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Everything posted by General_Zod

  1. I have tried to do this without luck. Anyone know a way to reheat a pie?
  2. I have found them all over the place. You have to listen to the bird noises/clucking - and just follow. I found them in Broken Railroad and Mystery Lake.
  3. Flour, in general, if kept dry lasts an extremely long time before going "bad". I loaded up a 155 day save on Interloper, and found a flour at 0%. I get Interloper is tougher and things decay faster - but flour shouldn't really decay/spoil like that. Seems to be not a big deal - I can still use it in recipes at 0% (ruined). Just have to be careful to not store it or it will disappear like other items do at 0%.
  4. Yeah I found the same in the basement of the cabin overlooking Broken Railroad.