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Posts posted by EjectedCasings

  1. Figured i'd throw my hat into the ring, even though it's pretty much beating a dead horse at this point. 

    The Long Dark is a solo survival experience. Period. That's one of the major points of the game. I hate to sound callous, but there are plenty of multiplayer alternatives, like the Forest. I know it's not the same thing, but it's the closest that you are going to get at this point. 

    Apart from that, there are the technical limitations, which make this pretty much impossible without changing nearly every core mechanic. At that point it's probably better to simply release a new game, lest you risk evangelist alienation, and it seems that the majority of players (who are active on the forums at least) have significant playtime in the game. Hinterland is doing something right that appeals to all these players. Changing core mechanics would almost certainly drive off lots of these players from the game.

    The methods suggested by the OP for getting around the limitations of time dialation are things that I don't would work well. Time dialation is a core mechanic of the game, and, as mentioned above, changing it in any way would at the very least change the way the game is played, and at the worst, drive off droves of players who like what is currently being offered to them. As @ManicManiacsaid:

    On 2/3/2021 at 12:58 PM, ManicManiac said:

    I don't think that a game that would frequently dictate how long players wouldn't be permitted to play, would be "successful."


    That's one of the reasons I hate games that have mechanics that require vast sums of time to pass before unlocking x thing (looking at you mobile games). If I can't play for 8 hours because there is something that needs to be researched or made is a great way to turn me off of your game. (It's also a "great" way for devs to sneak in MTX's with time skips etc). There are exceptions to this of course, especially if it's more player involved, but in general it's a mechanic i'm staunchly opposed to.

    TL;DR: No.

  2. 25 minutes ago, Mr. 0 said:

    submachine guns are useless, bring good old FAL xD

    Find old broken FN FAL in Blackrock facility,  just as harvestable item, would be meme. 

    The Right arm of the Free World is broken!

  3. Well...

    I don't really see either being implemented TBH.

    As pointed out above, NODS do operate on electricity. In the game setting, all electricity and electrical devices have been 'knocked out' by a massive solar flare. Sometimes at night, an aurora can occur and all electrical devices will miraculously begin to operate. So if you really did want a pair of NODS or something, they would only be functional during an aurora. The problem is, they wouldn't even be useful. We already have a flashlight that can be useful. I would definitely see myself passing up a big old bulky pair of NVG's, even if there was an aurora, and even if weight wasn't an issue I can't see myself sacrificing an accessory or headgear slot for it. Hell, I don't even carry a flashlight during one. I just stick with a lantern, which is useful at anytime. Another thing to consider is that Night vision devices only amplify a pre-existing amount of light. You can't use them to see in complete darkness. Something like a FLIR camera would be more useful, but even then I would pass it up for the aforementioned reasons above. 

    Binoculars are plausible, but I wouldn't say I need them. There aren't too many long sightlines in the game that justify needing a zoom function.

    • Like 1
  4. Adding different animals and sources of calories and hides would probably change the balance of the game. For instance, when timberwolves were added it changed the way a lot of people approached them. Granted, they're only in BI at the moment, but they're definitely something to plan for. All the animals serve a purpose. Rabbits are a decent source of easy to get calories. Their pelts can be used to make hats and mittens. Deer are fairly common, and are a larger source of calories. Wolves are your main adversaries, and should generally be avoided unless you want to make a good coat. Bears and moose are tanks that have a lot of meat on them, and they make some good equipment from their skins. All the animals in the game serve a purpose. Something like a squirrel would just be a reskinned rabbit, and I don't think that that is a good use of the devs time, when they could be making new maps and story mode episodes. Granted, more animals would add more immersion and maybe shake things up a little, but they would need to serve a purpose. The only animal I can think of that I would want is a beaver. They live in rivers and you would need a special trap for them. The real reason you would want to trap some would be for their hide, which could be crafted into a pair of very waterproof boots. Get rid of the deerskin ones and change it into a deerskin shirt or something.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Karl Grylls said:

    Me too, but i want a cup that looks like the old coffe mug, since years :( I hope they will bring it back in the future

    Aye, the old Soviet Union style enameled mug. Must say that these look much higher quality though. The Moose Kicks one is cool too.

    • Like 1
  6. On 11/16/2020 at 5:55 PM, ManicManiac said:

    Perhaps something like this might be best as a dedicated Challenge Mode.  :)

    One where we come across a badly injured canine calling out for help...
    The main focus of the challenge being not only to nurse it back to health, but also to see how long you can survive with an extra mouth to feed.

    I'm not sure I'd like the idea of this being added into the Survival Sandbox (much for the same reasons I wouldn't want human NPCs to invade the Survival either).  However a challenge featuring this I think could be really nice.

    There are challenges already that aren't time dependent (The Hunted, Part 1 and As the Dead Sleep for examples)... meaning one could potentially keep the same Challenge run going for a very long time.

    This is pretty the only way I see it being implemented. I think that the whole puppy idea, while fun, goes against the core ideas and beliefs of the survival sandbox. one of the main themes of the game is loneliness. No people. Every living thing is "alien" in a way. Everything is either afraid of you and against you. And that is one of the main things that sets this game apart from others IMO. This isn't even mentioning the technical limitations and challenges in implementing some kind of companion. 

    As for gameplay, I also don't really think it'd work. I kind of share @ManicManiac's approach of things that make things easier for the player should be avoided. Balance in video games is pretty tricky, and it's very easy to tip the balance between too easy, and too hard.

    That being said, I like Manic's idea of something similar being made into a challenge. That, I think is a cool idea.

    All in all, it's a fun idea, but I don't think it fits in the game. To each their own though, whatever floats your boat.

    • Like 1
  7. Like Lohaan said, there are lanterns, torches, flares, and a flashlight.

    However, the lanterns need lantern fuel, which you can find in small bottles or jerry cans. As an added bonus Lanterns can't be snuffed out by the wind, and they don't need a match to light.

    You can craft a torch, or take one from a burning fire. They can be extingushed by wind and they need a match to light. When lit they also provide a temperature buff

    Flares can be found throughout the world, and they don't need a match and can't be extinguished by the wind. You can also throw them at wolves to try and scare them off.

    Flashlights aren't all that common and they can on;y be used during an aurora, when electronics start working again. It has a high beam that can scare off wildlife.

    • Like 2
  8. On 11/20/2020 at 6:43 AM, stratvox said:


     Because the erotic terranes fold as North America plows into them, you get all kinds of nifty stuff, like in the picture below where you can see folding has brought up a dike of the Hushed River Valley terrane into a promontory largely composed of the Mystery Lake terrane:



  9. 1 hour ago, n4rut0f4n said:

    I've never had to make my own bread so I have no clue, but if that would be doable in real life, then why not.

    I also don't want go overboard and turn this game into a cooking simulator lol.

    It's how ancient peoples used to make bread. Adding yeast speeds up the process, but isn't technically necessary. 

  10. If you had a stone in your inventory you could grind the grain up, add some water and salt, and let it sit for a day or two (similar to the curing mechanic). Put it in the cooking pot and set it next to a fire to make some bread.

  11. On 1/3/2020 at 7:54 AM, Gleudal said:

    1.) I would like to access the radial menu, while walking, currently it stops the walking process and I dont see a viable reason why it should be like this.

    While that's fine and dandy on PC versions, on console the same analogue stick that you use to walk is also the one that selects different items in the menu. Other than that, I agree with all of your suggestions, especially 3 and 4.

  12. Yeah, no thanks. 'Short' is relative. Why, I could say that the first post in this thread is short and have it removed. Why do you think that short replies are inherently bad? I've seen a lot of short posts that have good insight into them. Maybe the person can't think of anything else to say. Short/low effort posts don't necessarily hurt the conversation. Removing peoples replies and opinions does not make the forum better. At the end of the day, this is Hinterland's forum, and what they say goes. The only times that I've seen posts outright removed are when people start talking nasty to each other. Should we treat short posts the same way? Of course not. The admin does an excellent job of deciding when to intervene and inject a statement or warning. All in all: no.

    • Upvote 1
  13. I've always wondered why our character doesn't get protein poisoning as well, but, like @odium said, there just isn't the amount of plants for that to be sustainable. Reshis and Rosehips are finite, and I don't think that their properties should be used for calories. Birch bark is the only renewable source of plant calories, and even then it doesn't drop nearly often enough to make up a substantial amount of calories.

  14. 27 minutes ago, dahemac said:

    I think it would make a great skill tree. And yes, especially for novices it should take a long time to make a so-so pile of snow with a hole in it. At level 5 it should take, as it does in reality 3–6 hours to make an igloo. And while the quinzhee should be for just a night or two, an igloo should last for weeks, unless there is a chance a marauding bear or moose stomps it, or a wolf moves in. Moreover I am not sure why anyone should care if another player wants to spend all their time building igloos all over the map. How would that affect your gaming experience?

    I'm not neccisarily saying it's a bad thing, but for me, that would make an igloo extremely OP. I never said that another player putting Igloos down would affect my experience. I just want it implemented in a way that I see as balanced. It's all perspective.

  15. Howdy Raph!

    In an earlier dispatch (dispatch #36 I believe), you said:


    Hey! In general we don't have any gas-powered or electronic tools because one of the effects of the Aurora and the geomagnetic disaster underpinning the game and its fiction is that electrical/electronic stuff doesn't work...at least unless it's "animated" by the Aurora on some nights, and even then that is very unpredictable. This is part of why, for example, none of the cars in the game work, why there's no snowmobile, etc.

    A while ago I posted a question about car heaters during auroras, and I came to the realization that if the power is back on (like during an aurora), why shouldn't you be able to start up a car? However you also said that the aurora is only part of the reason why things like that don't work. Would you mind telling us what it is, or is that just a part of the suspension of disbelief thing?