Multiple paths to apply First Aid


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Seconding 'First Aid - Consume From Inventory' post.

After my first wolf mauling, I'm bleeding, but as a newbie I don't pull up the Health Status screen because I've never noticed the First Aid button before (because I've never been hurt before? is it there but grayed-out as un-selectable so I'll know it's a potential path?).

I do know that I have bandages in my pack to stop the bleeding, but when I go to Inventory and pull up the Bandage item I can't use it...perhaps a now-non-grayed-out 'Equip' or 'Use' button can smoothly take me to the First Aid screen so I don't waste time (or have to go read the manual...)

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whenever you get hurt, there should be a first aid button right in the character menu. If you have sufficient medical supplies there should be other buttons for immediate use of them. You also can do it right from the inventory. It´s weird that it´s grayed out for you. Sure you have enough bandages? ;)

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You can't consume straight from inventory, or can you? I can't, I think I did try it in the newest version too.

I often go to the inventory first and only after I clicked on the first aid supply I realize I have to go to the first aid tab to use/consume them.

That's why I made this post TacticAlly is seconding.

There is simply no "use" option, and the "actions" option is greyed out on the meds in the inventory.

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They re-did the UI so it sort of works from one angle and not the other. The proper way to address conditions is though the health UI click on the body icon at top. The other icon is how it used to be done and it doesn't work right that way anymore.

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