Moveable Furniture?


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Here's an idea I thought about just last night as I was spending some time in my base. It would be a neat feature to be able to move furniture inside buildings (certain containers, beds, workbenches, basins, fire barrels, etc.). It's probably only me, but I think that it would be a neat feature to be able to re-organize your indoor living space. Moving the furniture would take calories and time, and could work similar to how placing storm lanterns in the world does. Thoughts on this idea?


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It's definitely not just you, TheJosht3r -- I'd also love to be able to move certain things around. I don't really expect to move big things like beds, dining tables, shelves, and so on, but I would really like to move the metal boxes, plastic containers, and chairs at least.

I'd also really like to be able to "clean up" some of the decorative clutter that's around, like the scraps of newspaper on some of the floors and open cans on the counters. I'd like to be able to put cupboard doors back on and push drawers back into the dressers. Actually, it really affects my gameplay that we can't do this; I don't like the farmhouse in PV because of all the creepy children's toys upstairs, so I stay at Signal Hill.

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It's definitely not just you, TheJosht3r -- I'd also love to be able to move certain things around. I don't really expect to move big things like beds, dining tables, shelves, and so on, but I would really like to move the metal boxes, plastic containers, and chairs at least.

I'd also really like to be able to "clean up" some of the decorative clutter that's around, like the scraps of newspaper on some of the floors and open cans on the counters. I'd like to be able to put cupboard doors back on and push drawers back into the dressers. Actually, it really affects my gameplay that we can't do this; I don't like the farmhouse in PV because of all the creepy children's toys upstairs, so I stay at Signal Hill.


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I'd also really like to be able to "clean up" some of the decorative clutter that's around, like the scraps of newspaper on some of the floors and open cans on the counters. I'd like to be able to put cupboard doors back on and push drawers back into the dressers.

This. I think a lot of players would appreciate more possibilities to customize their base. The first thing would be to tidy up. The newspaper pieces scattered throughout the Farmhouse make me nervous as well, I want to put them away. The next thing that comes to mind - setting the chairs and cushions upright. That chair lying on the floor near the big stove really bugs me, it usually ends up being turned into firewood.

Another way to customize your base that would be really awesome: putting things on the walls. Rearranging pictures, or maybe hang animal skins there...

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I'd also really like to be able to "clean up" some of the decorative clutter that's around, like the scraps of newspaper on some of the floors and open cans on the counters. I'd like to be able to put cupboard doors back on and push drawers back into the dressers.

This. I think a lot of players would appreciate more possibilities to customize their base. The first thing would be to tidy up. The newspaper pieces scattered throughout the Farmhouse make me nervous as well, I want to put them away. The next thing that comes to mind - setting the chairs and cushions upright. That chair lying on the floor near the big stove really bugs me, it usually ends up being turned into firewood.

Another way to customize your base that would be really awesome: putting things on the walls. Rearranging pictures, or maybe hang animal skins there...

Love it!

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