Clothing degradation Q in backpack not worn vs container?


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this probably should go to devs.

1. Does clothes degrade the same if they are in your backpack (not worn) vs in regular container? Of course if its worn it degrades the fastest.

2. does clothing degrade the same if they let say dropped on the floor indoors vs in container?

Thank you

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Clothes degrade faster on the floor than they do in a container, of that much I'm sure.

I believe clothes in your backpack degrade faster than in a container, but slower than dropped on the floor. But I'm not sure of this.

Clothes worn degrade the fastest, especially when you're walking in a blizzard.

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Clothes degrade faster on the floor than they do in a container, of that much I'm sure.

I believe clothes in your backpack degrade faster than in a container, but slower than dropped on the floor. But I'm not sure of this.

Clothes worn degrade the fastest, especially when you're walking in a blizzard.

or mauled by a bear or wolf. i also discoverd that falling tears your clothes. sadly the survivor is a total clutz and takes a fall every time s/he leaves shelter.

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Clothing not worn degrades slower than clothing worn (in backpack) I'm pretty sure. I'm also pretty sure that clothing in a container degrades slower than clothing left on the floor. I say pretty sure because it's been a while since I tested it and things could have changed. I don't really consider it an issue anymore since cloth is now super abundant as well as repair kits (both are virtually limitless) and hides shouldn't be a problem either unless you aren't killing a variety of animals. I always end up with more hides than I ever need for repairs and I sleep with my clothes on all the time. I've tested sleeping with clothes on vs taking them off and the difference is arguably trivial especially with the abundance of repair materials. Harsh wind (indicated by a windchill of -3 or less) will degrade clothing at a considerably higher rate, but i still never worry about it because of abundant repair materials. What does wreck your clothing pretty fast is wolf attacks and especially bear attacks.

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