two bugs in Timberwolf Mountain


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im just gonna make this short and sweet, as i am excited to jump back in and get to playing again :P

but in the stone cabin, when breaking down the shelf directly to the right of the trap door, the cup resting on the shelf floats in mid-air.

and walking just behind the stone cabin gathering firewood, i randomly recieved a sprained wrist and ankle out of nowhere. i didnt fall from any height at all, i was walking along just slightly sloped ground at the time.

hope this helps :)

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well i was off gathering wood, so when im making small runs like that i keep a very light weight.

just going off of routine, this is what i most likely had on me: my hatchet, a box of wooden matches, two torches (one equiped to help stave off freezing,) two flares, 0.50 L of water, and 1 kg of venison or wolf meat for snacking. and my condition was probably somewhere between 60 and 70 percent at the time. :)

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Yeh I have also sprained my ankle twice now near that area, it looks like a smooth mound of snow to walk up down but going down it suddenly drops for some reason causing a sprain.

here are coords with approx area.




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I been spraining my wrist and ankle quite a lot of times in Timberwolf Moutain as well. Sometimes when just walking over higher terrain, close to rocks or when trying to sprint\run over a tree limb (<- Most common). Weird thing is that when it happens I have that small game freezing (like when you fall from a no fatal height breaking a bone). I thought this was a nmormal feature in the game, but I found out that in the stats screen it says that I did fall from a height, so I'm starting to believe this is a glitch indeed.

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