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Posts posted by odizzido

  1. Just use toothpaste with xylitol in it(or gum or whatever). That will kill wolves no problem but be harmless to people. I could kill a few dozen wolves IRL with the toothpaste I have right here in my house.


    As to whether this should be in the game.....eh. I'd say maybe if it's really rare to find Green Beaver Natural Toothpaste, but then it would end up being largely pointless. I think it's really hard to balance something like this.

  2. I tend to be interested in things that make it so I can see myself getting into trouble but also have time to fix it. Obviously I would only know how things play if I tried it, but my ideas are things like:

    Making wildlife much more rare but also drop more meat. You can see your food supply dropping and know you need more, but you won't find deer and wolves around every corner.


    Having buildings get colder/warmer depending on the temperature outside. This could be part of a larger thing where you can do things like improve the insulation of a home, have fires warm buildings with larger houses taking more wood to keep warm than smaller ones, etc.


    Extra long blizzards could be interesting too, possibly.


    Fat. Your character can put on or lose weight over time, depending on how much you eat. If you lose too much weight you start to lose carry capacity and eventually die.


    non-T1000, but existent, sleep regen. Currently our options are no regen at all or healing insanely fast


    Some things that just make sense. Using a big rock to break the ice at a fishing hut for example.


    Making it so even the best loot can be found on low loot settings(though very rarely). This would give more reason to explore.


    Greatly reducing or removing things like clothing decay inside houses. This would also encourage exploring even late game.

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  3. I completely agree with you. Obviously I want to be able to either jump, vault, or step over objects, but if none of those happen honestly I would want objects we cannot step over to be bright pink so I actually know where I can or cannot go. Most of the time it's only annoying, but I've been attacked by wolves/bears a number of times because I am heading in what appears to be a clear direction but then get stuck and have to turn around to fight the animal because I cannot lift my feet more than a few cm. If I had known there was a twig in the way I never would have gone the way I did. I find this sort of thing to be frustrating in a bad way.

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  4. Yeah I have been waiting for the patch to hit GoG too.

    Wizard - The next consoles should be a lot more powerful as I am pretty sure they're using ryzen CPUs. The current gen use CPUs designed for netbooks and the very moment the first ones rolled out of the factory they were slow and crappy for gaming machines.

  5. There isn't a best really, and it depends how you play. The bear coat offers some good protection which can be pretty useful if you're fighting wolves, but yes it's quite heavy. If wolves aren't a problem for you I would say stick with the lighter clothing. I would probably try to see what is a bigger threat to you, wolf melee damage or being slow.

    Also something to keep in mind, on lower loot settings the expedition parka cannot spawn and you're likely not as well armed, which can make the bear coat more attractive. It may simply be a bad choice if you have the expedition parka with how you play.

  6. I think that’s what modding is good for. People can tweak their experience to match their taste. 

    I fall on the more realiatic side myself, but I still know it’s a game. For example I modded space engineers to have more realistic hydrogen fuel. Previously you could “burn” ice for power but I changed it so you require more power(the actual amount it would take in real life if we could do it at 99% efficiency) than it gives. It was only a few hours of work and really changes it in a way that I like. I am looking forward to doing this in TLD too. 

  7. I think you can make do without a bedroll, but you either need to know the maps/game well, or you need to really take it slow and explore and possibly make supply caches as you go from known to unknown bed. Personally I don't find not having a bedroll to be horrid anymore, but when I first started playing this game is was pretty awful. It was like playing bed finder simulator 2000. I still hope we get the ability to choose to sleep anywhere, even if it's not a good choice.

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