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Everything posted by tulkawen

  1. Day 66 - a beautiful morning of brown and orange lights the peaks - since that path down didn't work out so well, i'm going to reach that rope that drops to a riverbed - the engine is outlined by the yellow clouds while i search for that rope again. there was a broken tree with two pieces of moss hanging down, i didn't gather those intentionally to point the way - ok i need to go around this big snow hill first... light snow begins falling - scouting view below before climbing ME: anybear home?? Bear: No ME: sounds legit! - mild fog and snowfall when i'm downstairs - me noodle be thinking if the house is on the lake, the lake is connected to a river and if i follow this river... bearr!!! bear around the bend! - back up back up... climb the bank... maybe i can sneak around this bear if i keep clinging to the mountain - who turned off the light? everything is blue and blizzardy! there is a bear sneaking around this snowy curtain - negative 22C am i freezing my butt off or... hello? any wolf wishing to invite me over to their house? - here is a nice niche to start a fire in... if i had any fire starting materials... there is a fir limb conveniently inside the niche - took a health hit while chopping the limb with hypoth risk increasing - ahh nice and toasty the blizzard subsided but i still have the risk and my clothes are wet - going to boil water and cook tea while waiting to warm up - bark! eh? who's there? picked up the torch... something grey and unfriendly is definitely heading this way - threw a torch at the wolf. he did not get scared. pulled out the rifle and shot. 4/4 misses... the wolf runs off - i can make more tea... stuff still wet... it wouldn't hurt to climb this small hill in front of the cave to scout the area maybe i'll see which way to go then i can return to the fire to warm up - wooff wooff!! as soon as i step outside. not you again... the wolf comes and sticks his head inside the niche... this time i hit him with a torch and he runs - i have spotted a rope down nonetheless while scouting that's where i'll go to get away from him - my clothes are dry ... picked up the torch and headed straight for the rope - this is very cool, the torch dropped when i began climbing, and i saw it falling at the same time as i was going down - it looks like it didn't get extinguished when it fell... i'm going to pick it up once i'm downstairs ... ... ... No! Oh no you don't! Game crash? This sucks! Reloaded the game. I'm back at my cave at the start of the day. BOOO you! You've erased all my cool adventures! Day 66 again - I wander if I should venture out knowing about the incoming blizzard, then again, I bet the weather will be different this time around - so the rope into bear's mouth and the mountain path. i'll take the path again - there is a wolf hanging around the containers. he is far from the spot where the path advances to the rope drop, still keeping an eye on him - this time i'll go the other way, the mild fog isn't helping, luckily the way isn't long when I run into ice - that's the lake, i see the fishing cabin and a bear a moderate distance away to my left - going to grab cattails from the very tip of the lake closest to the bear then collect mushrooms too and rosehips gradually getting away from him - one birch and one maple sapling, very nice - holy! this fog is huge! can't see two feet ahead. can't see the fishing cabin anymore or that lake cabin - the cabin is on the bank, the problem is the moose, if i walk past the cabin and go up the bank he'll trample me - wait there were docks next to the cabin, so if I follow the ice edge I'll run into docks and go up the bank - this ends up a useful idea and i reach the cabin - crafted my collectibles and dropped items into cabinets - going to eat half of my wolf steak and read the frozen angular on the table - i can only drop it? have I fully researched it? that was a waste - going to sleep and hope the fog lifts - it does partially, enough for me to follow the same route back to the cave - got two sprains on the long way uphill once past the containers wolf, not going to cure them because i'll sleep at the cave - hmm can't do much with sprains and the sun is sort of touching the horizon - i will end up waking at night but i should just eat and do 10h Night 66 - grabbed a lantern and went through the cave, this cave is huge, the central spiral around the frozen guy is confusing, walked past another tunnel three times before seeing it - finally an exit to the other side; slept an hour and stepped outside - the sky is starry and light enough to travel, hearing wolves howl everywhere - i think this cave is linked to the deer clearing and i have stuff at the deer clearing - i've been to this open cave overarched by a mountain - found a fallen deer and a rope leading up, might cook the deer on the way down - climbed the rope and followed the cliff edge until finding another rope drop area. since i'm climbing up light i've taken a rope with me - bark! nuts! he springs up behind the nearest snowdrift. creepy! all black and eyes glowing green! - i'm a lousy enough shot as it is, there is also a puff of breath when i take aim so i can't see him at all in the mist, he's so close though that i just shoot, which is enough to scare him - running in the opposite direction and eventually spotting a cave where i left so many awesome whetstones and rifle cleaning kits - the saplings i had dropped are cured - sleep 2h
  2. Day 63 - most windy, starts off with -1C and gets to -10C by the time i reach the upper landing - the wolves are up and about quite perky and nosing around - slept off some fatigue intending to head back. wow! this is actually it! i am taking last pile off this plateau - the wolf is sneaking along the river bank, curve around him and... bark! awz he's cutting me off from the exit. i am not going to climb the rope back up - bang! 3/3 misses! i guess he figured out that i'm a lousy shot and jumps my bones - what a persistent wolf! wacked him with a hatchet to get him off. blood loss, infection, wrist sprain, torn clothes, health slightly above 50% now - well since he ran off and my injuries are treated i'll go check what he is hiding in that cargo container - it's half medical and half food. the food has 7 pork and beans in decent shape and horrible horrible peaches at 8% about 7 cans too - very nice, i'm still under 30kg after grabbing everything. the wolf is hanging around the river area, i can't tell if he's badly hurt or not but he's not coming my way... anywho... see ya - careful checking for the other wolf... he's on the bank too fairly far away... i'll run if he goes after me... out of bullets anyway... still have my hatchet - back at my cave... this isn't so grand... the wolf wanted my head literally... hat and earmuffs down from 90% to ten and sixteen, he's done a number on the pants too, mild jacket tears and he took about 30% out of my boots... that's a guard type of wolf for you don't stick your elbows into his containers - removed insulated boots and put on the ski ones - of all the things i have, a sewing kit isn't one of them. i have one fishing hook for repairs - mended until there's 11% on the hook, i'll keep it for fishing... doesn't feel so bad if fish breaks an old rod - i'm out of herbal tea, i do have a lot in packs but no cups - nom nom hard won pork and beans, drink summit soda and rest 11h Day 64 - woke up at full health hah! - let me reload my rifle before stepping onto my porch to organise a tea and coffee cooking session - the moon is still out, tucked fire into the nook next to the cave to protect it from the wind, it is fairly cold, trying to avoid cabin fever by cooking outside - i should probably take vital items and head down the mountain to grab a mending kit before something gets seriously damaged... but i don't want to leave without knowing if i got that wolf, maybe he kicked the bucket due to injuries - ewww i accidentally brought peaches with me.... i'll take it back up and stuff it into that container - gave the lower wolf as slip and climbed once the sun rose - busted two green crates next to the cargo container, just reclaimed wood, nothing special in them - woooolfy? wolfy? wolf? let me check the sky for the crows. i do see a new pack circling and locate him - taking everything off. there is a small cave next to the waterfall, not the explore kind - dropped hide and guts, and organised a fire to cook the meat and boil water - it's getting late i hope i'll get good brownie points by staying outside - all right i will chop up a large cedar limb to make the fire last the night; i should be ok without but it would be a silly way to die. fatigue is full red, i want to sleep 11h worriless - a juicy chunk of wolf meat for dinner and rest Day 65 - i have four chunks of cooked wolf meat. what happens is that when i pick up one i don't have stink lines, but when i pick up 3 chunks i get one stink line - my stuff is too heavy to climb. all right this is your lucky day survivor have at free piece of wolf meat 800 cal - anyway, this plus guts will make me smell delicious to the wolf below - he is walking along the bank and i do want to climb down, so here i go - snuck very much close to the hill line and he didn't notice me - i do want to find a path down, taking mostly my regular walking stuff plus a few items. i'm going to take a snow path along the mountainside - this looks familiar, there is a wolf and containers below, if i'm right there should be a rope - i'm going to sneak up on that container first and hacksaw the doors open even if i don't take anything - clang that's was my old 5% hacksaw breaking and it didn't open the door... a guy in the snow next to the containers has a hacksaw too... uh oh the patrol wolf is coming back... forget this... leave that hacksaw too because my weight with the broken one was a notch over 30kg - taking the rope down... so.... i'm guessing if i go straight there should be a lake... also watch out for the bear, he was near this rope on my way up - walking walking walking... this doesn't look anything like the lake... echo canyon? where in echo is that? hearing wolf howls... wolf ahead! ugh! - is there any place i could hide if worse comes to worse? there is a small cave called chasm, empty, if something bad happens i can hide here - i don't want to walk back... maybe i should sneak past the wolf... i do have a flare gun and a rifle - squeezed by him while he patrolled away... i see two more cargo containers. ack guard wolfs are nasty - it's a circular mountain enclosure with the exit i came from! wolf stands there now... wait... there is one other path... careful careful - while following the new canyon spotted exploration cave... go in... dark... it's a good thing i have lots of storm lanterns - a very long and bare corridor with multiple branches... not even coal or sticks on the floor... finally entered a circular area with a searched frozen guy... i've been here before... here are 3 coal pieces on the floor... going to take something for burning all this lantern fuel - i remember these circular stone stairs along the wall... walk walk walk wait a minute! this is MY big pile of stuff! all of it - i walked back in circle! whelp... the sun is half down... call it a day
  3. I'm around day 90 at present and I am finding many clothes and food items either at 0% or in ruined condition, however, there are still intact items left in the yellow zone and the ruined clothes can still be shredded for cloth. The tools, however, are in good condition. Starting your HRV on day 180 without shoes and matches even on voyager seems a doozie. I once spawned at HRV on Loper and that was the most horrible experience. Within 1 min of starting the game I got topped by a blizzard and -64C weather. Also had zero knowledge of the map. Died with 3 frostbites (not risks). At present, I'm most inclined to support the theory of a can + any item you want. But, the world deterioration seemed an important point to discuss too and to present the starter set option too.
  4. I don't insist, I'm considering various possibilities. Leaving her shoes behind would be pretty wicked. Items of the starter set minus shoes is good too. I suggested it because if I understand correctly the world begins deteriorating, thus, by the time she moves to farther maps all the other clothes might be ruined and her starter set would be all she'd have plus whatever she can craft. When you're starting a game fresh on any map you will always find heaps of new stuff during the first day, not in this case. Plus, voyager starts with a guaranteed set of matches and a bedroll. She still must make the choice what's more important between those two.
  5. @BareSkin I'd look at it more as establishing a doable set of rules through experience by someone willing to adhere to them and someone who is known to face difficulties (in case anyone else wants to try in the future) than breaking the rules. At the start when I was presenting the challenge I said I may not have the necessary experience to create a doable set of rules and asked the players if this challenge is possible to do. A third option to make this challenge more passable would be to let Cinderella keep her old rags dress aka the clothes she starts out with when she appears in the world. It would be her responsibility to preserve and maintain them in good shape hence these are the only clothes allowed to be carried from map to map. If any item from that set gets ruined or intentionally sacrificed, it may not be replaced and she wouldn't have the option to take it with her to a new map. I understand though that you may have already shredded that starter set since you're on day 20 or may not even remember what you started out in, so whooopsie. Then perhaps we could replace it with something of similar value? If I remember correctly all my voyagers had one set of jeans, blue undies, sports/wool socks, an average quality sweater ex. thin wool. shoes: running or dress. possible items: lowest tier jackets ex. sports vest, windbreaker. never had: gloves or hats. In that case Cinderella would carry map to map: 1) her starter clothes set 2) a can 3) one item of her choice Small maps times reduced to 20 or 15 days since that's the number you said you have enough fuel for. Would this be more fun/doable?
  6. And Qi-Gon said to Master Yoda, 'you must live at the connector....' Now we know how they did it. Hans Solo is a formidable character.
  7. Gosh folks, it wasn't my intent to make it an impossible challenge, only adding spice to voyager to make it more fun for someone who eats nothingness and I'm perfectly willing to modify it based on the more experienced player inputs. Firstly, on voyager I found a bedroll and a can of pork and beans at the Arch, but not a fact it will spawn in another setting. I also found a hatchet at that ruined house where the wolf is. Secondly, it is not forbidden to sleep at any of the mines where it's warm. Just because you slept in it at DP doesn't mean you can't sleep in it for the connector. The rule only applies to items inside once you pick any up it stays in the zone you're currently in. I do believe there is also Loper thinking involved in current calculations since on voyager the weather is more forgiving and loot spawns very well even at the small areas. @BareSkin Perhaps this challenge can be modified based on what more experienced players say. It's possible to reduce these smaller maps timer to 20 days and allow the can + any other item of your choice when you're moving. Would that be more doable?
  8. May the Force be with you vs eeky sickness. Hence I haven't yet mastered eating nothingness, I can only propose giving it a try to true masters before throwing in the white flag. Math never works as good as lucky crazy. (oh wait that was a getting lucky idea *innocent whistling* or maybe there is voyager knowledge involved) Or if the challenge is absolutely no do than I believe the challenge needs to be modified. There are two ways to go about it: a) decreasing the number of days in certain zones or b) increasing the number of carried over items. Perhaps a can should always be offered + any other item of choice. Though what are the odds against death after all, even master yoda could not escape that. By the way, I once have taken a Star Wars characters quiz and got Qui-Gon Jinn. A noble character indeed, but no Master Yoda to unlock the shrouded Force mysteries.
  9. Day 62 - mandatory sleep before doing anymore climbing. I am the Timberwolf Rambo Squirrel! Will drag away anything eye-catching! - playing the waiting game, sitting on top of the cliff waiting for the wolf to go away - he's going away too slowly, i'll just drop a bedroll right here on the cliff and snooze an hour, hope it's not too crazy since this heavy snow can turn into a blizzard - aww he's still here my patience is nearing the end of the rope hardy har har - ok he's by the river i'll just go for it, yep he turns and begins heading back once i'm downstairs. i wander if i make it off this mountain without shooting him or he'll get his fangs into my ankles after all - i don't feel like climbing back up after unloading - going to walk around this area. keep my gun close due to that patrol wolf - i wander where they hide when they don't patrol. he doesn't seem to be around while i'm climbing every hill. or maybe he just knows something i don't like there will be a blizzard in five mins he's heading home while i'm heading out like a sucker - found a rope down and also something which looks like a rocky path. i don't think we're suppose to go down there safely but if you're super desperate someone might attempt leap frogging. not me though - got a wrist sprain, i will use the painkillers because i want to be able to wield the gun - found three maple saplings, this plateau resemble the other, after making a big circle i came back to the river and gathered cattails - the sun is scraping the horizon, heading back for the cave. i'll drop stuff off and then stand outside to craft - three mins later... yikes! i knew it! ha! i am so lucky to come back to the cave before this blizzard started - the fatigue is fairly advanced, i'll eat my crackers and sleep 11h
  10. Day 61 - i have burned a lot of lantern fuel, came back to the other side with the blizzard still on - ate and finished reading my field dressing book, hurray lvl 2 on skinning! still blizzard - i have a fishing hook, 2 cloth and a fisherman sweater in need of repair, i guess that's on the due list - picked up two mushrooms from the pile and crafted them - slept until dusk. finally the blizzard is gonez - i will go down the rope to the lower cave - peeked down and saw a wolf taking down a rabbit near the rope area, i'll risk it, hopefully he'll be too busy stuffing his face - came down, wolf eating, sneaking past, wolf eating, i think i gave him the sliii.... woof! - bummer... he perks up his ears and then unhurriedly begins following me and growling - whoops i am backing into the river by accident instead of towards the second rope... change direction which lets him get closer - backed into the rope... you're too encumbered to climb! goodbye random inventory item in the form of a prybar! you may climb now - at least the lower level wolf is on vacation - have my salty crackers dinner and sleep Night 61 - i don't have much to do so i'm going to travel, with my morning coffee of course. it is not far from morning and the visibility is decent - the upper landing wolf is hanging around the river and heading this way. it's always tempting to run when he's near but if i do then i won't have the stamina to climb. so i walk to the rope and get up there
  11. So, that's how you hide from the wolves. You're invisible. I want to know how to do that.
  12. Day 60 - coffee and climb past some toothy teeth - two sprains have the decency to pop up when i'm at the higher level - slept them off for 4h and woke up with the cabin fever risk. i protest! i haven't seen a cabin in two weeks! i've been living on top of a mountain! - mumble grumble fine i'll grab my field dressing book and go through the cave picking up coal and firewood then i will build a fire on the other side - this is a long cave, i've been here before past this guy who has a fir log, also brought my cedar logs - the exit is on the secluded shelf, 52% fever risk, good there are no predators in the small area - peeked off the edge of the cliff where the rope drop is, there is a bear below, i'll stay here thanks - dropped enough firewood and coal to set water to boil, ate a chocolate bar and read 2h Night 60 - going to bite off my crackers and sleep 2h because i have renewed fatigue - great the wind blew out my fire during sleep. i couldn't have made snow shelter to be safer because i have carried my cloth to the lower cave and i only have 2 pieces left - started another fire because cabin fever risk is a sticky substance, crafted and boiled four cups of mushroom tea and finished off my salty crackers - let's try this again drop enough coal and firewood in to sleep 3h, fire has 3:44 left - woke up to embers and some very bad weather - rapidly dropping temperature, -23C yikes! - cave? caaave? where are you? funny how it's difficult to find the entrance in a blizzard even though the landing is tiny and i know it's on this side of the mountain - walked past it once, then backtracked and found it - i'll take my time turning on the lantern and combing through this cave to take every piece of coal
  13. @Czhilli That screenshot is magical. Day 59 - i am not going to transfer many things today. at the upper wolf landing there is a waterfall area i could explore - i will bring some things down nonetheless, taking 25kg with me and the rest of the space will be for the finds - the snowfall is heavy and it is fairly warm. i can't see the wolf, but i have reloaded my rifle in case i meet him, most likely will - a deer is walking along the frozen river peacefully and bunnies are skipping around - taking my time to walk along the cliff edge at first harvesting beards and mushrooms then advance to Eric's waterfall - the riverbed has plenty of cattails, i end up with 17 - there is a cave behind the waterfall. it has a blue plastic container that's empty and a bedroll, another hatchet is by the burned out fire and one piece of coal, orange soda - it's not a very big area, not seeing the wolf anywhere, keep going past the cave - whao there! hit the breaks and reverse! a bear suddenly steps out of another cave ahead of me - i don't want to mess with the bear, i'm going to return to the rope area - no wolf, used the hacksaw to unlock both doors on the large grey container but didn't check what's inside, gathered 29kg and i don't want to carry more down the rope - climbed to the lower cave, the other wolf is taking vacation as well, broke a green crate next the grey cargo container, sometimes green crates have food or accelerants - hacksawed the cargo container too and didn't check content, the hacksaw is at 5% i'll keep using it until it simply breaks because i have lots of them - stood outside my cave and crafted all the beards and mushrooms, got a timely sprain - dropped the items into sorted piles - since it's dark in the cave, used one of the lanterns found at the summit, the lantern ran out of fuel when i was done - scrapped the lantern for metal, hoped for oil too but didn't get any - i am getting low on water, the firewood is in my other cave - drank two sodas and ate two cattails, topped with water and slept 11h
  14. Good point. I actually tend to take about 29.5kg with me because of the fatigue. It is snowing often when i'm climbing too. How do you light all 7 at the same time and set them in a circle? I can only hold 1 and light. That sounds fun. I'm also finding them useful because the cave system is very big and dark. I'm going to preserve one or two, but when the other ones run out of fuel I'm going to scrap them for metal. I'm also starting to question if it's actually better to live at the cave while you have food. That hut has a hole the size of a bus in the roof. I think the cave might be warmer. I can sleep in it without building a fire. Day 57 - more up and down hop banana - this time i will sleep at the bottom cave - after the first rope climb got tired which put the items about half kg overweight - fixed it by drinking coffee and water. then went down the second rope - got back to the lower cave and read 2h before dark - slept 10h Day 58 - it's -1C outside, snowfall and the wolves are vigilant - i saw one patrolling the upper landing and hid behind the climbing rock. he kept walking in a straight line my way until he saw me - fired a shot and missed, the shot scared him so i began walking towards the rope - the wolf reset to the left on the way to the rope and began creeping up on me - this is my spare rifle that had 1 bullet; i kept backing slowly towards the rope then he suddenly decided that my face isn't trustworthy even without the bullets and ran away - grabbed stuff and two cups of coffee, reloaded my spare rifle, slept 1h, went back to the lower cave and slept 2h - it's fairly late and the fatigue is so so, i would like to try making it back to the upper cave, sleeping another hour will make it too dark - the wolf at the lower level spotted me this time. he also got scared of the missed shot, ran a circle around me while i walked to the rope - on the way up the second rope my climbing stamina dropped into red, i barely made it over the edge, as soon as i did all stamina dropped to full red - dragged my feet back to the cave. i've eaten all my peanut butter, shame since it was 900 cal each. will have to start diminishing salty crackers supplies
  15. Day 55 - soooo I need to go down yes? there is a rope hanging conveniently right outside the cave on the left - scout a wolf guarding boxes bummer he's close, i'm going in to grab a rifle - stopped on the ledge, the wolf runs even closer but takes down a rabbit - go for it, if he attacks i have hatchet and my rifle - keeping to the wall away from the wolf and trip over a rope dropping area, do you wish to drop your super heavy, super encumbering, you wish to get rid of, rope? y/n - yes yes and go down lmao have i been climbing in circles? there is another wolf guarding boxes - this is going to be a problem if i have to carry a rifle every climb... boo... i will eventually fail to avoid one of these guys, oh well, i guess i will have to kill them and clear the way to carry stuff... er... maybe since one on every landing and they have pointy teeth and this and that - keeping to the ridge as well to get away from this one until i run into a cave, great! - if you have a bedroll, timberwolf actually has a lot of deep caves which are warm - i'm going to sleep 3h and go back... yes i'm taking the rifle and hatchet and bandage and antiseptic and painkillers sigh - from the hill i spot the first wolf on the other side of the ravine heading my way but he's far and on the other landing a wolf is busy chasing deer... i guess i should get my business done before he runs out of deer and rabbits - i wander if they'd accept a spare lantern as tollgate instead? - came back nicely tired oh i'm almost out of water and not much firewood either. dropped my only fir log into the fire and went out to pick up several sticks to finish boiling 2L i'm too tired to chop i guess i'll take care of this tomorrow, now sleep Day 56 - swiped out of the ski boots into insulated boots to lessen the weight - both wolves are taking vacation or i didn't see them in the fog - back on the higher level travelled to the other side to chop up three cedar limbs and gathered some rosehips - there is another rope drop area - came back to the cave, fatigue is big, slept 2h while the water boiled - boiled 10 cups of coffee, also lost my coffee in the pile of loot and barely found it in between salty crackers - boiled more water, ate my yummy peanut butter and slept This is my treasure cave.
  16. Make a bow and train archery for the future? You can find bows and arrows on voyager.
  17. That's a lot of science and training. You're going to be master at everything by the time you need to move. In terms of can openers, don't cans preserve without a can opener if your skill level is high enough? You don't lose calories without the opener once you're certain level, it might apply to keeping the cans too or not? You've arranged your bear meat so neatly in a row. That's funny. Somebody came back from 2% health? That sounds like a story.
  18. Day 53 - the sky is yellow like a cracked egg, it's breathtaking peering off the edge - ow! a sprain at the bottom of the rope, of course i'm carrying 4 hammers, i always take a couple of painkillers per trip - slept 2h to get rid of fatigue, coffee, i am going back up - knew it, snowing again, eternal Christmas, providing you have so much food of course - i haven't explored every nook at the top yet - gathering and strolling, here's a cave and an adventurer, more medicine, 2 coal - this is a good alternative to sleeping in the tail section - went back and broke the last green crate, cleaned the rifle from 24 to 97% hoped to get a rifle better but simply got a clean rifle - making a new ritual, boil 2 cups of coffee before sleep Day 54 - after 10h and herbal tea still not fully rested, lets do 2 more hours - whoa! a blizzard and -5C i had slept without any fire, it seems the cold snuck in late since i've taken no hits, this is dangerous - oh well, picked up lots of wood, crouched to make fire... ?? where's the blizzard? it's +3 i bet it decided to lure me out instead and get me when i'm far from shelter - can't stay here, let's go! - why am i moving slowly at the bottom of the rope? 30.02kg? 1 match overweight and I used the rope? weird - drag drag and drop drop, i want to take advantage of this weather, i think i can sleep 2h and head back up unless it changes - yep still good to climb, how lovely i'm not even freezing - checked every container, this is the last pack off the summit, i've taken everything that wasn't nailed down - coming out of the plane i notice a frozen guy on a tall boulder i haven't checked, aha how did that happen? candy bar, knife and 4 feathers! what a useful guy and i almost left him behind - lovely summit. pictures taken, blizzards conquered, if there are any other secret nooks i've given my best shot to find them - go back very tired, eat peanut butter and sleep
  19. Maybe that's because I was there before you and made them tired chasing me all over the map. I like that one too! Her voice isn't whiny when she says it, more like she's trying to talk the fire nicely into it. What annoys me more is her, 'I'm staaarving!' line. She always times it perfectly and says it very loudly when I'm sneaking past a wolf or a bear. Sure, let's remind the nice bear that he's staaaarving. Also, I've seem something interesting on that connector on voyager, but I'm keeping it hush hush.
  20. Day 52 - coffee and let's go back! the moon didn't hide yet, snow falls in big flakes, the sky is brown - i walk past the rope due to low visibility and then backtrack - even with all my clothes on it's around zero, the summit is extremely cold, but very beautiful, the top of the world, how I do love all tall places - I wander if I could push that airplane down the mountain and ride it like the sleigh. that would be one wild ride! Then I could crash into that moose and he instantly becomes a pile of cooked meat. Certainly faster than carrying fifty two lanterns down twenty ropes. - napped an hour, i'm going to explore the plateau and use charcoal from the campfire - taking it slow gathering and getting sticks, discovered a wing section, my clothes are getting soaked and it dropped below zero, i'm hiding inside the airplane - hmm grizzly airlines, makes me wander about the cargo i used to carry and whether that cargo is now loose on this mountain - broke two green crates and put my hacksaw to work: 4 heavy hammers, that's a doozie to drag down, i really will, got more tools - another compartment is for rifles, a 24% one and 30 rounds!!! hoho! - first aid compartment, i can get poisoned ten times it seems, 18pills against it - another clothes compartment, that's the one that had mittens, 2 expedition parkas (I set the world record! anybody else have 4 expeditions parkas on voyager at the same time?) 3 fisherman sweaters - i'm going to repair this fisherman sweater from 21% condition and replace my thick wool one. cannot sew? why? oh need a sewing kit, that's the ONLY thing I don't have - lets hacksaw another compartment maybe it has what i need, 5 pairs of pretty ruined work pants, they're heavy 0.75kg each! - tearing up these pants until sundown, they're a lot of work 1cloth for 30mins, mittens are 1 cloth per 10mins - made fire due to the sneaky killing weather and slept
  21. Reminds me of an anecdote about a mom shark teaching her kid how to eat tourists. MS: Swim up to them. Make 3 circles and then eat them. KS: Why can't I eat them right away? MS: Fine. Eat them with all the poop.
  22. You know what I meant, Ser Sneaky! In order to cook him you need to pick up his pieces and carry them. A wolf magnet right there. Voyager wolves aren't that lazy to pass up a bear steak. As for the cans, there's always a chance to find a can of poisoned peaches... then you'd have to eat them to free the can BUT you'll get the can. I'd read grab the book and read it while I'm comfortable since it always costs calories and it helps right away.
  23. For some reason I thought you were both sleeping at Hibernia and cooking. You did sniper the bear at Riken, but wounded he could have ran off anywhere and might be closer to another safe spot. How come the wolves aren't on your tail when you're harvesting the bear though? There were at least 3 in the area when I was visiting on voyager and they were a frisky bunch.
  24. So it is this big yard. I guess its name slipped my mind. It has two floors and a fire barrel. Your last screenshot shows some kind of nook though that doesn't look like it. Why build a fire on the floor when you have that barrel?