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Everything posted by Looper

  1. While something could suggest otherwise - hopefully manageable hangovers Agreed - that seems like a simple tweak to make hunting rabbits with stones slightly harder.
  2. The point being? I only said I liked the trapping mechanic not that is was perfect.
  3. I guess you're right. My post had some suggestions - others have contributed with solutions. Point of the list is of course only to consolidate the different exploits that goes somewhat contrary to what was intended in the game. While it isn't an exploit - and therefore shouldn't have been put on the list - I still hope for a change to the stone throwing accuracy. Hitting a rabbit with a stone is very very hard in real life, but can be trained in TLD to work 9/10 times. Plus I really really think that the trapping mechanic deserves more love.
  4. Oh the blue light i forgot. Dont walk into "inside"-caves during day. Wait until night where you can see everything without a torch
  5. Agreed : forget the whole torch light-relight thing.
  6. Agreed - at least a insta-kill-zone should be added to the slope down from the top to avoid this.
  7. It means currently both fresh and cooked meat decays quite rapidly outside. But fresh meat can always be cooked and gain a lot of condition back (50 pct.) So you would always let your meat be fresh and even if its ruined, you can cook it to 50 pct. condition while cooked meat is just ruined. Basicly i seems fresh meat is always available for recooking. It seems somewhat counterintuitive. Maybe you're right that the fix is longer decay times but that would suggest maybe attracting wildlife. I would guess if you but 30 kg. of fresh meat littered outside your door you would attract a guest or two.
  8. Fellow survivors! I love the game - one of the only I play now a days. But from many post in the forums I've seen a lot of "this should be removed"-tricks and exploits and I've recognized a few on my own. I thought we should make list of game mechanics exploits that could be removed to make the game more realistic and/or as intended. Here are my suggestions or picks from other posts: Light fires inside fishing cabins with Mag.Lense (doesn't make sense) The infamous starvation trick (only eat 900 cals before bed) Drop bait to never miss a wolf with bow or rifle (maybe the radius of shifting to attack the player should be increased) Rabbit hunt with stones are too easy; should be nerfed to incentive the very fine traps in the game already (I mean, my god, have you tried in real life to hit anything with a small stone) Light campfire to break wolf tracking poised to attack (actually is this already removed?) Keep meat fresh not cooked outside to always be able to cook it to 50 pct. instead of cooking it Carcass are cold (freezing) outside - water and meat aren't. What do you think?
  9. It's been this way for some time. Actually I find it more realistic since a bear would have no trouble mauling you in a blind. Animal pathing gives plenty of options for exploiting as is. No need for change IMO.
  10. How do you see the long term difficulty increased to avoid stagnation / boredom? I.e. I really liked the cooking update since it increased mechanics, the need for gear, utility in houses etc.
  11. Will you remake the temperature system so that: water freeze outside meat freeze outside It seems illogical that carcass and clothes freeze but raw pieces of meat and water don't.
  12. I really like the new update since it makes the game more complex and slightly harder. But what are your considerations about raising the games skill ceiling for the experienced players while being kind to newcomers? Seems to me a lot of experienced players feel the boredom after ex. 30-50 days of interloper. At the same time introducing new features will have the risc of powercreep. I reallys see the potential in TLD to become "easy to learn, hard to master".