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Everything posted by LkP

  1. Hi all, Not really, some vegetarian traditions are thousands years old. It's more a matter of where than when, as it depends on what grows around you. I guess the modern world is allowing you to have access to food you couldn't have without modern transport. But be sure, what it gives you, it takes away somewhere else... As a vegetarian, I was surprised by myself the first time I've encountered a wild rabbit. Seeing it fleeing triggered an hunting impulse, an instinct of chase. I didn't run after it but I felt the need. So, first time I finally understood how to catch a rabbit with a stone in-game, I let it go, too cute to die... Then I thought about that experience, and ok, starving, cold, on the verge of dying every time I put as step outside, I would never hesitate. I killed the second one. And now I'm proudly wearing my rabbit gloves, can't wait to add the hat