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I love to play the long dark and nieces and nephews love to watch even down to the age of 7 or so are riveted by wandering in the snowy wilderness and running away from wolves.

The only thing I would like to change is the image on the condition/medical screen to look somewhat clothed. It would be better when a kid sees it that they don't think or say "Why is that person naked?!" lol

Just a request from a family gamer :D

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Why? What's wrong with the naked body?

Answer: there's nothing wrong with the body, it's just that our puritanical heritage makes us super-uptight about it.

Now it even has you worried what your 7 year old nieces and nephews are going to think when they see a highly stylized resemblance of the human body.

Kids are probably not going to think a whole lot about it. Did you know that in the original 'Operation' game the guy didn't have any underpants? And that's a kid's game!


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Seriously? Americans are so strange with this... You don't mind your children seeing wolf\bear mailings, blood and guts, dead corpses lying around etc but you are worried about a styalised picture of the human body? What is it you are trying to protect your children from exactly??

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Didn't mean to start a debate!

I know us U.S. people are generally very prude but lax with other things such as violence but cultures are whatever they are. I'm not really worried and obviously still playing the game with them and having a great time :)

I just thought of it in the way of would I be Ok to have that image in a normal corporate setting or something like that. Also, they are not my kids so I just didn't want to risk offending anyone's sensibilities and thought it might not be a terrible difficult option to make available.

Happy survival!

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+1 to the original post -- Another US fellow here (no surprise), who would appreciate the option to have a less realistic/*more* stylized representation of the body on the status screen - would love to have a simple outline/silhouette option.

Nothing wrong with wanting options, folks.

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