Knife or hatchet as weapons, melee combat


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I have tried to hunt a bear with my rifle, but I didn't realized that I had only a bullet, so I have shot, I hit the bear and he attacks me. The face of the bear fills all my screen and I just can't do anything but watch how the bear kills me :lol: Is there any way to defend yourself in this situation, a melee combat? Is it possible to use your knife or hatchet?

PD: By the way, I survived, 7% life, I play on Easiest and I am a walking farmacy :lol:

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The bear is an unstoppable killing machine.

Nothing a normal human being could do would make a bit of difference, which is simulated by not giving you anything you can do during the bear attack.

I have to disagree with this statement. If the species were Grizzly, Kodiak, or Polar, I would agree with you whole-heartedly as one of these could take off a person's head with a single swipe. But we are talking Blacks here, although apex preditors in their own right, as well as the species most often in conflict with humans, they are somewhat smaller than their cousins and can be (and have been) fought off by normal people.

That said, the black bear IS the apex preditor in the game and as such may be treated as if it were one of it's much larger cousins.

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  • 2 weeks later...
So first...don't attach bears without flares. That includes wolves. Drop a flare between you and your target, and they can't charge you.

Secondly, melee combat vs bears doesn't work. The more your squirm the more they attack you. So play dead. Don't move. You may live.

thanks for this. because of this post, i was able to kill 5 wolves in 2 days, including fluffy, and for the first time survive past day 5 in voyager mode (9d4h22m) bofore dying from hypothermia because i stayed out side to long after forgetting to wear a premium jacket and mittens i found in the trappers safe.

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So first...don't attach bears without flares. That includes wolves. Drop a flare between you and your target, and they can't charge you.

Secondly, melee combat vs bears doesn't work. The more your squirm the more they attack you. So play dead. Don't move. You may live.

Thanx for the idea :D Although I still like the idea of using my knife as a weapon.

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I didn't say a torch. I said a flare. Also you have to drop the lit flare between you and the bear, not hold it.

Torches work just as well as flares and you won't be attacked if you hold either a lit torch or a lit flare. Unless you get too close to the wolf/ bear that is. If a predator notices you it will come towards you and stop at a certain distance. If you move closer to the predator without giving it time to move away, you will come too close and it will attack despite of the fire.

Instead of using a torch or flare, you can also light a fire and stand behind that.

Thanx for the idea :D Although I still like the idea of using my knife as a weapon.

You can't fight a bear in TLD. If you get sttacked by a bear it will almost kill you and walk away (if your condition was high anyway, don't know what will happen if your condition is already low).

When you're fighting a wolf, your best weapon (knife, hatchet, prybar, in that order) will be used automatically. It is therefor important to always carry a knife. I don't know how the improvised knife and hatchet fit into this list or if the hammer might be used as a weapon as well.

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You can't fight a bear in TLD. If you get sttacked by a bear it will almost kill you and walk away (if your condition was high anyway, don't know what will happen if your condition is already low).

I died on about day 25 to it.

I think I was around 72% from a wolf attack (damn thing changed angles on the terrain about 4 times as it came at me), I set up camp like "oh well, best recover from that wolf" then woke up with a damn bear there, I'd not seen one for miles in pleasant valley and I'd killed the one near the homestead - I shot it in the head but it got me - I think I should have sprinted but I was fatigued so carry weight was a bit harsh.

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