchet and a ton of arrow heads. Back in CH I have guts, furs and saplings waiting for me, hopefully almost cured.

    I'm giddy! This is the first time I've successfully made it to a forge, with the needed tools AND crafted everything. I do have cabin fever risk of 20%, but my clothes are pretty decent and I've got an action plan! I'm going to collect my cured items, maybe craft a bit, but then heading up to PV (shudder) and then hopefully up to TWM.

    Look out TLD! 

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  9. 500+ hours of game play and I only recently learned you can start fires with a flare.... Like... duh!

    This revelation has made my latest Interloper run much more successful! My previous record was a lame 6 days now I'm up to 16 days and still truckin'.

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  10. There are a few ropes deployed in ML that you can take as well. I usually climb up to the overlook near the camp offices and take the rope from there. You can carefully go down the steep hill in the direction of the railroad to get down with your newly acquired rope!

    I feel your pain though. the first time I decided to hit the Bleak Inlet I got to the Ravine and only then remembered there was no rope. UGH! (mutters as she stomps back to ML)

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  11. eh, I think it works just fine. I typically only get sprains when I'm expecting to. I may be crossing my fingers as I shuffle down a super steep slope to avoid wolves or what not, but when the sprain triggers I'm neither surprised or annoyed. To me it's no different than eating a can of 50% peaches and getting food poisoning. It's a gamble of doing something you know is risky, out of necessity, and getting bit in the butt... I also avoid being over-encumbered whenever possible, ever by .1 kg.

    Just my opinion though!

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  12. Anything in "Pleasant" Valley. The weather in the region leads me to not go there unless I'm heading to TWM.

    On a related not I literally laughed out loud when the preacher remarks on 'Pleasant valley being a poor name for the area because of the weather' lol, I always thought so too my dude.

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  13. Eh... I 'get' why some people don't like it... Cabin fever is annoying, but I feel like it is supposed to be. It's an obstacle that makes survival hard and upheavals all your thoughtful planning.

    I've personally never felt it was a bad game mechanic. It's just something to look out for. Like food poisoning on that can of 55% peaches that your 'pretty sure' would be ok, and then isn't. Or running from wolves and spraining your wrist as they're making their charge.

    Good thing custom settings exist for ya'll ❤️

  14. True fans of Hinterland will completely understand. The Pandemic has been brutal, emotionally and creatively for many. You all stay safe up there and we'll keep enjoying your wonderful game. While we're sad it is delayed, I personally am happy to wait with the well being of your team  at stake and  the quality of the episode  in question. I've played all of story mode (loved it!) and 500+ hours of sandbox, and I still am not tired of it. I'll just go see if I can ever beat that bear hunting challenge....


    Stay safe! ❤️

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  15. On 8/13/2020 at 1:57 AM, devilkinder said:

    I loved TLD episodes 1 & 2 even if the missions were mostly walking from point A to B, still enjoyed it. Now am playing episode 3 for the first time and everything seemed good untiI I picked up the rifle.. little rant comming- WHY THE F DID YOU HAVE TO CHANGE THE IRON SIGHT SIZE ON THE HUNTING RIFLE?!!!!!!! CANT SEE SHT AND WHAT IM AIMING AT MATE, THAT THING IS HUGE, WHAT THE HELL? WHY COULDNT YOU JUST LEAVE THAT ALONE?! Anyway, thanks to that stupid, IDIOTIC, pointless change I'm done with the game, ciao.

    That's all it takes to make you drop a game? 

     Well... bye

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  16. All of the above! Ep. 3 proves that Hinterland gets better and better with each new Episode. The rescuing mechanic was so fun and challenging. I was badly wound and a blizzard was coming and I had to stow my survivor in a cave while a made short runs for wood to keep us warm and keep her hydrated. It was a long night! It also was a great length, I though "surely as soon as I hit the mine it's over" Then the whole elevator bit! So intense!

    Then the chills I got when I saw Coastal Highway, and the orcas frozen....gah! You guys rock. Cannot wait to see what's next.

  17. eh. I didn't have a bunch of gear stock piled there, so that wasn't an issue. All through Wintermute I'm trying to play it high and tight. 

    As for getting kicked out and locked out. LOL! I got a big laugh out of it. I think out loud I said "You sonofa..." and my husband in the next room asks what happened and I replied "Captain Ahab just locked me out!!" then he barks back a good laugh! I liked it, good belly laugh I say

    At least he spoke like a real person, all through episode one I'd exclaim aloud " Who talks like this!?"  I'm looking at you Grey Mother and Methuselah >.> bunch of rambling weirdos... (yeah yeah, crazy hermits... still liked the NPCs in later chapters infinitely more)

  18. I get this feeling totally. When the weather here is nice I open my windows and I'll be playing and start hearing crows. Never fails that I'll start searching the sky in game, and it turns out to be real crows outside. Talk about immersion!

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  19. Are dogs cool and cute and helpful? Yes. Do I like dogs? absolutely! Do I think that they would fit in with the game? No.

    I feel an animal companion of any kind would take away from the core, (I don't know...mood? Spirit? feel?) of the game. Isolation and removal from the world. In the same way I think multiplayer (which I've also seen suggested on the forums) would break the feel of you struggling to survive in a frozen wasteland. If story mode had a small bit about a dog, I think that'd be fine. But I'd say, for me, leave it out of survival mode

    There's always Skyrim if you need to scratch the doggy itch!

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  20. 3 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

    Don't get me wrong, I love some of the locations everyone has pointed out (esp. HRV) but I think without a workbench, LONG term survival could be difficult.

    When I've done long term stays in HRV and need a work bench, I'll typically hop back over to MT to the work bench in the trailers. It's a bit of a pain, but doable.

  21. Is cabin fever annoying? Yes, but it's never felt any more annoying than any other negative effect when brought about at the worst time. I rarely encounter it these days because, out of paranoia of it's return, I try to do repairs and reading in nearby caves and cars at dawn and dusk whenever the weather allows. I also try to cook outside when I can. I know interloper can make it harder to make these concessions though.

    But this is just me. It's never made me especially put off. I think the only time I can remember being angry when cabin fever was involved, was trying to place a snow shelter and failing to find a decent place that valid to set it. UGH!