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Posts posted by MarrowStone

  1. Carcass Harvesting: 2

    (I've field dressed and processed the meat before, but I wouldn't say Im skilled.)

    Cooking: 1

    (I can keep the food safe, I cannot make things more complicated than a sandwhich however.)

    Fishing: 2

    (Used to do it a lot in my childhood. Not anymore.)

    Sewing: 1 (Thread instantly knots and tangles in my vicinity)


    Fire Starting: 3

    (Nearly a 4, I can make one with a bow drill. If theres an ember, dry enough fuel, and favorable wind I can reliably save it. )

    Gunsmithing: 1

    (I mean.. I could probably make a slamgun, potentially a trigger system if I had a workshop. Single shot weapons only. But it probably wouldn't be worth my time. Gunpowder? Forget it. )


    Rifle Firearm: 3 (I can hit the target very reliably, moving shots need work... )


    Revolver Firearm: 2

    (i suck at pulling trigger without moving the gun, but I can operate a pistol proficiently.)


    Archery: 1 (No practice or drawstrength)


    Cleaning: 35 (I can clean the gun, with the proper stuff. But Im prone to not and get the gun rusty from condensation.


    Repair: 50 (sure, Im very creative with how to patch things up.)

    Sharpening: 35 (I can hone an edge, but I can dull it with use in half the time. XD

    • Upvote 3
  2. s-l1200(1).thumb.webp.3d2f460fd8bbce660056d363fc89cbe6.webp

    I work at a park and in the office I saw a painting that very much reminded me of The Group of Seven. ^ The racoon one above! So I looked up the artist and it ended up being a print by Francis Lee Jacques. While not part of The Group of Seven, I found their art matches TLD very closely! 



    • Upvote 4
  3. Amazing ideas, all of them!

    When it comes to finite vs renewable, I think items for maintaining things should be renewable while the items themselves finite. So a scarcity of some item would only be due to a player's carelessness and lack of maitenence and not because they exhausted the supply of things to repair it! (TLDR Infinite rifles? No. Infinite repair kits? Yes. Cooking ingredients? Yes.) 

    A possible solution to this could be like adding the frostbite mechanic to some of the more game changing items, but not to an extreme degree. Something can only be "good as new" so many times after all, but that doesnt stop ot from becoming an heirloom. 

    Speaking of heirlooms, thatd be a cool mechanic! A favorite tool of yours could also recieve minor buffs for simply becoming an extension of your character, encouraging careful maitenence even more. So while it probably has a knock on durability or effectiveness from repeated repair, some other unique trait could keep you from wanting to part with it. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. I had this idea as well when playing ds3 ages ago, cant remeber if I proposed it. It would be cool even if it was simply finding another players journal and death stats, maybe with a random item in their inventory. 

    Also would be cool to hear gunshots or smouldering embers that someone recently placed down. Or dark souls notes. 

    Overall though Id want it mostly self contained, not afftect world loot. Just a small chip in the world and whispers of possible survivors. 

  5. 16 hours ago, JackTrysGames said:

    The Revolver is literally not a Hunting weapon.

    I am aware, especially in-game.  I just mean it would further differentiate its role from other weapons available. 

    IRL where I live .357 can be used for deer, which the gun in-game seems to be an MR 73 that can fire such a round (Though it can also fire the much weaker .38 Special too..) 

  6. 57 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:

    I've been to the bottom of several of these types of mines (albeit in Nevada, US) and did not notice any temperature difference.  We'll see!

    There's a sinkhole in utah that is frequently the coldest temperature in the lower US. Similar basins can be much colder than even the peaks of nearby mountains!

    I assume a strip mine without an outlet for cold air to sink into would also have this phenomenon. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. This is an amazing update! The first person presence will be much more immersive. ^^. Also I didn't expect an open pit strip mine! I feel like this'll be my new favorite region. 

    I wonder if the pit will be super cold at the bottom due to cold air being unable to escape!

    I'm so hopeful for what's to come!

    Also, I'm very interested in what those new projects are. :o

    • Upvote 1
  8. Years ago I had an uneasy feeling while I was on some hilly forested terrain, cant remember  where now. I wanna say on the way up Timberwolf Mountain or the edge of Mysterly lake where there was a possible bunker.

      But I could swear that there was another set of footsteps nearby that waited till I was moving to resume. Though the footsteps were less of a clunk of boots and more like snowflakes rustling in the wind.

    I felt I was being stalked! It was probably just some weird echo or bug of my own character's steps but it really spooked me!

  9. On 7/19/2023 at 7:19 PM, conanjaguar said:

    I could have sworn there was a broken bridge between the two areas.

    Creepypasta time?

    There Is.You go through crumbling highway and to Abandoned Harris Home Just beyond that is a broken bridge that goes over a creek full of dead trees where wolves like to ambush you. 

    You cannot cross the bridge tho, only go around. 

    There's a safe bridge before the raven falls trestle. It leads into a tunnel which might be misremembered as a mine.

    Theres also a bridge just before the derailment in where you cross the fallen tree thats an "alternate route" other than the usual path through birch trees by a cave. Its a dead end though. 


    • Upvote 1
  10. Asking for it to be skippable is in no way unreasonable, impatient, or entitled.

    Why cant we suggest a change that respects our time? Especially a change that doesn't remove the warning? How is that mere request "blown out of proportion"?

    Some of yall acting like respectfully questioning the devs descisions is blasphemy. That is what's blown out of proportion. 

    They said they're working on a solution now, so it sounds like our request was heard and adjustments are being made. That eouldnt have happened if we all wouldnt have said anything. 

    if the 2,602 daily peak of players rn watched 10 seconds of extra time, thats 18 days of all those players cumulative time gone. In a year of booting once a day theyd all lose 6,504 days cumulatively staring at a disclaimer theyve seen plenty of times. 

    • Upvote 2
  11. 16 hours ago, Cattleman said:

    Lol... I really have to chuckle at this one... Have things really gotten to the point that folks dont have enough patience to wait a couple handfuls of seconds for entertainment??? Just my 2 cents.

    It's a quality of life suggestion. But you worded the issue in such a reductivist way so as to invalidate people's frustrations. 


    Imagine if every time you started your car you were forced to listen to 10 seconds of warning for following speed limits, then another 10 for drunk driving, then suddenly there's another 10 for needing a license one day. And say its a crappy car that takes the average time a pc takes to turn on and boot up a game to start. Those seconds add up.  


    You dont have enough patience to handle waiting another handful of seconds for transportation? Just wake up ealier and get home later. Wait 30 seconds every time you work on the engine and start the car to check if everything works. Mechanics would go insane. 

    • Like 1
  12. 20 hours ago, conanjaguar said:

    That was the best mod in Half Life 2 history, had a blast playing it.

    “So, um… they build test chambers here. And test the… testability.”

    ”For what?”

    ”For, uh, testing.”

    To be faur, I was referencing the Wilson in the movie Castaway. But I'd love to see how it's used in that mod!