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Everything posted by tulkawen

  1. Day 10 - Awesome weather! I stomp across the snowdrifts enthusiastically and find a couple of maple saplings - Wait a minute... I've been to this railway before and to this muskeg entrance. There must be two paths leading to it - Isn't there a wolf nearby? Oh well, stomp along the railway not taking a great effort to hide but vigilant. The wolf must have sensed I don't mind a fight because he simply isn't there - Even climbed some hills to search for goodies, but found only an eeky cold by the time I saw a lake cabin. Grabbed some wood and ventured inside - The cabin is filled with goodies, which I organise until hypoth risk evaporates. Got another nice book on shooting - Going for a stroll along a path behind the cabin. Encountered an adventurer who no longer needs his rifle - Strutting around with a rifle in each hand. I'm Rambo! Ok one of the rifles is not loaded. Still Rambo! - At the intersection went deeper into the canyon until a dead end, a backpack and a fir log. I'll take that why not - It's clear enough to use the magnifying glass and I'm out of water. I'm concerned the light will fade by the time I make it back to the cabin and stop right in the canyon - Crafted tea out of the red fruit I've collected - This place is windproof, but the wind became very strong. Taking out a rifle when I hear a howl, uncertain if that was the wind cracking trees or an animal - Fatigue sets in shortly once I move on. The last leg is done without sprint. These two rifles sure are heavy. At least I burned the firewood - The last several feet I barely move. Coming out of the canyon the wind grabs me. It looks strong enough to carry the cabin away into wizard of oz land Night 10 - Reached the cabin and slept like a rock - Woke up not fully rested, drank soda found in the canyon and slept more
  2. I'll never complain about my crash-landing shoes again. At least those wolves ate the shoes without the owner. I imagine those socks got wet and frozen every five mins. Maybe they could have frozen enough to make skates out of them, and go ice skating and kiting wolves around Muskeg. I guess you can do the challenge to make one survivor for each map in a row so you'd know a bit about every area but not a lot, and then do interloper survivor and see if you could orient yourself on a random map knowing only a bit about each.
  3. I'm proud of that first week. I also have some basic understanding or the muskeg and ML areas. I'd say I'm lucky because I went directly to the forge day 1. This seems like a big loot area. Having expedition parka day 1 or 2 is kind of a biggie so I don't freeze every step of the way. I don't really want to establish anywhere. I want to explore a lot so I have better chances next time of not falling into some wolves mouth. I also want to know which zones are connected to which zones. I don't suppose this survivor will last long, you know what they say about cats and curiosity.
  4. Day 9 - Fog and snowfall. Not going out there. Reading an hour makes me more edumacated, I get better at fire and go for another book - Peeking outside, the weather isn't better. Track uphill anyway to check the empty snare, raided a sticks bush along the way. Got soaked for nothing - Finished another book and broke two crates, slept out of boredom Night 9 - woke up rested pre-dawn and cleaned my rifle, got better at cleaning rifles
  5. Day 8 - The fire went out while I was sleeping. Waking to a curtain of snow and the blizzard howling nastily. I have been freezing for the past half an hour of sleep - Don't have the branches or logs to start a fire, luckily there are limbs scattered right outside the wagon - Almost freeze while chopping up one limb, hurry back inside - Fire and sardines to read a book - While reading the blizzard subsides, although the wind is very strong - The bear is far away when I peek out. I could stay here a while longer, but I must keep moving - I'm not seeing any threats nearby, it seems all right to travel along the tracks in the direction opposite of the broken railroad - The wind is making the trees crack and my footsteps echo scarily. I keep thinking I might get ambushed, and turn this way and that, holding out a flare - The railway tunnel appears without adventures, this road leads to the Mystery Lake. See ya Muskeg! - Oh i know this area! Not far off a wolf is patrolling the tracks. It is safer to turn left and go downhill along the cliffs - A nice frozen adventurer on the way provides me generously with a box of matches. I can use those, having used many matches while travelling shelterless - yes yes yes at the bottom of the hill I spot the hunter's cabin. Its safe, beautiful, filled with resources and offers a rifle - Foremost, I drop the heavy hammer onto the workbench and stuff extra into various drawers before stepping out to brandish my nice new rifle. - Spotting a deer in a barn nearby. It's time for a pelt and nice dinner - Walking cheerfully in the declining day finally not dragging several extra pounds on my back and armed. Hurray! - Skin the deer and rush back inside, drop guts and pelt to cure - Go back out to set a bunny snare, then collect fire wood. The hut is barely visible in the snow Night 8 - It gets fairly dark, the wolves howl. They know I've taken their venison. I don't care, I feel great - Cooking the venison and boiling water inside to fix my half health. Let them peek into the windows and envy Rome Thank you.
  6. @jeffpeng The wolves have picked it apart overnight and built a stove out of them. @Czhilli That's a sneaky trap on game's behalf and you learn this waaaay late into the game too. It's an interesting additional challenge to look after the hats. Although, I kind of like the idea of a pretty fur hat with a fluffy bunny tail pompom to match my bunny mittens. I'm a stylish survivor. Day 7 - Begins with two darn sprains as soon as I wake and decide to get off the ledge. - Limped back to the fire, which luckily wasn't out, dropped more reclaimed wood into it and slept 4h - It's such a waste. The morning was clear and now it's windy, cold and lightly snowing - Crouch and climb off the ledge carefully - Search the area, eventually coming across a deer and an adventurer whose backpack contains a book. Got to find time to read all these books - It looks like I need to climb down closer to the water. This relatively safe spot is a closed area - Wind and snow are pelting against me. There is a long stretch of ice leading towards the boulders. Red wagons are on the left. I want to scout the area before moving to them - Cross the ice step by step. With an overweight backpack I really don't want to take a dive - I climb the rock and almost come nose to nose with a bear. Not sure why he doesn't see me maybe I've got the upper ground. Crawl backwards then press my back against the rock. Which way is he heading, right or left? I can bump into him by going around the rock. Climb back onto the rock silent as a mouse and peek - The bear leisurely strolls away in the direction of the red wagons, walks along them and then away across the ice - hmm there must be goodies in that wagon, maybe even shelter... I have a feeling the bear is guarding it - I reach the wagons and also walk along them, picking up scraps of metal and a bunch of flares. The boxes have a few useful things too, including coal and a magnifying glass. Yep! This red wagon is rich! - Hurray! the other side of the train has one wagon without a door that can be entered. A fire barrel is at the entrance - Hope the bear isn't interested in entering wagons - Search more boxes and discover a frozen sweater. Good, I have another one just like it - It's not too cold and the day is in decline, this will be my camping spot. Unless the bear snacks on me, this seems much safer than a few nights under the stars. I am lucky the weather had held both of those nights - I finish off my cattails to read for two hours, the third gets interrupted by hunger, how bothersome Night 7 - It's getting colder and a fire must be built. I don't have much firewood since I was dodging the bear and carrying a heavy enough pack, but I do have a lot of coal, might as well enjoy it while I can - Dropped the frozen sweater next to the burning barrel and removed my soaked gloves too - Amazing! The sky turns emerald with a huge crystal moon glimmering among its wisps (bummer I pressed print screen instead of f9 for screenshots, salvaged my second shot without the moon; the moon was the best one so far) - Slept four hours after much admiration. The sweater is dry now. Now I have two blue sweaters - Read an hour and slept again
  7. Day 6 - I'm back to half health. It didn't improve as much as I had hoped for, but at least there's no alarming danger - The wolves howl as soon as I venture out. This marsh has more wolves than wolves have fleas - Yep, there is one patrolling my way; climbing uphill away from him... fuuuuuhhaagh... two sprains! the wolf is now between me and the snow shelter... great... limping away from him as fast as I can towards what looks like a frozen river - Four hours. I've got no medicine against sprains. The wolf disappears around the bend. It looks like I dodged one again. - The river bank has some steep rocks. I drop my bedroll along the rocks and build a fire on the open side, screw it all and sleep 4h - Woke up not in some wolf's stomach and the sprains are healed - Travelled along the rising stream towards a waterfall - There is a ledge protected from the wind and hopefully wolves. A metal radio tower is piercing the sky nearby - I head for the tower and search a couple of metal boxes underneath it. The torn up crates only give firewood. - Heading away, I spot a frozen adventurer who has a nice scarf. Great, a baseball cap under 20% isn't exactly the best warmth giver - I am rich on jackets though. Found a ski one. Obviously the expedition parka is the win, but can't decide which to keep for the second place, one is better windproof, the other is better warmth - It's getting dark, seems like I'm stuck outside again. At least the wolves aren't howling. Chop up some fir and cedar limbs - Cannot make it back to that windproof ledge. I guess I will stay atop of the lower one, fire and sleeping bag Night 6 - Woke up after four hours, not very tired. Set the water to boil and tore up some gloves - My pack is overweight at this point. Well, I am dragging around a heavy forge hammer. I wander if I need it anywhere except for the forge. I suppose I can crush some stuff with it instead of using the hatchet and it only needs fir for repair - grabbed boiled water and slept another hour - Woke up fully rested and it's still dark. dang. Dropped more wood into the fire and tore up old boots, this kept me busy for an hour and a half, slept till dawn ___ @Czhilli And there I was tearing up all hats I could find except for one extra. There are a lot of them. @jeffpeng I was thinking of building a wolf fence out of them around my main base.
  8. 385 is impressive! I may have been braver with a defensive weapon, but 46% health and a flare in the arsenal = survivor cutlets. I feel though on 385th day you may have been desperate to explore a new area due to low resources, whereas on day 5 there sure are safer places to loot.
  9. Eclair I did find some kind of tree bridge, but it doesn't lead on top of the waterfall, just on top of the landslide. Day 5 - Went uphill where I see a fallen tree like a bridge, it can be climbed. Through a narrow canyon passage, I reach an intersection and the railway. Climbing onto a hill reveals more tracks. I believe this is the other side of the landslide - The canyon is very much narrow, mountains on either side - A silhouette crosses the road right in front of me on soft paws. What a silent wolf. He could have jumped out of nowhere - I bolt behind a tree, creep just a bit ahead. There is no run around path. If he jumps me, he would be materialising out of the rock face. I wouldn't have time to light the flare - I have under half health left. This way is blocked - Head back across the tree bridge to my fire that still burns - Grabbing another torch, forced to return to the muskeg - The muskeg immediately greets me with plenty of mournful howls. I consider following a long row of black wagons using them as a shield and then spot a bear unhurriedly minding his business - Nope not going there. In a rush to get away, I nearly run into wolf's mouth that luckily turns towards the lake and lets me sneak past - It's a bit foggy, but decent. The cold is nibbling at my heels a bit. Scaling another hill reveals a snow shelter! - A campfire is right at the shelter's entrance. This fire can be lit from the shelter. woohoo! food, soda, old boots. epic! - A wooden platform is visible from the top of this hill, which can be reached mostly by snow isles - Collecting cattails on the way. Another book on survival. I'll take that! I like surviving. A storm lantern too. - Can't see any other interesting spots in the vicinity and my health has taken great beating. - It got windier, the snow is falling in plump flakes when I hide in the snow shelter - Eating cattails in warmth and reading. The 5th hour didn't make it before dark. sigh I would have liked to finish the book Night 5 - Let's check, what's fishiest in my inventory... sardines, eat them and drink, sleep 3h - The shelter is still warm. Hungry again, which is annoying since I've been eating all day long, but I really want the health to go up. Ate the chips and slept 4h - It's becoming borderline cold. I'm such a clutz with the matches. The book would really improve my chances of lighting the campfire - Can I finish the book with another cattail in the early dawn light? I can! - The fire lights up with the book's help. I climb out of the shelter to set the water to boil and hide in the shelter again, then sleep
  10. Day 4 - Finally! I can travel! It's a clear day too even if thirst is nagging me slightly - Since there is no wolf at the entrance, I leave. Looking over the shoulder from the top of the hill shows him approaching that cave again - I climb higher. It is a long ledge stretching over the lake. From it, I spot a wolf that's travelling below parallel to me. - This ledge is extremely windy and doesn't have even a few mushrooms growing around, though, there are a couple of maple saplings - Nothing to eat, nowhere to sleep... the best way to survive in this frozen dump is to not - The ledge develops into a large tree leading down to the railway that runs into a tunnel. Would I like to leave this muskeg? Yes, I do. - There is a canyon on the other side and a broken railway. The thirst is really bad now. Coming along with hypoth it's eating away at my health - Following the tracks I hit a landslide. This way is blocked - Not finding any shelter, I pick a wind secluded corner to build a fire and chop up a tree limb - Boiling water is the first matter of business. Although it's not night, I cook some beans too. The health has taken some beating from this triple condition - At least I don't hear anymore of those bloody wolves. The canyon is quiet - A deer nearly crashes into me. It gets trapped between me and the wall within arm's reach. I certainly have no range weapon to take it down - Speaking of deer, dang it, I forgot the deer pelt at that cave - Once the hypoth risk is cleared and the water boils, I move on reinforced, and the lucky owner of four tin cans since I've been eating lots of canned food. Still don't know what these cans are good for aside from boiling water. - Walking around the corner reveals a secluded area and abandoned campfire that yields a cedar log and a hatchet in good condition. One can never have too many hatchets! - There are trees like arrows pointing to the top of a waterfall, but I cannot find a way upwards. One of the trees is positioned like a bridge to a higher ledge, but it won't let me climb it. I give up after a few attempts - Instead, I head downhill to the frozen lake under the waterfall - Nothing here, combed the grass for cattails, still nothing. I'm going to run out of dog food one of these days... near days... - The wind is picking up, the night is right around the corner. At least the lake has many fallen fir and cedar limbs, enough for ten logs Night 4 - There is a snug corner between a mountain and a large boulder. A thick tree trunk is shielding the nook from the third side - I squeeze in and arrange ten hours of hot fire - Uh-oh... I thought the sleeping bag would go between the mountain and the tree. It doesn't fit! Oh this is a bummer if I can't sleep next to a 10h fire - I run around the tree and try from the other side. Luckily, the adjacent boulder is flat. The sleeping bag gets arranged at an angle within the reach of fire heat - Still need to run back around the tree to reach the bigger campfire cooking rocks to boil water - Drink and eat. The area is pin drop quiet. I've heard no signs of Tap-Tap ever since coming here. The fire is warm... I think I will be all right with ten hours of rest - Woke up not eaten. Come on water boil faster, I don't want to waste breaking daylight - I pick up a torch and go around the ice, exploring some more. Eventually found a backpack and chips. Greet another day. My night camping spot.
  11. Bare Oh deaer! Those big ones with antlers can charge you though in rl. I don't see why not exercise caution. Jeff That would be the next patch. The rocks will start biting too for -1 health.
  12. I think what hooked me to this game was the atmosphere and how contemplative it is. The gradual demise leaves you pondering. I like how we get quotes before each game. It makes me assemble quotes too. Maybe I will add them to one of my longer runs.
  13. Eclair omph That's tuff having no cloth to repair clothes. This game is unique because all games constitute accumulation of resources and once you accumulate the maximum you win. Here it's more of a snow hill. You start with nothing. Accumulate enough to feel comfortable and then no matter how frugal you are, resources gradually melt into nothingness along with you. I take it a lot of people consider the first half of the game the most fun. It is natural since receiving is more fun than losing. Jeff Sometimes deer and bunnies rush past me so close. I always sulk that I cannot stretch my arm and grab them when they bump into me. Ouch! I hope those senews healed properly with the benefit of advancing your library skills. I always suspected our survivor is a crybaby, always moaning about something. Ohhh this ankle painnnn unbearableee. I cannot concentrate on reading because pain! Swoooon! I still prefer to keep away from wolves even if I can stand on top of them. It's still creepy turning my back on the barn doors. It feels unbelievable they can't get at me.
  14. Day 3 - The wolves are still howling when I wake up. There is mild fog that clears by the time I'm done charting the area. I sure have a lot of charcoal. Maybe I can build a Survivor dummy out of all this charcoal and push it downhill next time I meet the wolves. They can chase it all they want. - I gather remaining stuff and head out in the direction opposite of those broken huts in the distance - The coal and the wood resources are used up. I could gather some branches, but this spot is no home base. - Staying another night might guarantee Tap-Tap his midnight dinner. - Tap-tap goes away across the ice and I make the move creeping along the mountain ridge. - As soon as I clear this wolf, I see another. This one picked a lengthily line between the lake and the ridge, making it difficult to sneak around him either way since our courses run along the same path - While I contemplate what to do, subtly creeping forward, a deer gets spooked by my presence and runs right into that wolf's mouth. I creep past while he stuffs his face. This nifty trick sure seems useful! XD - omg... is there a single square meter in this marsh that doesn't have a wolf? There is another one hanging back and forth between the mountain and the lake - luckily I spot a cave and sneak inside it since I'm starting to get cold crawling across the mountains on my stomach - snatching a chocolate bar and grape soda from some frozen guy. the cave has a couple of coal pieces - The day is good and the sun is high, I should travel more - Wait for Tap-Tap to go away and try crawling around the hill... don't get very far when there is a snaaaap! There goes my ankle. Four hours!? Did i break it twice? shoot - Limp back to the cave before tap-tap finishes his patrol line and turns back - ugh cannot read this nice sewing book either, why does a twisted ankle prevent reading? sitting on butt seems like a perfect activity for it - scowls. tore up my crash-landed boots to fix the insulated ones. tore up an old vest too to repair the underwear, failing once, shucks... the socks are at 30% too, sure could have used that other piece of cloth - sleep off the injury Night 3 - Woke up at midnight and realised I can't build a fire because I only have two sticks. All the predator dodge ball never gave me a chance to gather any firewood. - Not going out in the pitch dark with the wolf hanging around the cave entrance. Maybe even he had snuck in while I was napping, but smelling my ruined socks ran away. - Too bad, my water supply is running low. Boiling some at night to get tired would have been perfect - Sleep another hour, check on the deer skin, it's actually curing, that's good, maybe it will get lighter - Aimlessly, hanging around in the dark checking inventory, thinking how to make the load lighter. - sleep one hour to dawn
  15. Czh Newbie memories are always my favourite too. jeff Well that's certainly helpful to know, having to stand for five hours crafting a hatchet with your back to a wide open hole where the door is. Kind of quirky though that a wolf can bark and charge and then hit an invisible wall. Did you hear a deer and think it was a wolf and panicked and shot it? I admit their hooves beating does startle me occasionally. Or do deer get mad and charge you too if you wound them. I try saving gun bullets for predators only. If I get a bow I'll try hunting deer with a bow. OMG YES! I watched the Lord of the Rings where Hobbits were throwing potatoes and frying pans at the Orcs and I imagine my survivor fighting in exactly the same style. In panic I would totally throw anything at the attacker just to get away from them. Choke on my smelly socks wolf! I NEVER wash them! Their stench shall fell my enemies! eclair Oh noes! Two months is a lot of effort! How in long dark did the long dark get that game? D: If I had a very long game going, at some point I would not continue that one, but save it like an award. Do you have any goals? For example, I will strive for 500 days in all of my voyager games until I get one done. It seems like mission impossible that will keep me busy for a long time.
  16. wb Eclair (your name is delicious by the way) What is your surviving record on voyager? Do you try your hand at other modes?
  17. Day 2 - In the lifted fog, I spot the wooden docks leading away from the shore that look promising. I follow the yellow brick road without the red shoes, collecting a few cattails along the way. - A few deer are peacefully grazing. Perhaps, those were their hooves last night? Wishful thinking. Whatever that was had sent creeps up my spine. Deer don't stalk adventurers. - There are a couple of upturned boats and boxes. On the next island a house is buried up to a roof that has a dresser, one drawer crooked, the rest have goodies. - The docks run deeper into the bog territory towards a barn filled with barrels. There is a fuel canister inside. - I climb onto the rocks behind the barn to get a better view. Flat and empty. There are some ruined buildings left of the forge. I don't think any of them can be entered. That's the direction that ominous sound came from last night. I'm in the middle of nowhere. - Since the wind is picking up, it's time to head back, skinning a fallen deer on the way and gaining crow feathers. Leave the guts where they are. Don't want predators on my doorstep. - The weather is turning foul close to a blizzard. The forge is fired again to cook the meat and boil the water. This thing is boards voracious! It demands to eat almost as much as I do all the time! I add more coal, letting the temperature rise gradually. Isn't it high enough to melt this muskeg already? - The inventory revision tells me I have an awesome new knife, but no hatchet. That's what I create and use the rest of the metal for the arrowheads. - Setting more water to boil in a tin can, I climb under the second storey where breaking a crate earlier had revealed a safe. The water is bubbling and threatening to boil out while I crack the lock. - 'Wow! Is this an early survivor birthday?' I have one good thought, immediately interrupted by multiple wolf howls erupting in the area. While crafting, the snow storm had subsided and the night has fallen. Night 2 - Climb to the second floor hugging a warm expedition parka and insulated boots in good condition. Woot! That's a nice safe! - Tap-tap... Tap-tap... the footsteps return. Belonging to an invisible enemy, they are more chilling than all the muskeg frost. - I snatch the boiling water off the stove and crouch, sleeve in my mouth. Something is out there... stalking... waiting... it wants me. - I have a rock and a flare. Hardly a mighty arsenal. Well... a knife too, but that's when the range fails. - Tap-tap... tap-tap... it finally leaves me be... for now - Sufficiently frightened, I drop the remaining coal along with the reclaimed wood into the forge and sleep - The wolves are howling when I wake up close to dawn - Set the water to boil and begin checking all drawers one last time, picking up my temporarily stored stuff - An interested bark right behind me, propels me upstairs! - This is when I finally spot the midnight visitor. A rusty shape is visible through the open entry into the barn. It's not going in, but it is taking keen interest in the place where I'm hiding - The water is boiling out, but I can't reach it from the second floor. The can is empty by the time the wolf moves on
  18. @jeffpeng That toolbox is sneaky! It takes a while to figure what to do with it (and it sort of looks like a lunchbox too). You'd think it has a screwdriver to pry open some locks. I don't doubt later on in the game it's useful, but the game was poking fun of me by 'here is a sharpening tool for you' but I won't give you a tool to sharpen. @BareSkin I proudly made it to two indoor places, though, they were both wicked traps too. I'm surprised those wolves didn't eat me. I almost came nose to nose with them. The road has snowdrifts along it. They jumped over the snowdrift from the other side when I jumped onto the road. I guess luckily the fog limits their vision too, not just mine. They got close enough to see those separate hair of their backs. Scaaarryyy... O_O I think they were zoned on that deer I had left behind. Never mind the matches hence I assume they do drop in game if rarely. Having no bedroll is the bigger killer. What are we, suppose to tackle the bear barehanded to make a bedroll out of him? I suppose you could find a bed for fatigue but no bedroll means you really can't go anywhere else the fatigue will kill you.
  19. Game 5 Newbie Lost - Forlorn Muskeg, Voyager Day 1 - Fog and Bog. Both unpleasant yellowish-blue entities. Dumped in the middle of the flat landscape where the ice patched by snow stretches in all directions equally, I advance randomly, aiming to find an invisible shore. - Keeping on top of the snow isles for the most part. The ice is cracking unreliably. - Nothingness. Desolation. Not even a few cattails to salvage. - Once the risk of frostbite and hypoth sets in, the bank shows up. Dim outlines of a vast barn drift into view. - It's a forge! This survivor just discovered a treasure! Finding an accelerant in one of the boxes allows me to use the stove for warmth. Then break up what can be broken as some boards require a hatchet. - There is an assortment of clothes even if most of them hold around 30% I tear up two shabby pairs of gloves for repair until warmth sets it. - Explore another barn to the right, it has an empty backpack and a bunch of reclaimed wood. I'll take that gladly. Tear up a couple of bushes too on the way. - Go back and look around the forge. There is a heavy hammer hidden in one of the metal wheels behind it. Very nice, I have a hacksaw and a heavy hammer. - The dusk is setting in. There are broken remnants of a house not far off. - Running around it, I hear a suspicious sound like an echo of my footsteps. I stop and it stops. I go and hear it again, the pitter-patter of feet. - I sprint to the forge and climb the boards to a second storey where the bed is. Crouch. - Yes. There are foreign footsteps behind the forge. They are terrifying in the dense dusk. tap-tap... tap-tap... - I cannot understand what animal this is. Maybe a wolf? I think wolves are a bit different. A moose? - Digging through self-defence items gives me a flare. Night 1 - Whatever this is, it's not in a hurry to leave... tap-tap... tap-tap... - I peek through the large gaps in the boards, but see nothing. It grows very cold when the sound finally stops. - I climb down and build another fire. Drop enough logs to last a night and then remember a metal shelf under the bed floor. I do have a hacksaw. The wolves howl mournfully in the distance. It's a cold night. - This exercise wears the last bits out of me even if I get a good amount of metal. The health is two thirds down having taking various beatings. - Must eat, drink, sleep.
  20. Hey guys! As a Canadian allow me to congratulate everyone with the first day of winter! (unless you're in Australia area) December is a Christmas month, thus, I figured it would be fun to do one of those 'open a new window each day' candy collections. I'll try to post a small fragment of my The Long Dark adventures each day. Hope this will be entertaining. For the 4th game I picked Interloper difficulty for lulz and also learned that you cannot choose a map at this level. This Survivor's name is Yolo! Presented by a complete newbie. Feel free to laugh. Game 4 Yolo!! (Interloper, Pleasant Valley) Day 1 - This pleasant valley doesn't look too unpleasant for a nice forest stroll in my underwear. I even collect some mushrooms and beards. - A brisk walk brings house structures in sight surrounded by empty corpses and green boxes. These houses are a lie. I bang at the front doors, but spiders have barricaded the doors firmly and don't want visitors. - Running around one of these ruins reveals the most wanted thing in the world right now, a toolbox. Not only am I cold, but now I'm hugging a heavy, metal object. - Grabbing some red fruit from a bush makes me see metal doors going into a basement. - What a nice basement, it has food, drink and a sock for my left foot in the washer. Must be a magical washer, they usually eat socks not give them. - The lockers require a prybar. Doesn't this super heavy toolset have a single thing that can help open the lockers? - There is also a whetstone, probably to sharpen my very useful toolbox. - Go outside again and peep off the edge of the mountain. There is a farm field below. Perhaps some farmer used to live there? Might be a house. - How to I get down there? I venture leftward to what seems like a white slope going down, but it leads me to a twigs farmsville. Dead end. - Run back to the basement and bolt inside. My hands are close to falling off and two frostbites are developing. - Maybe I could start a fire... if only I had a single match. - Who would have thought. I plane crash-landed survivor who doesn't have anything, doesn't have anything! - Got busy breaking some boxes and tearing up a couple of cardboard boxes. Sad sigh, the risk of frostbite and hypoth is not going down. - Maybe if I sleep it will get better? Try to sleep. You cannot sleep without a bedroll. Whhhaaat?? Flop on floor and stretch out on the boards. What do you mean I can't sleep! I'm lying down with my eyes closed and I'm getting tired, tiiiireeed! I demand to sleep! The temperature is wavering between white and mild red. If it drops outside I think I will freeze in here. - Stepping out again and this time choosing the right side along the ledge. There are two ropes hanging down. - Half tired, half hungry and thirsty. What could go wrong? Apparently nothing. Saw a dead deer after climbing the first rope but left it alone. Don't want to anger whoever wants it for dinner and I bet toolbox won't help me skin it either. - While I was climbing, the fog came in blue and thick. There is a road running around the field. I hit the breaks and quick reverse upon attempting to cross it. Three wolves not far to my left are also crossing. Crouch behind a snowdrift and yield the right of the way. - I'm a little snowdrift cold and stout... please don't be smelling me with your snout... - Sneak across crouching once they pass. My imitation of the snowdrift must be convincing hence I'm as freezing as one. - Speaking of freezing, one of the frostbites is almost up to my ears. Time to sprint to what looks like a house. - Bummer. It's not even a house, it's an awning for storing hay. Too bad I'm not the hay. I'd feel right at home. Why can't I sleep in the hay? Sulk. - Sprinting around the field circumference and keeping an eye on the line which I think the wolves were taking. - There is a red structure up ahead. Running around it hitting the walls. Where is the entrance? Don't tell me this barn is also taken by mice. - Finally found the blasted door, lift hand to grab the handle and hooorible feels wreck me. Yep, there is frostbite. - Whhaaaa??? Aaaaaghh!! Awghghg!!! Permanent? Health wreckage! And one step away from warmth? I should have picked up one less twig. Damn you twig! - It's almost pitch dark inside. I drink the soda and eat some dry food. Three sources of health punishment is too much. - I stumble around unable to see much, eventually running into stairs. Through a hole in the roof I see a workbench outline. 'Very nice,' I think and fall through the floor. Well, there is always a second attempt... to fall through the floor. - I don't think this place has a bed. - It's -5C! You deceptive hole! You only looked warm while subtly advancing hypoth! - I bullet outside and hypoth covers me too! The world blurs. I run around the stupid barn trying to make out any other house structure in the distance, but the fog and red health blurs the horizon. - There is a large yellow tractor in front of me. I climb inside. Perhaps another survivor who pulls this tractor door open will find my stuff useful.
  21. The thing I've learned the most so far is that as soon as you drop you have to move asap without taking time to think what to do next. Not knowing the terrain makes you move intuitively. Once you manage to hook somewhere you get the ball rolling. This game has a nomadic way. Even in safer places you cannot remain too long because you need resources and you have to take risk and travel to get them if you wish to survive long term. I'm finding voyager wolf density sufficient at present. Interloper sounds interesting since I don't know where I'm going anyway. Bad weather is only scary because I cannot see the wolves from two feet away, but such means of fading into long dark isn't as intimidating as the violent way. Blizzards are kind of nice if you manage to reach safe shelter and read while it howls. That's one of the things about Long Dark, you don't want to be caught in the open with your pants down once the night or fatigue drifts in.
  22. Bare, I hoped she wouldn't die in such a short amount of time or would wake at catching hypoth, but I guess it was too cold. I'm not sure if this one was winnable or not. I had firewood for half the night and there was a blizzard. Sleeping while I had the fire then still would have woken me at midnight with a blizzard outside - providing I could have slept. I had warmth only crouching very very close to the fire, moving even a bit away dropped temp into red. It was -13C inside the cabin, so just crouching there without a fire but not sleeping would have frozen me slowly. Venturing out into blizzard at midnight doesn't sound great either especially since I don't know which way to walk. In general, so far, I feel not knowing the terrain is the biggest challenge. I tend to die often before I reach a safe spot from which I could explore and where I could have a base for a while. I suppose I could have slept for half the night, then ventured out to grab firewood and hoped I don't lose the wagon. If lucky I'd grab more burnable stuff and come back, somehow last till morning. That would burn the matches but at least stall an immediate demise. idk Don't mind my ramblings, I always wander after each game what I could have done differently.
  23. Hey guys, I thought I'd rhyme my next adventure because why not. Still Mystery Lake Voyager. Game 3 Lost Noobie Log Forest, forest everywhere How in blazes did I get here? Hands in pockets, walking brisk Wolves or frostbite, I'm at risk. At least I have pockets. Stumps and Logs like Pyramids Wooden roof in their midst. Set of stairs and a roof, But not shelter, safe goes poof. Hello, archery book and a hatchet. Grabbing some twigs underfoot Not exactly epic loot Roof and steep path up a cliff Up run, up run, can't go stiff. Hello, frozen adventurer by a burned out fire. You have food for me in your pack. Roof and stairs, but not shelter Ruined lookout, cannot enter. Build a fire next to this friend Eat and drink, get warm, don't end. Rush as fast as possible down from the lookout as the strong wind picks up. Setting sun, a yellow dot It's a wagon, camping spot. Deer freezing on the ground. I've got hatchet, chop it down. Hello, wind rattling the thin wagon door once I grab more twigs and bolt inside. Build the fire, I can cook Stupid noob, you burned the book!! Fry the deer, what a feast Vicious wind howls like a beast. There is barely enough room for the bedroll. Drink and watch the twigs run out Absolutely can't go out. Half the night passed, fire dead Angry eye pulling to bed. It's negative 13C away from the fire. Try one hour, get some rest Doubt nagging, it's a test. Hello, death. Yep, it was not safe to sleep in freezing temperatures even in a sleeping bag inside a wagon.
  24. Thumbs up for the Simpsons reference! Newbie Log Summary
  25. You guys are reading my logs and waiting for me to run into it, aren't you. ;__; I knew it, there are bosses in all games. More paranoia for me! @jeffpeng aha! ty @BareSkin