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Everything posted by -Silo-

  1. Looks like this angle came from a post by www.sausageroll.com.au on the subject. Interestingly enough (or not), I've never heard of the game until I saw the above mentioned. :-)
  2. -Silo-


    Wolverines perhaps? They reside in Canada do they not. Saw a few of em on the tv series 'Alone'. More dangerous than a wolf if bothering it, and also will eat your food resources if left outside 🙂 No more meat on the ground hey. 😄
  3. I would like to see the issue of selecting items in your inventory resolved. Who takes an item from their bag, throws it on the ground, then picks it up again to put it on the shelf? I am actually surprised that this action still exists after so long. When looking at an item in your bag there should be a choice as to what you want to do with it. I.e. Hold, use, take whatever. Not just eat or drop. Ever seen those pics of peeps out there who have very painstakingly stacked the shelves neatly, and all in order? Man, I do the same thing. And it takes a fair bit of determination to see it through. The other thing that still bugs me is, if and when you DO drop a heap of the same item, they drop in close groups together. YOU try and do that manually. Impossible. Why is that? Drop a bunch of food for example. then you try replicating that manually by picking it up and placing it close together or even on top. Nope. Ain't gonna work. I'd really like to place my container of pills a little closer together on the shelf! :-) Neat and tidy.
  4. -Silo-


    This topic most likely has already been discussed. But, at my 10 year old sons request I am here typing it in for him. He enjoys the game but he asked me one night, 'Dad, why can't we have multiplayer? Just like the TV series 'Alone' did. Well, they did it in one of the series anyway. Hmm...it is a good question I suppose. Can't really argue with that one. It WAS a survival program in Canada after all, if i am not wrong. There's a lot going on there that's similar I suppose. I actually thought that might be interesting. Being dropped off in far away parts, trying to reach each other and to survive. Well, it is my boys wish for the game in any case. Considered submitted :-) Now back to the game.