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Everything posted by tulkawen

  1. What is Hibernia btw? I thought at first you were talking about the big yard where the trailers are.
  2. Day 51 - I'm going to drag all these lanterns down the mountain, along with whatever I can grab - coffee and go go go! It's snowing heavily again. I bet a blizzard is waiting to ambush me in the middle of the rope and then freeze my hands off so I'd fall - made it back in spite of the frostbite reaching 69% - put all my clothes back on, that was a bad idea to leave some behind, i had to keep running back to the fire to warm up - it's warm in the cave but i start a fire anyway to heal faster. i've got enough fir logs and coal - organised various piles like medicine, matches, clothes, tools - I'll pass on climbing back to the summit today - read a few hours - drank summit sodas since i have left the water at the plane, then slept
  3. @BareSkin I did notice that I must use coal in order to warm up by the fire on Interloper if I'm outside, but I assumed that was because the general temp is much lower and I'm dressed in less. Fire also has maximum if you fill the flame bar and it doesn't go over zero then it won't get any warmer even if you add a hundred sticks.
  4. You're speaking in funny codes. What does this mean? It's my understanding that expedition parka is the best coat you can find in the game congrats on this find. Which second coat are you wearing?
  5. Day 50 - woke up bright and early, i hope the weather is presentable, let's have a cup of coffee - this is one wicked climb, tallest so far with a landing, ahh! the wind is staggering on top - Summit? WOOHOOOO!!! AWOOOO!! Oh I know where... I know where I am! This is my airplane! Hueee! I have climbed to the top! - Tap dance! I am the Queen on these mountains! Never mind the flag, I'm keeping my socks! It's freezing up here if this frozen guy is anything to judge by, some survivor made it up here without pants kudos to him - Running past a big plane wheel and a wing fragment! whoa there, where is the front section of the plane? Just the tail left. - Can't say it's toasty in here. Accelerant! Nice. Quick start fire. I'm getting frostbite on my hands. eep! I left my gloves in the cave. - bust the containers closest to the fire. Clothes! Three pairs of red undies, they're better than blue! A bunch of hats and scarves, nope, no gloves ouch. - what else is there? Another flare pistol and seven shells. Nice! - Food! Excellent food! 12 MRE, salty crackers, peanut butter; another container has 7L of water and many summit sodas from the summit hurr hurr! i catcha - breaking green crates for more firewood and running back to the fire to remove the cold after each hour - 96 matches, two firestrikers, 5 more accelerants, antiseptic, 6 painkillers yes please, and a sewing book! - lmao! Something like seven storm lanterns, two quality tools, two metal pieces - mwuhaha! I'm so not leaving this mountain until I drag every single item down! - I have 45 coffees! I'll boil one more cup and one more cup of herbal tea for rest, breaking crates made me super tired - dumped more reclaimed wood into the fire and slept
  6. I never got to start indoors on voyager. Seems the game favours you. Welcome to tropical vacation... for now. It's a start!!! Congratulations! Don't discount rifles. Take the opportunity to learn about them.
  7. My voyager is still on the TWM dragging all her heavy stuff around. Day 49 - the mountains are pink, it's clear and windy, the temperature holds at zero exactly letting me travel slowly without catching a cold - i'm finding fresh mushrooms and rosehips but i don't want to gather due to weight - i don't believe i've seen this fallen deer before, i'm also glad i don't see the bear, maybe the bear got scarred of my low battery because i haven't seen a hair since - finally! a new rope leading up! drink some coffee and up i go - secluded shelf, secluded sounds good no predators around, it's a small area surrounded by cliffs and an entrance to a cave that can be explored - much coal inside and some intersections, a frozen adventurer gives me a skinning book, a vest and MRE oh! tasty it's 1740 calories! - the lantern has about quarter of the burn time left when i see light. a new area - it's snowing again the weather really is out to get me - a rope down, not taking that - keep going the other way until i reach an open cave, it's equally cold as outside but it's wind sheltered, there is a folded mountain rope, not dragging that around - another rope leading up, i feel like i should take it tomorrow, past noon and this weather is like yesterday when i got blizzard - went back to the cave, ugh it's so uncomfortable climbing to its entrance, slipped down several times - read a book for 2h until fatigue got me - i'm going to drop more items i don't like crawling like a turtle around these mountains maybe leave some double clothes - ate MRE then slept
  8. It certainly is a gamble when you're choosing an item. Or you could find a broken arrow on a map without a workbench. There are often broken ones embedded in deer carcasses. Have the arrow tip but no arrow. @BareSkin said that he never tried voyager difficulty, thus, I was coming up with an enticing enough challenge with crazy in mind. This one can be modified to various interests, for example take what's on your back instead of one item or increase the number of items per one each time you're moving to a new map. Ex map 1 to map 2 you take 1 item, map 2 to map 3 you may take 2 items to compensate for world decay. I guess @BareSkin is choosing again the 'interloper' difficulty even on voyager.
  9. I thought they were separate maps with the cave systems and hydro dam counting as part of those zones. Should be coal and loot there. But, I have less knowledge, if you guys believe they are not possible to survive on, then perhaps these can be attached to harder maps or lessen the timer on them to 15 days each. That's awesome! I'm getting to bounce in my chair now since you folks like it! If you stuff your gun full of amo it's considered 1 item, but carrying a separate bullet in the inventory is a separate item.
  10. Come to think of it, how much experience do you have with a rifle? I guess, unless you've been using it in that other starting scenario game, it might be an item you socialize with rarely. It seems, you prefer a bow way more to a rifle. But yush you don't need a forge since you can find a rifle to sniper a bear. I have no idea if this challenge is doable, but it's 100% awesome that you're the first voyager to march it. If you can't than I suppose it would need to be modified. Good luck randomly landing in the Muskeg as the first map. I don't exclude voyager dropping you off there. I doubt at this difficulty it will give you one of the harder maps as the starting location since the game tries to be merciful. I'm guessing PV, but I did have a random start at the muskeg on voyager, so, that's one place possible.
  11. I was brain wrecked to find an idea how to make voyager challenging for someone who lives on roots. At least your first 30 days on map 1 will be full of luxury. Does this mean during your first 30 days you intend to find a rifle and make a bearskin bedroll to bearly get by in the future? You can fill up your belly 100% before moving on. Border patrol doesn't confiscate eaten calories.
  12. My glorious stick figure depiction of my Interloper Life.
  13. Day 48 - failed to repair parka, it's ok at 84% i just wanted to wait a bit before travelling, fixed my earmuffs, then slept an hour due to fog - it's amazing how fast the calories burn on this mountain, i can't say i swim in food anymore, using teas and coffees often - i could shoot a deer if i get stuck somewhere for a while, but i rather save the bullets for predators - repaired parka after all, this fog is still meh but i want to move - hello a bear in the middle of a narrow path, waiting for him to leave, is he stuck? he's moving his legs but he's not moving from the spot - all right where is my flare gun, i only have one bullet but if he sees me sneaking by i'll use it - i love when you complain in a loud voice about hunger when you're close to a bear, let's remind him that it's dinner time - oh halp, am I stuck? why can't i move? D: is the game about to crash? none of the buttons are working, rebooot, i hope i don't return to the game eaten by a bear because i got stuck at the narrowest distance to his back - why is nothing working? is my computer broken? ;-; OH! lol my keyboard battery is dead, it could have beeped or winked or something to let me know - oh well where am I? back at the cave... lets go back to the bear... bear? bear? where are you? - don't see him, this moderate snowfall and wind aren't too friendly - a rope down, nah i don't want to go down, ran around the entire plateau peering off the edges, i'm not finding a way up, it's past noon already - ouch! my ankle, open meds screen, use painkillers, close screen. What even is THIS! ahh!!! blizzard!! where the snowfall am i? crawling along the mountain ridge hopeful i find my cave and not the bear - negative 16C brrrr!! deer clearing? yes yes cave somewhere... um... here... ouch! warmth dived into red... i think i've seen this big rock with white in the center wuuhww - this mountain has sneaky blizzards that pop in thirty seconds - my cave! i almost turned into popsicle! - interesting, there is a piece of coal i've missed, i'll just sleep for an hour to recover fatigue - wake up, it's moderately snowing, heh i have a feeling that blizzard was out to get me specifically, as soon as I hid it stopped within an hour - i have some charcoal in the burned out fire, i'll walk around and map the area while there is daylight left - ugh it's confusing having a bad sense of direction, i think this way is where i came from, empty hacksaw container - it's still fairly cold, chopped up a fir limb and returned to the cave - i'm going to be careful with food i have burned a lot of it
  14. Day 47 - woke up a notch early, fog and a bit too chilly, repaired undies to wait a bit - fairly strong wind, walking slow, aha! another rope up! - deer clearing, fun! i would have expected a wolf clearing - another small cave, i like how there are lots of caves. my stamina is down due to climbing and it's not noon yet - slept off fatigue for an hour and the wind turned to lots of snow, i'll just look around the cave without leaving in case it gets worse - four birch saplings and harvestables and sticks - shiny!!! a big, grey container which has double doors! there is a sawing sounds when i pry it open - 2 simple tools, 3 rifle cleaning kits, 5 whetstones, a pack of cured leather, 4 cured bunny pelts. I'll make bunny gloves out of that! yay!! - Maybe I should build a bank on top of this mountain like Scrooge McDuck and swim through loot - chopped up a cedar limb and hid in the cave, the weather is punishing, more cozy logs inside for me - let's sharpen all tools and make another stash, get birch to cure, opening those crates took 10% out of the hacksaw - almost out of water, it's nice sitting in this cave by the fire listening to the wind outside, boiling everything, tea, coffee, mushrooms, rosehips - dropped all firewood into the flame, i wouldn't want ninja cold attack during sleep
  15. Day 46 - the new day dawns and i ask what's across the lake? five wolves i bet, the map has to live up to its name, i take it the moose scared off the wolves from the lake or i'd see them - can't blame them, i'm scared of him too, i like my ribs - there is a bear, lets sneak past the big fuzzy, what a sneaky rope in a niche, i thought it was a cave at first - picked up more food from that hut and the weight is back, lets eat these 29% beans and drop two cans, why am i carrying cans, lets drink coffee too - there are howls coming up the rope, it's a long one too, pant gasp, lots of stamina there - this is some amazing view from the edge, i believe there is a steep path going uphill - drink more coffee, this is a long path - one wolf finally shows up far below and howls all lonely - an airplane engine is over here, i'm glad these aren't my pieces scattered around the mountain along with the airplane - what's this tree pointing at? a deep cave to explore! so far i'm enjoying this area - flat stones attached to a wall lead downward in a semi-circle, i had almost taken a fall by walking straight ahead - abandoned campfire at the bottom, coal and fir logs; the adventurer has mitten, iffy peaches, a flare and one bullet and painkillers, i want those, thank you - i actually want the flare, i thought my lantern is full, but it's about 80% and i don't want to rush through this cave - finding lots of firewood, that's good since i can use the torches too - gurr? that's a strange sound effect, must be the water or a very sneaky bear digesting something like the previous adventurer - light ahead, i'll go back and check the branched off tunnel too, i think this might be a circle - nothing remarkable, let's go out! a path up, up is good! interesting, this spot is called a cave but it's open, more like a mountain overarching it - campsite for a bedroll and a knife and mre... on loper I'd hide a bedroll here - this cave is an intersection - can you eat trees? are you JOKING? you've eaten all your food till no more space twice, oh well i have more food than i can carry, lets have iffy peaches and drop a can to mark the road i came from - so many howls around, i wander if i could climb this slanted tree just in case, nope, oh its an arrow tree - found a rope down, nawh, i want to go up. I'm going to climb to the top of this mountain and plant my socks flag at the highest point - back at the intersection, lots of paths to choose from, i don't really want to go back to that first cave since that is backtracking - followed another route, light snow falls, a tip of the moon is peeking out, i have gotten extremely lucky with the day, no wind and clear blue for full sun up - cave ahead, not a big one, i don't think fluffy residents have a need for cedar logs, probably not a bear cave - made a stash of extra bedroll, knife, mittens and a torch in case a Loper survivor comes by, such treasure - i wander if i should chop up a fir limb in case it gets cold, the wind is picking up, nah, i have two coal pieces and sticks, drop that too btw - peaches and dogfood dinner, add 2 cans to the treasure pile - craft and sleep
  16. Day 45 - wake up and smell the rosehips; what's out the hatch? - oh right the backpack in the barn, yuck 5% candy bar, yay a field dressing book - a red rope is beckoning up, this looks like an end area, the only way is back down, so it's worth checking out what's there - i'm going to eat all this food until i'm 100% full, i've never eaten to a cap before and this will make the climbing much easier - there is a snow corridor and a lot of howls are coming from my travel direction every step of the way - fall into transition zone; Timberwolf Mountain? sounds promising! i would have liked bunny soufflés area instead but i'll take what i can get - a big airplane wheel is buried in snow... um... this is suspiciously familiar? is this my airplane? - studying the wreckage suspiciously makes me almost walk into a moose - Mooo!! no no! no moo! i was just leaving! sprinting! i already left! no need for moo! - it's a lake and a fishing hut, i'm not super impressed since no door, even though wolves aren't suppose to enter these structures i still feel like they'd grab my leg and pull me out if i'm fishing or doing anything else with my back turned - let's examine that house on the shore, its stairs are slippery, need funny angle to enter - interesting, no load door, just open and close, plus a workbench, a lovely fireplace stacked with wood - psssshh!!! wasn't there a decently grey weather five minutes ago? i can see the snow slashing through a fish like hole in the door - lets swipe the same hat for a newer one and read a bit before sleep @BareSkin *takes out a hatchet and knights BareSkin with it* Good Ser! I challenge you to a test! You must survive 30 days on each voyager map with a single survivor. The drop location is random and you are map locked on all of them. Once night 30 ends you must move to a new map before the moon appears above the horizon regardless of the weather. You may take one item of your choice with you. The rest stays behind, including the clothes. If you are on a map which has no alternative exit but the previous map, you may use your former items while travelling across to a new map, but it's one item limit when you exit. You may swipe. And remember about the moon and ball sleigh turning into pumpkin. The transition mines and the hydro dam itself are considered part of any zone they are attached to, but you may not make loot stashes in them. If you pick up a treasure cave item while living on a certain map it r belongs to that map now and must be left there once the magic clock rings 30th day. You may sleep in these mines, but consider exits to the other side locked unless it's the migration day. Feats: nope.
  17. Now, now none of that, you LIKE roots! Yay for a girly item. Keep wearing guy undies all games long. Also, give voyager a shot. You will find it relaxing.
  18. Those ski boots certainly have minuses I am not fond of and I always waffle a lot between all the clothes picks, not just shoes. I think I ended up picking them after much hesitation because this has been confirmed on Loper and also very real during the first week of the voyager run while you're still getting resources, the cold is the biggest impairment in terms of exploring or doing any outside activities. If you're cold you have to focus on running shelter to shelter or micro managing and planning. The ski boots offer the highest protection from cold. The goal of the current game is to look around as much as possible. I've scratched the surface of many maps, so, when I travel I get lost all the time. My current survivor only gets threatened by cold if I am getting hit by a blizzard, otherwise, she can stomp along like a tank from one end of a map to another in almost any weather and not be distracted from sight seeing. I think the time pressure only comes at the end of the day so you don't get stuck outside in the dark, but during the day I can relax and count the birdies. I have stashed the insulated boots, which would be my second choice after the ski (and higher waterproof I think) or the deer boots can be crafted, which is my other choice. I might swap out of the ski boots in the future. I don't want to craft at present and if I do I'd upgrade my gloves. I think bunny mittens are way better than any loot gloves I've seen so far. This might be my goal after I do certain stuff. I don't really know what's considered the best ultimate shoe every fashion survivor wants in this game, aside from my pick of top 3. Yeah! Those sprains are wickedness! I think they increase when you carry too much , so I'm just asking for it. At some point I've been dragging 39/30 kg. A LOT of it is food that's under 50% and since I'm not hunting or living off the land I'm dragging it around. If I do want to lighten the pack though, there is a convenient way with food to do so.
  19. Back to my Voyager game. Day 44 - eww blizzard - let's finish reading the wilderness kitchen and begin on the hunting book 1h - checked the basement again, found a flashlight and shooting guide until weather improvement - there is a river behind the silo, a wolf heading to it, hope he isn't into skating because i'm going there too - this river sure is cattail stingy, in heavy snowfall the deer look like ghosts, steep banks, finally a way up and rosehips - gathering... lalala... bark! bark?? back away into the center of the ice and pull out the rifle - where is the bark? .... ... is this bark coming to get me or not? ... i'm not getting any dryer - as i start climbing the bank i see him on the rocks, he turns his back and goes away, lazy wolf, or maybe well fed by so many bunnies and deer around, why eat some skinny, wrecked survivor - hello pretty hut, do you have drycleaner? my clothes are 50% wet, but first gather food around the hut - read 2h and sleep one; it's still around noon - a rope i cannot climb encumbered, i wander if there is a path around to that upper platform, let's search - which way am i walking again? i think this is where the wolf went, best get my rifle out, i always miss when they charge but sometimes they get scared of the gunshot itself - this was a good idea to walk on hills with a rifle out, say hi to dual sprain - i'll just use the painkillers on the wrist and keep limping to a bridge, i think this hill can be climbed, indeed it can be - boulders, snow, boulders, pines, not much for sightseeing, there goes my second ankle, having to sprains apparently makes me walk straighter than with one - all right which wise guy just flipped the weather switch? we have a blizzard here - negative 7 even with all my clothes, uh oh, used painkillers on all owies and swallowed a candy bar - not that i wasn't lost, but seeing is always helpful when going anywhere - hi frozen guy on what looks like a snow path - the path takes me to the hunters blind. there are matches, a rifle cleaning kit and 2 arrows - sadly i cannot build a fire in the shelter of these walls; below the stairs it's too windy - negative 16, uh oh, i'm too rich to die. i haven't even worn out my expedition parkas yet - hi hypothermia, hope you aren't planning to stay, the wind bends the pines like matches - climbing uphill who knows where until i see a house... no it's a barn... wait this is great! it's actually zero in here and it has sheltered stove - there are two cedar logs but it's close to night time and it might get colder, i need more firewood - i can make out some big limb uphill or maybe a tree trunk? hope i can hack a big chunk off - hmm... what's this submarine hatch doing next to this limb? - hello safe and warm bunker! i get a luxurious choice of two beds! let's make it homely and organise the lockers - finish reading the archery book, less weight to carry - i should try to sacrifice more items for mobility, hard to pick what to leave behind, sharpen hatchet and knife to max and leave the whetstone - eat well and sleep even better, that was a tuff day, it was possible to go pushing up the daisies, getting lost in blizzards does that even well armed and dressed
  20. You started with stalker or loper than? That's pretty wicked. What I found about Loper and Voyager is that if I want to relax or if I'm not feeling well, voyager is very good for it. Meanwhile, I need to be quick and alert for Loper (and also play it in shorter bursts). It keeps you in constant tension, or maybe in the future it will become easier for me, but not at present. In rl certain poisons cure in the correct dozes, funny in this case it helps too. I'd imagine being really tired after a bear though. Where in blazes do you get 1500 calories on Loper, I find that much in a week.
  21. That's a very much in detail review. Thank you! Can you clarify this part please? Do you mean when conditions stock pile or if for ex you're in blizzard and you freeze, then you take more than 20? It's the same freezing condition but you're getting hammered more? Or its something invisible like you're not cold but you have wet clothes? Yep, cold is absolutely evil on Loper. You basically cannot choose the weather because there is no food so you must always be outside and outside is I consider anything to -10 picnic now. Another thing I've noticed is that zero sometimes counts as white and sometimes as red, I'm wandering if it's due to wet clothes or another reason. It's fairly accurate about -1 and -40, you just reach hypoth much earlier when it's colder, so the survivor at -1 would have a few extra minutes to travel farther to save their bacon. In my last Loper game I had the wickedest start to date, basically unknown map and -51C blizzard crashed in one minute into game play. Anyway, my survivor walked for hours in that and even climbed two scary ropes. So it takes several hours to kick the bucket. However, it still helps knowing vital points on the map. Actually, in order to get better at Loper you must play Loper and not another mode. Voyager experience only helps this much. For example, the matches are vital. I had a couple of starts in Pleasent Valley and now I know a place where I always find matches and where they might be available also areas not worth taking the travelling beating for or at least at the start of the game. I also have one idea which I haven't tested yet. If I do end up in PV again I'll test it.
  22. As promised! Another Interloper attempt. Newbie Crow Day 1 - The Offset Falls, where in waterfall would this be? Hushed River Valley. I've been to a few maps by now, but never this one. - Let's climb this bank and cross a tree bridge. I won't gather yet because I need to find shelter foremost. - Literally one RL minute later: WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Even if I knew where I was going, I wouldn't know where I was going. - minus 43C the wind is whipping and dicing... keep clinging to the mountainside in hopes of finding a cave, the series of small waterfalls cut the area making it following the bank uneven and with many dead ends - minus 51!!! that's EVIL!!! EVIL! even for interloper! I have four frostbites developing at the same time, never mind hypoth - aaaawwhhhaawww!!! meeeercyyyy!!! somebody give me a fridge to warm up in! - after hours of being the wind's punching bag stumbled onto some kind of rope... and rockface wall - I'll take it.... this rope is longer than Timberwolf Mountain! Sitting on the ledge, fatigue drooping at 25% waiting for stamina to recover, hey it's only -28C here with windbreak - The second fragment is brutal, make it or break it... hands burn red, feet keep sliding off at the weird angle on the very top of the cliff... go go go! ... phew... congratulations: frostbite is your winning prize for making it to the top! - keep walking until I bump into the edge of the cliff... it has a can of peaches, one bandage and a cedar log - i guess i'll go alongside it and hope to stumble into something useful in the blind... - stumbled into a second frostbite, not that my health will ever go over 70% anyway after this - ice cave? I've never been in one of these before! epic! -2C that's tropical compared to outside... lucky! it's not pitch dark in here... i can see somewhat! - followed a corridor picking up twigs and checking all nooks, the fatigue burns furious red - a nook... an adventurer to offer a stale candy bar... a survival book in the backpack, hacksaw... matches... AND! AND! - BEDROLL!!!!! +2.5 warmth... it's -2 I heart you frozen guy! - you have 2 seconds before hypoth develops... drop bedroll... you can't place it here... ahhh!! .... run two steps... drop bedroll! you can't place it here!! @#$@#$ run somewhere along the corridor... DROP bedroll!! yes! noooo! you now have hypothermia... awwwww.... - sleep 8h - woke up thirsty... health around 25% - started a fire and began boiling water... +5 how nice... oh this guy has a campfire too and a cedar log... thank you! - my pants went from 38% to 25% from that nice weather brrr! just thinking about is chilly - once the thirst is satisfied grabbed a burning twig and went out to check the cave, it's not big and there is a rope leading down... I think this is an alternative to that other outside rope... then I probably shouldn't be going down - returned to the cave exit... all right... i will starve in here so... hit me... - aurora is out... the air rings crystal... i think the shroud of green and pink sings to me - it's -38C... a snow path is winding between the cliffs... - the torch is burning, i am not sprinting much, hoping this path leads me out of this death valley - a row of bushes stands like the fence in the way. I can't squeeze through or around them... hey! out of my way grey twigs! - grey twigs require a hatchet to break down... - you have suffered a third frostbite... at this point the bears would feel sorry for me and would let me live in their cave cuddling to them... if I saw any bears... the only stupid out is this survivor - turn around and head back to the cave... the world turns blurry... - if I could make it there I could start another fire... smash my can of peaches and enjoy the 20% taste... sleep off the fatigue... if only... if only... i wouldn't fade into the long dark...
  23. @BareSkin Thank you! So, this penalty sounds like voyager, I thought it was more or maybe I just can't read the new bar. haha You're most likely right about the reason! I don't like it at all that we no longer have %. It was extremely helpful in terms of learning and managing the game. I'm also wandering about this well fed buff. I just stuffed my character full and didn't get any indication or message about a bonus. The thing I figured best on Loper is that everything kills you in five seconds. A wolf sneezing on Timberwolf Mountain while you're at Mystery Lake will make you lose enough health that you'd need to eat 2000 calories and sleep 10h to get it back. In terms of food I'm not so sure it's 1% only. Or maybe it's 1% if you're literally doing nothing but hurts you more if you are doing a physical activity. I had everything good except hunger and broke green crate 1h. Either the bar shows crooked or the way it went down most assuredly wasn't 1%. That just took this chunk out of my health. I was warm and everything it was indoor. Another thing I wanted to ask is whether we're losing health while under affliction such as frostbite threat but no longer exposed. So you're indoor and well above zero, white bar, but it takes a while for fb threat to go away. I wander if health is penalized anyway. What about regeneration? I'm guessing around 30% if you're lucky. I figured one solid chunk of sleep is best, but in terms of how it recovers, it's ambiguous.
  24. Hey guys, I've been wandering if there are any trusty Loper guides about the regeneration rates or how much punishment we take from each ailment in this mode or perhaps if the veteran players know whether they can tell me. I appreciate all the help I can get. I will probably post another Loper attempt at trying to last longer than five minutes sometimes soon. Let's head back to my Voyager crusade. I'm sure there is a wolf waiting for me with the fork and ketchup already. Day 42 - this wind isn't friendly, repaired the ski boots and compared to insulated, while some criteria is better they are horribly heavy 4kg vs 1.5 and insulated are 20% more waterproof, finally decided to keep the ski boots and hide insulated in the locker - repaired the fisherman sweater - finished reading the survival book and dropped it into the firewood pile - it's past midday, a wolf is hanging around very close to the barn, i wander if it's worth travelling or should i wait another day, pleasant valley is very big and it takes a long time to travel anywhere especially when you don't know where you're going - begin walking then go meh and return, finish repairing my fisherman sweater and organised locker space more, what in blazes is so heavy, i think i'm carrying bare necessities - back to truck napping Day 43 - wowzer, i like how it's clear but -6 even in all my very warm clothes! - this barn is a wolf factory, wolves to the right wolves to the aft, everywhere wolves, had to take a twisted path across the field to get around them all - eventually ended up taking a random direction all the way across the field and then over more snowdrifts - there is no hypoth risk but i am losing warmth gradually and the weather got one degree colder instead of warmer as the day progressed - when i was about to catch the chills i saw a circular rooftop of a silo peeking over the snow, upon closer examination it turned out to be a large farmhouse - since the barn next to it had nothing i stepped into the iron double doors that lead to a basement - another pair of ski boots, it seems pleasant valley is cold enough - warmed up and ventured back out, there is a grey car that needs checking, went closer eeep! there is a bear next to it! full reverse! - it seems predators love farming, there is a pack of three wolves hanging around one of the field wings - can't see anything interesting around the farmhouse - stood on the porch and repaired the ski gloves found in the basement three times, meh it's a waste, since ski boots are so good and ski jacket is good i thought gloves might be great too but my gauntlets are twice warmer, well these are good too, just not the best so far, i'd probably jump for joy on loper for ski gloves - repaired the snow pants and replaced military pants, now i'm wearing two pairs of snow pants - sneaked outside again the reached the grey car, not in vain since it had a green book on hunting - checked out the first floor until it got dark - hmmm 900 calories peanut butter at 11% ... chomp! i feel good, rest Night 43 - eep i fancy not waking fully rested in pitch dark while the blizzard howls outside - crafted mushrooms then went downstairs to the fireplace and set two pots to boil max amount of water - tried reading and receiving thirst complaint, read 1h, collected water and read two more hours to greet full daylight
  25. Day 40 - backtracked over the waterfall bridge, i cannot spot a distinct road upwards but the snow slope looks climbable - the climb leads me to another trailer, i am not certain whether it is new or old, turns out new since there are clothes and food inside - while i grabbed loot my clothes dried up and i continued on track, there isn't much of a road, more like a snow path that's rather steep running up, that's where i go - the wind kicks up many notches, snow slams against me like a oozing green curtain and it's getting worse, i consider turning back when a mine entrance appears - this is probably the biggest mine i've explored so far, it has lots of twists and turns, although i can see moderately well i use the lantern due to the multitude of loot spots, there is even a crafting bench - the ski boots and a fisherman sweater make excellent finds - one of the dead ends has five reclaimed wood pieces and coal which i grab and make super heavy pack even heavier - dropped coal at the bottom of a wooden stairway and dragged wood to the top, at last light glimmers ahead - organised loot, dropped extra prybar and other stuff and went out where a single and long road leads down - followed it until i got a dual sprain, scowls, head back to the mine since the day is declining - boiled 2L of water at the entrance, heated up some beans and went inside to take a nap Day 41 - uff I don't like this wind! read 2h and then moved on - at the bottom of this hill turned left along the mountainside, can't say i walked that long when i heard a welcome bark that forced me to run back along the same route - once the sprint expired, began walking backwards holding out the rifle - i can see the wolf now pushing me back along the same line and then past the intersection - the wolf got bored of stalking me the moment i bumped into some tree and took an aim - i guess i should advance away from the mountains - trees trees more trees and omg trees this Pleasant Valley is huge and very much the same littered with blind hills and forest - reached some kind of a small pond that has cattails but didn't stop to grab them i want to find some kind of structure - more aimless walking in the mild fog until a bridge appears, on the other side a field littered with multiple hay storage sheds and a big red barn - a truck parked inside the barn is warmer and has a fire barrel right outside it - on the second floor there is a workbench tricky to get to due to the big holes in the floor - pried open three lockers and dropped off extra clothes - repaired ski boots twice, the third got interrupted by darkness - went downstairs to sleep in the truck