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Posts posted by piddy3825

  1. 12 minutes ago, Semple Fi said:


     No issues with crashing/extra glitches because of the Place Anywhere mod?

    or having to wipe and reinstall…

    You have a link to it?

    No, no issues with crashing.  The mods themselves are incredibly stable.  You can pretty much add and delete mods without any issues.  The most noticeable thing for example would be that all the furniture that I've crafted like the shelves and chairs would disappear if I uninstalled the mod.  As to the mod place anywhere, if I were to uninstall that now, the in-game items will still be where I place them.  The only thing would be without the mod, I wouldn't be able to put some things back in place if I were to take them down.

    If you're interested in modding your game, you will need to download Melon Loader and update your pc's .net runtime as well as download and install the various mods.  Super easy as matter of fact.  Here are the links to everything you'll need - 

    Releases · LavaGang/MelonLoader (

    Download .NET 6.0 (Linux, macOS, and Windows) (

    The Long Dark - Mod List (

    If you've questions at modding your game, you can actually talk to the mod authors themselves on the TLD modding discord channel, here's the link to them as well -

    • Discord | #general | The Long Dark Modding

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Semple Fi said:

    I’ve thought of mods, but I’ve been hesitant to permanently alter the game

    Perhaps I just don’t know enough about mods

    There are some very clever mods out there that really enhance the quality of game play without sacrificing any core game playing mechanics, usually referred to as quality-of-life mods.  Place Anywhere is one of the qol mods that simply improve on the existing underlying mechanics in the game.  Having the ability to stack items or hang items on walls merely improve the aesthetics in the game and have no bearing whatsoever on the mechanics governing the game.  Of course, the food items in the game are consumable, but in my games, I don't consume them, rather I display them.  

    At this point, I myself, as are many other players, am patiently waiting for the rest of the intended enhancements to the game to be developed and implemented.  So looking forward to finally getting the trader into the game, and more so for the implementation of the base customization dlc.    The game sure has come a long way since the "curing in place" glitch was discovered by one of the players here so many years ago.

    • Upvote 2
  3. @Semple Fi
    well, besides obviously playing with some mods, but thanks to the mod Place Anywhere I was able to "stage" those items on the walls.  The furniture mod DIY Furniture is also heavily featured with the shelves, tables and chairs and the hanging hooks.  The hooks just are the right thing to make it look proper imho.  Took me about 15 hours irl picking each item up and putting it somewhere.  Definitely a labor of love!

    • Upvote 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

    Nice! That must have been a LOT of work.

    Do you mind if we label this as Fan Art, to avoid confusion where people might see this and think it's the actual Trader coming in TALES? Thanks! (We can edit the thread title for you.)

    Thank you,
    and yes, please label as such as I would hate to cause any issues because of my passion for this game.  And again, thank you for taking the time out to notice.  It took me quite a while to build this little encampment!

    • Upvote 5
  5. Just left Trapper's on my way to the Far Territories when I stumbled across this encampment. 



    Looks like somebody has set up shop here?    It appears the fabled trader has set up shop in the ole Poacher's Camp in Forlorn Muskeg!



    tanning racks and quarters bags


    Must have just killed a bear!



    looks like a great spot to rest



    Trader must eat petty well - dining al fresco


    Trader sure has quite the life, eh?


    Looks like the evening approaches



    let's go look inside



    checking out the front of the trading post



    stepping inside for the first time


    from the items on display, you can see the trader gets around


    looks like there's quite a little bit of everything



    what a tremendous assortment of items



    trader's got extra pillows under their bed



    some one of a kind munchies to be had



    I'd dare to say a pretty impressive amount of gear to be hauling around


    For all your hardware needs, rifles and pistols and lamps!  Oh my!


    always time for a little bit of reading


    nothing better than a charcuterie table with a spectacular view 


    now if I only could find the Trader...
    I got some caps I'd like to spend




























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  6. 51 minutes ago, Smellyfries said:

    Considering Mukluks are my favorite boots in game, I'd visit that store very often.

    *I also spent way too long trying to determine if there was a Mukluk in the fridge*

    Anyway, I got 3 bear hides and 4 rabbit pelts in change, is that enough for one?

    That's all I got on me right now, been difficult to get more since the AHMs went out...

    lol, for that I'll give you a bogo from the mismatched section as well!

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    Yeah, that is what I am hoping for as well. Not an NPC sitting in only one spot, but showing up randomly, or some sort of notice we find if they are in the same region as we are and want to make a trade of some sort. They are stuck on the island the same as we are- unless it is Methuselah (magically appearing at significant times- Santathesulah!) (<<<kidding). So they should be out trying to scrounge up food and supplies like we are, though they may have a hidden stash of things they scavenged from all over the island after the other islanders left or died.


    5 hours ago, Cr41g said:

    I don't expect the trader to set up shop anywhere... in fact I am hoping he isn't static at all.. more of a nomad like we are and you may or may not run into him anywhere at any time on any map.....

    I dunno, but my two cents is that we won't ever see the trader.  I suspect that the handheld radio will be used to make contact with the trader during an aurora.  When they do make contact, arrangements will be made to meet at a drop location where the trader will drop off the goods and our hero will drop off their payment.  The only evidence of actually "seeing" them will be that the bartered trade will have been completed.  That way, the player still never sees another living person thereby keeping that sense of loneliness and isolation intact as an integral part of the game.  

    • Upvote 5
  8. 2 hours ago, Ronger97 said:

    it makes me think that Cougars have a set territory that is their own outside of when they invade your own area. So there's a chance your nomadic adventures may cause you to accidentially walk directly into the (mountain)Lion's den

    In that case I am hoping that it is a static location so that whenever I get the urge for cougar kabobs, I can seek out his den and have him for lunch!

    • Upvote 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Vinceofpyrenees said:

    I am worried about how cougars will be implemented.

    As they are described, it means that if I keep moving relatively quickly from region to region, I'll never see one. But I am already a nomad. 🥲 I won't be able to enjoy of this great addition to the game.


    I think you make a valid point here.  I play fairly similar in that I am pretty much constantly moving from region to region typically only staying as long as it takes me to loot the area and to set up a couple of camps.  Usually not longer than a few weeks.  Based on the description of the cougar's behavior I'll only run into the cougar if I choose to "camp out" for longer periods of time, basically using my presences as "bait."  I was kinda hoping that there might be some random encounters where I might just come across a big cat while it is feeding on a deer or something like that.  

    I guess we won't be using the cougar to run down a deer and steal his dinner like we can do with the wolf pack.

    • Upvote 3
  10. 4 hours ago, Merrak said:

    I've actually looked up both of those mods in the past but ultimate have always decided to just lay it out this way. I don't know why, but there's something satisfying to me to have all of it like this!

    I'm definitely looking forward to base customization though! It's my more desired upcoming feature from TALES.

    No worries, it's all good.  Play the way you wanna play!  If anything at all, I hope Hinterland takes a lesson from the modding community and really does the game justice by vastly improving the current item handling mechanic.  I really just wanna be able to hang stuff on walls and put stuff on top of each other, you know what I mean?

  11. Nice accumulation of gear! 

    If you are playing on pc, I'd suggest looking into a couple of mods that will really help you to stage your homebase without having to merely lay items on the floor, although you did a marvelous job from the pics.  I would suggest DIY Furniture which will allow you to craft some shelves and crates that you can put object on and in, and my favorite mod Place Anywhere with will allow you to stack items as well as hang stuff from walls too finally allowing a player to utilize that top shelf.  

    I don't know about you, but I am eagerly looking forward to seeing what the improvements to the game will be when the base customization dlc drops.  

    • Upvote 1
  12. 4 hours ago, ArchimedesLP said:

    I actually tried to use "curing in place" for this first but unfortunately it only works "indoors" and the defined indoors area for the hut is a rectangular solid that excludes the triangular roof!

    Yeah, I tried holding up a bear pelt up to the roof from the inside once many years ago trying to use the curing in place glitch and the attempt proved futile.  I did however use it pretty extensively hanging hides on the walls throughout my various base camps!  Love the fact you have fleshed this glitch out and aired it here! 

    Now, please figure out another way to use a frying pan to create a makeshift bridge at the cannery in Bleak Inlet!  

  13. I do love the mountaineer's hut as one of my favorite bases and also love using exploits like this to accomplish tasks in the game that are otherwise impossible to complete without the use of mods!  quick shout out to @ajb1978 for having introduced me to the "curing in place" glitch so many years ago!  

  14. 3 hours ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

    We're still here. Working away on various things, as always.

    (I try not to say (anymore) "dev diary in X weeks" or whatever because if something comes up internally that delays it, folks just get salty about that.)

    One cool thing is that you don't have to be snide or a downer about stuff to show how much you love TLD!

    ya know, that's all we need from y'all ever so often.  just a little stage presence every so often does so much to keep player morale boosted.  Thanks for gracing the forums!

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  15. 37 minutes ago, Semple Fi said:

    Doesn’t this reasoning then contribute to the OP’s point?  If you boil the water to the POTABLE point, it would’ve been BOILING water.  

    I’m sure the devs kept that out for balance of play, but in theory, it’s boiling water.  So it’s hot.  

    Op said, I guess water right after melting should privide a bit of warmth for a reduce period of time.  which technically wouldn't be possible as the snow just has melted and would not yet be boiled.  So no, since the player can use the water purification pills when the water has melted, but has not yet boiled.   anyway...

  16. 3 hours ago, Leeanda said:

    Did a mod ever turn up for different spray paint?

    I believe I can spawn it in using the dev console.  Haven't tried it recently but I think it should work.  Gonna have to check it out the next time I play!

    • Upvote 1
  17. 2 hours ago, I_eat_only_wolf_meat said:

    Piddy is saying that the moment the last of the ice (or snow) melts the water would be close to zero C.  It can't go higher than that because the heat is going into making the phase change between ice and water.  After all the ice is completely melted, the fire can start increasing the temperature of the water.

    Well said!
    Exactly that.  It's just basic science.  At the point the last of the snow melts, we are only half there in the "cooking" cycle before the water reaches boiling temperatures and is considered hot.  The player can stop the "cooking" cycle at the point the snow has melted into water and treat said liquid with water purification tablets.  The water is then potable but is certainly not hot and most definitely not warm.  

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