Independent temperatures for each body part


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I recently started a game with some beat-up running shoes that wore out quite quickly. I put off looking for leather to repair them, so I ended up running around with no shoes on. I realized that I could not possibly run around barefoot in snow without major consequences in real life. In TLD, your body temperature seems to be an average overall number, that doesn't take into consideration how quickly extremities (hands, feet, ears, etc.) become cold without proper protection. When I am out in the cold, no matter how warm my jacket is, my fingers will eventually go numb without good mittens on. I think this system could be implemented in a similar manner to the first aid screen, with a picture showing all the different body parts, and maybe different colours depending on how cold they are. To take it even further, if your hands were too cold, things such as skinning animals or lighting a fire could take longer. If you did nothing to warm them up, you would have to deal with frostbite. Just like when you sprain your wrist and can't use weapons. That way, if you went outside with a wolf skin coat but no boots, you would have to act fast or face realistic consequences.

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Interesting indeed. But existing model is not bad. And to walk barefoot below zero is the short way to lose the limbs and die... And of course, the realization of the new and much more sophisticated model must be really challenging and therefore time consuming...

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Interesting indeed. But existing model is not bad. And to walk barefoot below zero is the short way to lose the limbs and die... And of course, the realization of the new and much more sophisticated model must be really challenging and therefore time consuming...

Good idea but I agree implementation would be difficult.

Especially since you start the game with a random load-out of clothes. If you start without mitts and your hands freeze by the time you find firewood that would be a little punishing.

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I agree that the implementation would be difficult. As for the time it takes for frostbite to kick in, it would not happen instantly, it would just mean you couldn't be too picky about when and where you got that fire going to warm up your hands. I also agree that you sometimes have to run around barefoot when the 23% running shoes you spawned with quickly disintegrate. You could still go outside, but you would not be able to go far without going inside or building a fire.

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