Story Mode: NPCs are 2D drawings?


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I'm always worried about how would NPCs going to look and act(AI) like in TLD.

When I watched the Story Mode trailer I'm noticed that the characters/NPCs in the video are something like 2D drawings moved on each other.

I wonder if that's how would they appear in the final game?

I think the trailer contains actual cutscenes from the game. And if the NPCs are 2D in cutscenes, than how would they look like in the actual game? Maybe they would appear in cutscenes only?!

For example let's talk about the scenario where the two guy beat the third one. How would they appear in the game? Would I see them from far distance if the weather is clear? Or they would magically appear as I getting closer and trigger the event/cutscene?

As long as I keep them in sight would I see them constantly beating the third guy(doing whatever they supposed to do)? If they're 2D than would they always face towards the protagonist? No matter where I came from to that location would they always facing towards me?

Guys, what do you think?

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I believe, that they will be more than just 2D cutscenes I am hoping that there will be friendly NPC and you can trade with them, as for the hostile ones I have no idea how that will work, they will have to add melee combat mechanic which will brake the originality of the game and contradict wolf fighting as well. My best guess is that they will use some technique like in the Sherlock homes movie where combat freezes and you have some options like punch in the gut, put your guard up, punch in the face or better yet they should go with boxing terms like: Uppercut, Cross, Jab, Hook and for defense: slipping, Bobbing, Pull away, footwork. As you char. raises the fighting skill they could use more advanced fighting styles like: rope-a-dope, Bolo punch(my personal favorite). YES this would be best option to fit in this game since it strives for realism anyway what could be more real from boxing. Ninjitzu or Karate work well in the movies but in real life boxing how most of people fight although knowing some aikido tricks is helpful when it comes fighting for survival Boxing or kick-boxing is the best technique that you can imply to defend yourself.

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Well, since the character is supposed to be a bush pilot and not a professional boxer or streetfighter from what we know so far, I'm guessing that the melee fighting will be very basic "random punching" and wild swings.

Also, from what we've experienced so far, I believe the NPC models will be polygon in nature and I think we have already seen that with the "frozen corpses" we find in sandbox mode

Speaking of which, I wish that we could either harvest meat from those corpses (Disgusting, yes I know), or if they are no good to eat then they should probably be more mummified looking or skeletal in nature.

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Well, since the character is supposed to be a bush pilot and not a professional boxer or streetfighter from what we know so far, I'm guessing that the melee fighting will be very basic "random punching" and wild swings.

Also, from what we've experienced so far, I believe the NPC models will be polygon in nature and I think we have already seen that with the "frozen corpses" we find in sandbox mode

Speaking of which, I wish that we could either harvest meat from those corpses (Disgusting, yes I know), or if they are no good to eat then they should probably be more mummified looking or skeletal in nature.

Or better yes strip their clothes off sure they would be low percentage but a cloth is a cloth you can always use them to repair other stuff, and in TM finding cloth is hard. Also it depends on what kind of pilot he is maybe he had military background then they go in same training as regular military and believe me they know how to fight boxing and techniques.

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Thanks for all the replies! You may be right, and that's just the concept of the trailer.

Do you think NPCs are going to behave like the wolves? I mean, are they going to be in specified areas or could they appear anywhere on the map randomly? Do you think the fighting mechanics would be the same like when you fighting a wolf? I mean the wolf-struggle.

Strange but there isn't much post about NPCs in the forum. Are you not interested about them? I don't think they will introduce NPCs in the sandbox mode to test it out by the community, so I'm a bit worried about how would they look and behave.

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It will be a big change but it will happen. I don't know how it will work but I am sure that is not going to be just swinging a melee weapon. if they are using similar mech. like the wolf fights they could do it like this:

1. First stage both you and the NPC are on your feet and garbing each other by the neck.

2. Second, if you win this stage you both fell on the ground and you are on the top, else you are at the bottom.

3. Third stage if you are at the top you win by killing the NPC otherwise if you are at the bottom you push the NPC away, and again you begin with stage one if you loose at the bottom well game over.

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