big wishlist


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Hej all,

I just completetd the "one with nature" achivement after visiting all maps exept DP and with 99 locations discovered and I want to add some of my Ideas to the discussion of this incredibly good game.

I try not to repeat Ideas from others, if I eventually do so, then I just did not read them.

1. Carcasses

they should appear in different stages of harvesting (without skin, they should appear differently) or beeing harvested (or ravaged) so that only bones and blood remain after completly harvested.

2. Fish-weight

I think its a balance thing, but fishes are way too heavy, even cooked. But fish is even more cal/kg-ineffective than rabbit. If fishing shall not become that easily, I think you should catch less fish/time or smaller fish/time, with some exeptions of luck, but weight should definitive be reduced drastically. (last time i camped for 30 days in a fishing hut, because i didnt feel, that i could move my 50kg COOKED fish....)

3. rabbit cal

Its just too less. I dont hunt rabbits if I wana eat, I hunt them for their skin, to get clothing

4. storm lanterns fuel

Storm lanterns are found like sand on the beach. I hate wasting anything and carry them all to my base camp. it would be much cooler, if I could get the fuel out of them and just carry this, because I dont need their scrap metal.

5. having sheaths for fluid things (dunno, if this is proper english, but the intention is out of where do you get loads of plastic water bottles when you melt snow?)

new gameplay element. would make sense I think, you maybe can have the capacity of 1 or 2 l at the beginning and if you want to carry more water than this, you have to find them or mabe craft some sort of sheaths from the stomaches of animals? also storage places like toilets could be refillable.

6. bones

I wanna build something from bones. (early and fragile) arrowheads, needles, knives, cook glue from them (new crafting element), ... effigies to scare wolfes off :)

7. long game sense

I think you need around 100-200 days to get everywhere and see evreything and eat the most non-natural things, that you find. Last time i started to get the achievements to not get bored (exept the silent hunter i have all, now)

I started also to drop my skins on the bottom to make a carpet (bearskin in front of my bed and in front of my door) after i nearly completly destroyed my bases interior for fire wood i feel, that i want to rebuild it. (deer and wolf heads on the walls, curtains of skin and so) i would use my time not only to sleep and eat, but also to create something, which can take also tons of hours. culture belongs also to the human race.

8. more clothing from animalskin

i want to have also a toque and scarf from skin and an inner layer. (maybe with less weight in general, with all my basic equipment i am around 26-27kg all the time)

9. fish baits

why should fishs take my hook? worms could be selected from rotten carcasses

(btw i understand the idea, that freshwater fish is smaller that seawater fish, but that you cant unlock the achivement for fishing on ML took me far too long and was really frustrating)

10. wolfskin cloth

more a question - do wolfes really avoid me sometimes when I wear it or is this just part of the current wolf interaction, that they sometimes flee, when they see me? even Fluffy ran one time away before he attacked (or at least tried, poor fluffy had only 4 kg, when I found him) If not, i would like to implement this as it is promissed in the description.

11. drag carcasses

sometimes it should be possible to drag carcasses somewhere to harvest them - why would i not take a rabbit inside, instead of freezing outside while harvesting?

12. allways check the back seats... not possible from the front seats :( (did anyone ever find anything behind the visor of a car?)

13. seasonal impacts

big topic. when i am 200 days alive, i managed it at least trough 6 months. i think, the wheater should change according to the current season (which would set hunting and storaging in the summer time and sleeping and eating more in the winter time) also the time of daylight should change. but first lets see, what the storymode will explain about this topic. (I was in Lappland in RL and you dont have 13h of sun in winter, should be the same with canada. by the way on the way to Narvik in norway i felt like i was in the game and i wanted to grab a gun and hunt down wolfes^^. It looked so awesome simular, good job Hinterland team!)

14. achivements

new ones for killing a bear (, killing the first wolf, killing the first deer?)

actualise the one for the animal skins (the trousers are not needed yet)

15. map

what about a map the caracter draws from the way he or she went when he or she enters a house (so that you can not have a quick look at the map when you have no idea where you are at the beginning) this would help me to search for places, i allways miss, because they are white on the map (and where can i reselect the map in TM?

16. crow feathers

should be blown away from wind...

17. crows

could also sit on carcasses and fly away when the player approaches

I think for the moment this was all, that was in my mind :)

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1. While it is an option, but do we really need it ? Its a lot of work to be done to devs, that would come at expense of something else.

2. Ability to transfer fuel between mediums has been requested for a long time. Why cant i pour fuel from 3-4 separate partial jerrycans into one ? Lanterns are from same category.

5. Im a bit conflicted about this one. While need to use an actual containers to store water would make it far more logical and realistic, it would also add a lot of micromanagement and would require to have salvageable containers, like tin cans, new bottled drinks that would be stored in various bottles and allow player to salvage those once done with that juice/soda. And it would require implementation of bigger containers to store water separately, like pots and barrels.

If those done, then sure, otherwise whole water part will become a major pain in the arse.

6. Ohh yes, bones has been proposed to be used for pretty much everything, starting with needles and fishhooks and ending with makeshift knifes and spears. still not a peep from devs on that part.

7. I dont think its a good idea. It would make game way 2 boring. Some kind of conditioning would make far more sense. Depending on how well player eats, how much he moves around(that shit with ppl hibernating weeks at the time to get longer game duration got to go), sleeps, when he was sick last time, etc. Dynamic change to various stats, alongside with skills that encompass everything, starting with running and ending with cooking and even snow melting.

8. Player wardrobe could use a lot more stuff, alongside new ways to make those. Why i cant make wolfskin underpants - feel the animal power between my legs ? Why cant i fix wolf-skin coat with deer hide patches ? Why does it take whole friggin skin to patch a few holes ?

9. Actually any type of meat will do, especially if its rotten, then its even better. Maybe yet another crating option, to make bait.

12. Yes, annoying to have exit car every time you wannt to look around. Maybe simply allow player to lean over when hes on back seat.

15. viewtopic.php?f=59&t=9260

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1. While it is an option, but do we really need it ? Its a lot of work to be done to devs, that would come at expense of something else.

2. Ability to transfer fuel between mediums has been requested for a long time. Why cant i pour fuel from 3-4 separate partial jerrycans into one ? Lanterns are from same category.

5. Im a bit conflicted about this one. While need to use an actual containers to store water would make it far more logical and realistic, it would also add a lot of micromanagement and would require to have salvageable containers, like tin cans, new bottled drinks that would be stored in various bottles and allow player to salvage those once done with that juice/soda. And it would require implementation of bigger containers to store water separately, like pots and barrels.

If those done, then sure, otherwise whole water part will become a major pain in the arse.

6. Ohh yes, bones has been proposed to be used for pretty much everything, starting with needles and fishhooks and ending with makeshift knifes and spears. still not a peep from devs on that part.

7. I dont think its a good idea. It would make game way 2 boring. Some kind of conditioning would make far more sense. Depending on how well player eats, how much he moves around(that shit with ppl hibernating weeks at the time to get longer game duration got to go), sleeps, when he was sick last time, etc. Dynamic change to various stats, alongside with skills that encompass everything, starting with running and ending with cooking and even snow melting.

8. Player wardrobe could use a lot more stuff, alongside new ways to make those. Why i cant make wolfskin underpants - feel the animal power between my legs ? Why cant i fix wolf-skin coat with deer hide patches ? Why does it take whole friggin skin to patch a few holes ?

9. Actually any type of meat will do, especially if its rotten, then its even better. Maybe yet another crating option, to make bait.

12. Yes, annoying to have exit car every time you wannt to look around. Maybe simply allow player to lean over when hes on back seat.

15. viewtopic.php?f=59&t=9260

1. I dont think thats much work, compared to other, just one model from the complete dead animal, one without skin and one with the things, that are left, like bones, head, legs, ... but it would be more realistic and sometimes easier, when you not need to go to a frozen carcass, which has nothing left. maybe my description was not that good.

2. I completly agree^^

5. of cause it shouldnt mean tooo much micromanagement (like i want to drink 0,67l water after 12h rest and i have to use two 0,5l bottles). my idea was more, to limit the quantity of water, that you can carry at once. and plastic bottles and a handcraft solution should be enough.

7. the problem is after some hours in the game you have nothing left to do, you have enough water, food and wood. getting more, would mean to let it rot to nothing. You could go to another map but this would mean to loose all cooked food, so you will stay and sleep and eat and sleep until nothing is left. there are no other possibilities right now. for those times i wish some creative activity. but I also like those ideas about stat-changes.

8. i feel alright with the repair mechanics, its a bit challenging and i always try to have evry skin in preparation. after one longer stay in another map i needed to reduce weight before changing the map, so i repaired everything, even for 12 or 8%^^

15. ah thanks, cool idea

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1. Ahh, ok, i thought it was more that that.

5. Yes, but where would one store excessive water ? Because i dont wannt a system that would force me to make fire every day just to fill those 2 bottles, since i have no other means of storing it.

7. That is a problem with lack of activities in the world. Once player explored all 5 areas, and hoarded everything of value, there is hardly anything left to do but sleep and occasional hunting run, with water boiling.

Thats why i think that this game need more dynamic events, both unique(for example, like helicopter flying over and crashing in the gulf on CH and then slowly sinking due to burning fuel, that has a chance to occure at random time of the day while player is present in randomly assigned area while being on CH, with those values and checks changing every day - so player can eventually get it, but there is no way to stage it) and repetitive, like animal migration(so for duration of 2-3 weeks there is no game left in area, but rabbits, wolves moved on with the deer) or fuel runs(just came up with it today - we have a friggin plane in Timberwolf Mountain, with engines all over the place, that should score quite significant amount, read: shitload, of jet fuel that is essentially a high-quality kerosene, so its even better than what we get from all those jerrycans) or bunch of other randomly occurring events that can take place in current conditions. Add undefined electromagnetic anomaly on top of it and possibilities are endless.

Ahh, and food preservation durations in the game are completely ridonculous. For both meat and canned/packed goods. Everything spoils at the speed on loght while being in sub-zero conditions like 99% of the time. How absurd is that ? There has been examples of ppl eating meats that has been frozen for tens of thousands of years, yet in LD youl get a food poisoning from a chunk of cooked meat taken from a deer that was running around just a week ago, just because it managed to somehow spoil while being most of that time below zero. WTF

8. Im a stickler and hoarder. I completely despise current repair system. Be it need to spend whole hide or inability to patch smaller holes with less resources. I think that both hides and cloth should be cuttable into smaller patches for faster and more effective repairs(its a rule of the thumb, the lesser is the damage, the easier it is to repair) - im forced to either sit on my arse and do nothing or waste half of cloth to repair a scarf. Problem is not as much as how much hide repairs, but excess of those hides.

Wolves are right now extremely easy to kill, by simply knifing them, you dont even need a bow or a rifle. And it also provides player with a huge amount of easy meat, that also upsets balance in terms of whole survival part. Id prefer less but better, than more and subpar.

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1. Carcasses

they should appear in different stages of harvesting (without skin, they should appear differently) or beeing harvested (or ravaged) so that only bones and blood remain after completly harvested.

+1 on that one, since has always slightly bugged me. I was always convinced, that it was a planed feature, but on a lower priority, after all the game mechanics have been fleshed out.

2. Fish-weight

I think its a balance thing, but fishes are way too heavy, even cooked. But fish is even more cal/kg-ineffective than rabbit. If fishing shall not become that easily, I think you should catch less fish/time or smaller fish/time, with some exeptions of luck, but weight should definitive be reduced drastically. (last time i camped for 30 days in a fishing hut, because i didnt feel, that i could move my 50kg COOKED fish....)

Another +1 on that one, some fishes have unrealistic low carlorie counts in the game (the have lot of LDL cholestorine / fat)

3. rabbit cal

Its just too less. I dont hunt rabbits if I wana eat, I hunt them for their skin, to get clothing

Sadly I think rabbit calories are fine. See Wiki: Rabbit Starvation or search on the forums for "rabbit starvation". :( They have a lot of proteins but barely carbs or fat.

4. storm lanterns fuel

Storm lanterns are found like sand on the beach. I hate wasting anything and carry them all to my base camp. it would be much cooler, if I could get the fuel out of them and just carry this, because I dont need their scrap metal.

I think _all_ tools have way too high spawn rate (i am talking about stalker mode, don't know much about other modes) as it is in V.302.

5. having sheaths for fluid things (dunno, if this is proper english, but the intention is out of where do you get loads of plastic water bottles when you melt snow?)

new gameplay element. would make sense I think, you maybe can have the capacity of 1 or 2 l at the beginning and if you want to carry more water than this, you have to find them or mabe craft some sort of sheaths from the stomaches of animals? also storage places like toilets could be refillable.

I like it! No more just cooking up 100L of water, then drop 100 1L bottles on the floor that you "magically" got and be done with making any water for another few ingame weeks.

6. bones

I wanna build something from bones. (early and fragile) arrowheads, needles, knives, cook glue from them (new crafting element), ... effigies to scare wolfes off :)

Something with different stats, like having higher piercing, but lower endurance? :f

9. fish baits

why should fishs take my hook? worms could be selected from rotten carcasses

(btw i understand the idea, that freshwater fish is smaller that seawater fish, but that you cant unlock the achivement for fishing on ML took me far too long and was really frustrating)

You can fish without a bait, by just using spoon-bat ("Blinker" in german). Althou, that should use up some metal, to make them...

17. crows

could also sit on carcasses and fly away when the player approaches

Loving it! Such "small" details, can add yet another layer of love for details to the game.

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I like the idea of the sheaths. It could be something as simple as the water bottles you pick up along the way. You could only keep as much water as you have water bottles to hold. This could also hold true for Reishi and Rose Hip Tea too. On a somewhat related note, why is toilet water potable? Wouldn't it make more sense to need to purify that?

As for the carcasses, they do have at least two different animations for them already. The ravaged carcass and the normal one. It shouldn't be too hard to add a few more of those. I like that idea. Then you can tell if there is anything left on the animal before you approach it. I really like the idea of being able to drag carcasses, or pick up rabbits to harvest elsewhere. Being able to make something out of the bones sounds good too, though might be an added complexity that isn't needed.

I also agree that we need a way to make a hat with furs. I would take it one step further. I'd like to see us be able to make the clothing items out of any furs. Why not let us make bearskin coats, or wolf skin boots? They could have different ratings as well as different hours of labour needed to craft.

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5. Yes, but where would one store excessive water ? Because i dont wannt a system that would force me to make fire every day just to fill those 2 bottles, since i have no other means of storing it.

what about buckets and water cans? 10-20l is much water.

Everything spoils at the speed on loght while being in sub-zero conditions like 99% of the time. How absurd is that ? There has been examples of ppl eating meats that has been frozen for tens of thousands of years, yet in LD youl get a food poisoning from a chunk of cooked meat taken from a deer that was running around just a week ago, just because it managed to somehow spoil while being most of that time below zero. WTF


I think that both hides and cloth should be cuttable into smaller patches for faster and more effective repairs(its a rule of the thumb, the lesser is the damage, the easier it is to repair)

i like that idea. Although the current system forces you to make the choice between wasting skin for 100% repairs and having troubles with temperature if not. It makes it a bit more challenging.

You can fish without a bait, by just using spoon-bat ("Blinker" in german). Althou, that should use up some metal, to make them...

I am no fishermen, but I thought that those dont work for all kind of fish? but in general a good idea

Something with different stats, like having higher piercing, but lower endurance? :f

like that^^

Sadly I think rabbit calories are fine. See Wiki: Rabbit Starvation or search on the forums for "rabbit starvation". :( They have a lot of proteins but barely carbs or fat.

Didnt knew that. Then its fine, the way it is.

On a somewhat related note, why is toilet water potable? Wouldn't it make more sense to need to purify that?

it would make way more sense, then COOKING water from snow (not the yellow one^^)

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Ive been thinking about bucket and a step further. Boil water in a bucket, take it outside, let it freeze, knock an icicle out, put it on a shelf and you get urself "stored" lump of ice. As long as it stays below zero, all player need is to break off a piece and melt it and he got a few liters of clean good water. And you dont even need bunch of buckets to store it all, or any containers on that matter.

Im pretty sure that those "blinkers" wont work. Or at least will be extremely ineffective. Theres a layer of ice and snow on top of the lake/river. Its dark down there, so blinker wont have enough light to reflect that would attract fish.

Toilet water is potable because its taken from a tank, not bowl. So its just regular drinking water.

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  • 3 weeks later...

15 is a big one for me. It's annoying not knowing where I'm going. I'm sure a pencil would exist somewhere. A sheet or two of paper as well. Maybe a tablet? Maybe a solar charger? I mean, it's the wilds of Canada! I have a solar charger and I live in NJ. Actually, I own 2.

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