A map editor


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It would be really cool if the player could make own maps with the ability to place building, items and make the terrain. I gets boring playing the same maps on and on. It should have a feature to share maps online and download your friends maps. I know that the game is still in alpha but maybe when it lunches it would be awesome.

I love you hinterland and keep up the great work.

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I can't believe this post has not had any replies to it. A map editor is an awesome idea!!!

I've spent hours creating content in 'Stranded Deep' using the in game map editor, I've had hours of fun creating content. Introducing a map editor can help take some of the pressure off the devs regarding new content if they let the community do some of the work. This will also allow some experimentation from the players and i'm excited to see what new ideas the community comes up with. I think map creation would go a long way to further the sandbox experience.

This post needs more love and attention.

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Just look at Cities XL, Sim city and Cities skyline? Its very popular I agree! However their map tools need to be at a very detail level to make it worth while!

I think the problem will be how would players make maps and have it so it can be change? Like if players added their own items how will it be interacted with? Like I make a chair in max and then exported to the map editor is there some function so features in the game can then be used on it?

Perhaps they could be a restricted list of what can be made that works and what cant? So preset animal will work with it? So if players make a chair then there is preset animation or jpeg to turn it into pieces of wood?

But I think its a good idea so more items creations can be added to the game! :)

It could also be that items are created in the game like in fallout 4 so all the mechanics is there from the start? So there won't really need to be a separate editor unless its needed.

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I think 'Stranded Deep' has a pretty solid map editor, objects like locker's and toolboxes respond to user interaction and wildlife just do their own thing swimming around and whatnot. Thing's like weather are still random and player can't set these. Objects can be placed in different ways X/Y/Z axis and rotated to any position which means the same objects can be used differently. It's easy to use too, I didn't need to read how to use it as it was fairly self explanatory.

I don't think it has to be complex, just getting the basics in place that can be built upon and fleshed out later is probably the best way to go. It is alpha after all, but I'd definitely be interested in creating some content of my own.

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It would be really cool if the player could make own maps with the ability to place building, items and make the terrain. I gets boring playing the same maps on and on. It should have a feature to share maps online and download your friends maps. I know that the game is still in alpha but maybe when it lunches it would be awesome.

I love you hinterland and keep up the great work.


I agree and sign the wishlist.

Several games have this available. I think The Long Dark not only needs it, but would benefit from it. Sharing maps would generate interest. And thus, more revenue for you. ;)

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The map editor should have the ability to make terrain, add trees, place locations(camp office, trappers cabin), place objects and edit the rarity of them spawning, set blizzard rarity, set animal spawns and stuff like that. Thats what i would want i n a map editor.

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The map editor should have the ability to make terrain, add trees, place locations(camp office, trappers cabin), place objects and edit the rarity of them spawning, set blizzard rarity, set animal spawns and stuff like that. Thats what i would want i n a map editor.

Maybe eating, drinking & sleeping necessity also? I never heard of someone dying from not sleeping for 1 day.

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This is actually a really cool idea, I could just imagine like a wave based map, the first day you spawn, you are trapped in this outdoor hut(shed). And get a rifle with tons of ammo. But then, BEARS OUT OF NOWHERE COME RUNNING DOWN A HILL! Oh christ, if that comes out, it will be so much fun.

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