Wolf pathing issues


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it would appear that the wolves have some serious pathing issues when pursuing/approaching you. they tend to strafe and zig zig their way to you even if the path is clear and uncluttered. Is this intended or is it something you intend to fix. its really annoying when your trying to aim ya bow at the incoming wolf and it looks like its playing MW3 to get to you. I'm sure this contributes to a lot of unnecessary deaths.

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In earlier versions, the wolves would just do a straight path -- however it made for rather unexciting gameplay because you could just take your time and point at one spot knowing you would get a hit. Once you realized there really wasn't much chance or danger of missing very often, it became sort of "meh", and you pretty much just let it run up to you each time for an easy shot...

With the additional little zig zags that might happen, you suddenly had to make conscious decision of when to shoot. Try and hit it while it was still further away (even though it was a tougher shot), or do you wait until the wolf is almost at your face to get a closer more dangerous shot...

Best part is when that little path zag at the last moment misses, and you suddenly feel a sense of panic because now you know you have to face a damaging battle :twisted:

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I think some parts of the wolves seem well made, while others parts need work. I had a wolf scare me as he seemed to be charging straight for me, but then I realized he was just chasing a rabbit. He didn't seem to care that I was 5-10 feet away from him. I guess I considered that to be a well made mechanic because he was way to busy eating the rabbit to worry about me.

Other times the wolves seem poorly made when I saw a wolf walk in a straight line and then do a 180 degree turn and start walking back the other way because it had walked to the end of its patrol area path. Wolves feel a little fake or rigged when they do something like that.

I have only taken down about 5 wolves so far (with 2 missed shots and been attacked). I don't have a ton of experience in this, but there was one pathing problem that bugged me. I was trying to sneak past a wolf by a derailed train cart. I knew a wolf was nearby and I was almost directly above him on an overhanging ledge. The wolf walked up a very steep side that I personally couldn't walk up. He had his back to me, but he instantly turned around when I had vision on him again. He ran straight up the hill then came onto the ledge I was perched on. He was going crazy with his zig zags as he charged at me. It was nearly impossible for me to get a decent head shot. I missed my shot and he injured me pretty badly. My other headshots or misses seemed pretty fair with some slight zig zags.

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its really annoying when your trying to aim ya bow at the incoming wolf and it looks like its playing MW3 to get to you. I'm sure this contributes to a lot of unnecessary deaths.

Except it's real easy to overcome. Just keep some scraps of meat on you (press ESC while eating meat to obtain some), and throw them on the ground as a decoy (other food items may work as well - chocolate, beef jerky).

Be sure to take a few steps back, and wait for the wolf to take the bait... BOOM! Headshot!

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